Brooklyn Thoughts...Pt.2

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A couple of hours after Joey left I knew I could never want Cody back again. Cody really did not have his brain going in the right direction and I didn't want to be a part of his life anymore. I know that makes me sound like a horrible person but he should have known how bad of an influence Chase was on him and now I'm not gonna go back and save his ass anymore. I was completely fed up with everything that I just wanted to block his number and have everything I ever remembered of him disappear and that is exactly what happened. I wanted nothing to do with him.

An hour later Aaron walked through the door with a smile on his face.

Aaron: Hey Sarah, how was everything with Joey?
Me: Hey A, he was such a sweetheart I really like having him around. Maybe I will invite him over for lunch tomorrow I want to get to know him more.
Aaron: I knew you were going to say that because I went to practice today and he said you were such great company and he really likes you Sarah. He wants to help you out with things even when I'm not around.
Me: You know Aaron he reminds me a lot of you just in a totally different time zone.
Aaron: Yeah I like that you think that way about him. He was telling me low key he has been used by soo many girls and I felt bad for him because to be honest Sarah when he was alone I had you and maybe he deserves someone who cares deeply about him and I told him he would find that person one day.
Me: I told him to come to me if he needed anything and he said he would. I'm glad he put his trust in me.
Aaron: Sarah there are only soo many chances you can give a person and maybe you gave Cody way way too many chances to fix his shit and he still hasn't fixed it and that isn't your issue that is his issue. I don't want you to see or talk to Cody anymore Sarah I'm sorry. I stopped talking to him because I do not want to be involved with the person he has become.
Me: I thought I was the only one who saw this.
Aaron: No Sarah you aren't the only one a billion of other people see it also and they seem to be on the same train track with us.
Me: Im glad. Anyways how was your date with that girl.
Aaron: Actually the girl was Anthony Rizzo's cousin Reena. She was a sweet girl and I really want you to meet her because I told her about you and she wants to get to know you. I told her maybe one day and she smiled and agreed with me. I'm actually having dinner with her in an hour but if you need anything just call me okay?
Me: Yeah sure I will call if anything. Say hi to her for me.
Aaron: I will love see you soon. Call Joey if you want he's home probably helping his mom with his dog.
Me: Yeah I might take you up on that.

Aaron walked out the door out to his car and as soon as he waved and drove away I called up Joey.

He picked up on the first ring.

Joey: Hi Sarah!
Me: Hey Joey!
Joey: How are you?
Me: Im okay. Are you busy?
Joey: My mom just left with the pup so if you want to come over you can.
Me: Yeah I think im going to do you want me to bring anything?
Joey: Nope im good. See you in a few!
Me: Okay! See you!!

About an hour later I was at Joey's and we were sitting on his couch watching some cooking show. Yes I was shocked he actually took cooking notes but I couldn't tell him that was making me fall for him way too fast because I didn't want to scare him away.

Joey: Sarah?
Me: Mhm.
Joey: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, Aaron came over earlier and he has a new girlfriend now and it is Reena Rizzo.
Joey: Yeah he told me he was dating Reena. How do you feel about that?
Me: I mean she seems like a nice person but I'm just protective over him. I mean I was married to him once and I had two kids with him who came out amazing but honestly I don't like random women coming into his life and messing up his heart.
Joey: Sarah he told me you were like that that is why he wants Reena to meet you since you always see things us guys don't with women. Maybe when you meet her you will see how she really is but to Aaron she seems like a nice person.
Me: Yeah I mean by the way he talks about her yeah she does. I am going to invite her over to dinner with him one day just to see how she is for him.
Joey: I think that's a good idea. I know how much you still love and care about him Sarah.
Me: I really do. He helped me a lot like I helped him and yeah we had our ups and downs but I was the happiest I had ever been with him.
Joey: Yeah I can tell just by the way your eyes light up when you talk about him. I wish a woman talked about me like that.
Me: Someone will one day Joey. Trust me I might have to help you find one but for right now I want you to find out who you are before you share your life long term with someone.
Joey: Aaron told me about your history with Bellinger.
Me: Yeah let's just say I'm tired of his shit. He has gone back to his old ways and I told myself that's enough I cannot do this anymore. I have given this man soo many chances and my time is up.
Joey: I'm proud of you for realizing you deserve better Sarah. We all do! All the good people in this world deserve someone to love them like they should be loved. I know you are going to find someone one day who is exactly like how your marriage was with Judge.
Me: I look forward to that. I think about it a lot.
Joey: That's a good thing.

A couple of seconds later the door bell rang and he walked to the door and his mom was back.

Joey's Mom: Hi you must be Sarah.
Me: Yes that is me and it is nice to meet you.
Joey's Mom: You as well. Thank you for keeping Joey company. He doesn't have many friends outside of the team.
Me: Im glad. I actually met him through Judge.
Joey's mom: Oh you did! That's so nice! Who are you to Judge?
Me: Im his ex wife. We have two kids together but they are grown and in college already.
Joey's mom: Oh wow okay. That's wonderful.
Me: Yeah, I have had a lot of bumps in the road I'm just finding who I am right now while checking on my kids and being a mom.
Joey's mom: I'm glad. I love a woman who knows she deserves more than she got or is getting.
Me: Yeah that's me. Anyways I should be going because I have to finish cleaning stuff around my new place but you can come over anytime you guys want the door is open for you.
Joey's mom: Thank you honey it was nice meeting you. Text Joey your address.
Me: I will. See you guys soon!
Joey: See you Sarah.

Joey and his mom went to sit in the kitchen and she gave him the brightest smile.

Mom: Joey honey I like her a lot for you.
Joey: Mom she is trying to find herself give her space.
Mom: Honey I am going to give her space but I know she loves having you around. You know I do talk to Judge also and he tells me how much you like her. She's good for you and maybe you are what she needs but only time can tell.
Joey: Yeah maybe.
Mom: Think about this honey because women like Sarah don't come around all the time gotta take them when they are still single.
Joey: Yeah I know. I can sense that she likes me.
Mom: Oh trust me I saw the way she looked at you when you two were sitting on the couch when I walked in. It was like you were the only one in the room.
Joey: I didn't notice that.
Mom: Men never do. Next time take the time to see the smaller things. Sometimes they just give you the answer.
Joey: I will.

In the next chapter Joey begins to slowly notice a lot about Sarah but how do you think Sarah reacts?

Stay tuned!! ;)

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