The Rizzo's Stop By 💙

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Anthony called Aaron and asked him if he and Emily can come over and have dinner with him and Sarah and of course Aaron smiled widely and agreed.

Aaron and I were prepping dinner and beginning to cook it when the doorbell rang.

Aaron: I will get the door honey.
Me: Okay love. Also pick up Jeter before you open the door he's like a mini speed racer.
Aaron: Haha yeah sure honey.

As Aaron opened the door Anthony smiled with Emily holding their little puppy Juju.

Aaron: Come in guys.
Emily: Thanks Aaron.
Aaron: Welcome.

I ran over to Emily to give her a hug and over the past couple of months I have gotten close with her and we text a lot.

Anthony and Emily sat at the island while Jeter and Juju were chewing their squeak toys by the back door so we could watch them.

As soon as dinner was ready we pulled chairs to the island and just sat there and talked.

Anthony: So what has been up with you two?
Me: Oh we are renewing our wedding vows and we got Jeter.
Anthony: You know we love you both.
Me: I'm glad you guys do.
Emily: Sarah a little birdie told me you wanted to get married in Italy is that true?
Me: That would be a dream of mine. I have always wanted a kiss by the Trevi Fountain and you know just fall in love all over again in Italy. Many people think France or England even Greece but me it is Italy. Something about it.
Emily: Hm. 😁 Maybe one day.
Me: Yeah maybe.
Emily: Aaron did she tell you about this?
Aaron: Briefly but I didn't know how much she loved and wanted it.
Anthony: I think it would be good for you guys.
Aaron: Yeah I think it would be also.
Anthony: How about the next time we go you guys tag along?
Aaron: Yeah that would be great.
Anthony: Good.

While Anthony was chatting with Aaron Emily and I walked outside while the guys watched the pups.

Emily: Sarah I'm glad you are happy again.
Me: Me also. I didn't think happiness was a thing for me but I don't know a lot changed about Aaron since we have gotten back together and I have been just myself. Like he doesn't mind that I wake him up in the morning with kisses on the face and he doesn't mind that I sometimes bring him breakfast in bed and he just doesn't mind that I just love being curled up into him with his warmth around me.
Emily: Does he do the same for you?
Me: Yeah he does. When I was taking a break with baseball guys I was talking to this Italian guy in Brooklyn who's mom owns a bakery and he just reminded me how much I loved Italy. How much I appreciated the culture and just the food. To love the food and to appreciate the aspect of family is just nice.
Emily: I understand completely trust me. It is nice to see that you care about that though and I see how much you missed Aaron and how much you care about him.

Emily and I walked back inside and we heard the guys laughing over something and the dogs were in their arms. They both smiled at us and we knew they were going to have a long friendship because it was just very nice.

Aaron: What were you ladies chatting about?
Me: Just Italy.
Aaron: You really want to go there don't you honey bun?
Me: Yeah I would really love to go with you one day and maybe go with these two.
Anthony: I know you both will love it because Emily and I never get sick of it when we go because every single time we go there is always something new to see. It is like the country changes every single day and you never know what you are going to see.
Emily: Yeah honey you are right.
Anthony: When I met Emily she was eating a cannoli and I was cracking up because she's a health nut which she got me eating better at times.
Me: It is nice that you help each other out.
Anthony: Yeah we do. I mean I just fell in love with her when I saw her because she was such a foodie and when my parents met her they knew she was the one for me. They just knew it.
Aaron: Yeah that was my parents with Sarah. They loved her as soon as they saw her. It was like she blended in and then she met my brother John and he loved her also. Even when we weren't together he and my parents still checked on Sarah from time to time.
Emily: That's soo nice. I love that.

Dessert was this cannoli cake Aaron and I made from scratch and trust me we were kinda scared on how it was going to come out.

Anthony: You guys this is amazing. Did you guys buy this cake?
Me: Actually no we made it. I got the recipe from this guy I used to like and he had a bakery with his family in Brooklyn.
Emily: Is this the guy you told me about Sarah?
Me: Yep. I still talk to him sometimes and Aaron met him a couple. He's married now with two kids. His wife reminds me of you Emily. We will take you guys to the bakery tomorrow if you want.
Anthony: Yeah we would love to go.
Emily: Yeah we don't have anything to do. Even if I'm a health nut I like going to bakery and trying new foods.
Me: Good. You will love this family. They are very down to earth just all around great people.
Aaron: They are really cool people. Joey has met them a couple of times and he goes with his mom there a lot to get their fruit cake which is heavenly. Sarah had me try it when we got back together and I swear she made me eat all the strawberries because she's allergic to them.
Anthony: So that is why I brought the cake to the clubhouse for Aaron's birthday and you ate the chocolate one instead.
Me: Mhm. I have to be careful. 😂 Strawberries are used a lot in baking these days and even in salads. I eat anything with strawberries in it and my skin becomes itchy as ever.
Emily: Oh goodness. Okay now I know. It becomes like sun burn right?
Me: Yep similar to that but very very itchy.
Emily: Yeah we need to keep you away from that. Anything else you allergic to?
Me: Cherries.
Emily: Oh I don't eat cherries much like my parents do but now I know to keep cherries and strawberries out.
Me: Yep. They give me the same reaction.
Aaron: One time she broke out and I was scared so I put her in the tub with some lavender and she was fine.
Me: It was sweet that he cared. Even Jeter was barking like he knew something was wrong which was cute also.
Aaron: I have a right to be concerned about my lady.
Me: Yes I know. 🥺 Thank you. 💙

He gave me a kiss on the cheek with a smiling Anthony and Emily looking at us.

It was a productive night and I'm glad we got to talk to two people we loved a lot. 💙

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