Grant calls Sarah. The Tough Memories. Cody Making Decisions.

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Cody was getting ready for Spring Training with the Dodgers and I was with my kids downstairs when Jenn called me earlier and said she and Clay would take the kids for the day. I thought it was a good idea since they sometimes FaceTime my parents but they don't see their grandparents here. It is nice to have them enjoy the times that in the future they will miss.

So the kids were gone.......and Sarah was bored. She didn't want to bother Cody because he gets angry when people bother him.

As she continued to watch the cooking channel her phone rang and she looked down and saw a name she didn't think she was going to see in a long time.


She picked up and then Grant was actually balling on the other end.

Grant: Sarah!
Me: What's wrong Grant?!
Grant: Anna left me!
Me: Anna wouldn't just leave you like that without a reason.
Grant: She did and to be honest I can't sign these divorce papers. Apparently she's with Cameron now and I don't want to bother her.
Me: Let me call her then I will call you back.
Grant: *sniff* okay. 😭

As I hung up with one chicken nugget I called the other chicken nugget.

Anna picked up on the second ring.

Anna: Hi Sarah. What's up?
Me: Hi. What happened with Grant?
Anna: He wants to be an asshole!
Me: Anna Rachel!
Anna: Sarah you know how I hate when you call me that!
Me: Anna!
Anna: Sahara!
Me: Anna I am not Dr. Phil and I can't be solving Grant and Anna's issues all the time. Please talk to him because he says you are with Cameron now.
Anna: I was with Cameron he wants me back with Grant but honestly speaking how do I even trust someone like him anymore Sarah! I see the way these twats look at him and I am not having it anymore! That's why I brought up the divorce papers.
Me: Anna! You listen to me right now! I do not want you guys thinking divorce in gonna work when you guys have barely been married yet.
Anna: You are right. I should have called you first.
Me: Anna who said you weren't strong enough to realize that you are what he needs and exactly what he wants. I knew that since the day you told me you liked him and had feelings for him. Why now do you decide to just throw everything away!?!!
Anna: You are right Sarah. I guess I looked back at how things ended with you and Josh that I thought it would have been the same with Grant.
Me: Anna listen do not compare Josh and I and what we had to what you and Grant had. The boy would travel thousands of miles for you, he would take a bullet for you, he would have wanted kids with you if you asked him. Anna when things get rough you don't just run away without facing them. Now I want you to call him and I want you to explain to him why you thought divorce was the only answer and then I want you two to come visit me before he deploys again.
Anna: I am thinking about coming to you soon and I have to see what is going to happen with us.
Me: Anna you jumped into the blizzard faster than you jumped into the rain.
Anna: I guess I'm tough huh.
Me: You are more than tough and to be honest do not compare to what I could have had with Josh. Not everyone can say they can marry or date "The Warriors of America" without having the heart and guts to go along with it. You have it Anna. I know you have it! You are walking through America with him and I know he wants you there for everything he is about to earn from this job that helps him help you and help his country. You are strong Anna! Now please go back to him and stop the nonsense!
Anna: Okay. Thank you for the talk Sarah. Is he home?
Me: He said he's at the base but he will let them know when you let you in or even better you should call him to see what is going to happen. Let me know how it goes.
Anna: Okay girlie. Love you.
Me: Love you too sista!

As I hung up the phone with her I called Grant back.

He picked up automatically.

Grant: Is she coming?
Me: Yeah she is. I knocked some sense into her. Now I am going to do the same to you. I do not want you two acting like this again! Do you hear me Pretty Boy?!?
Grant: Yeah Sarah. I hear you.
Me: Good now go kiss your woman and no more twank bitches! Comprende!
Grant: Yeah I got you!
Me: I mean it Pretty Boy! Don't make me fly all the way to the base to beat your ass one! No more little celery sticks on your social media accounts. I am going to make Anna check even when you two are sitting on the couch watching your country movies.
Grant: Okay okay. Don't bite me.
Me: I will if you keep up your antics mister! Now go kiss your woman before I come and do something that I'm going to regret later in life.
Grant: Okay okay. Bye Sarah.
Me: Good bye Grant is a pain in my arse!

I hung up the phone on him and to be honest Cody just came down the stairs from packing and he sat next to me with a smile on his face.

Me: What is with the smile?
Cody: Always mending other fences but you can't mend your own.
Me: My fences are fine.
Cody: Yeah I guess for now but I know you still care about Joshua.
Me: No I don't. He barely gives two damn shits about me anymore.
Cody: Sarah my parents are taking the kids to NJ this week to see your parents I want you to go see Josh.
Me: Cody I don't need to see Josh. I don't need to see him. He hurt me. I jumped too far also and hurt myself.
Cody: Sarah please.
Me: Fine maybe. I will think about it.
Cody: Okay. :)

Cody pulled me into a hug before he walked into the kitchen to start dinner for us.

Sarah's POV:

This trip was going to be painful honestly but I knew for some reason maybe I needed closure with "Mr. Aquamarine." 😒 God give me strength. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙏🏻

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