Bringing Up The Past. Advice from Others.

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Blake sat me down alone in the bedroom cuddled up on our bed since Taylor and his wife took the kids out and Jeter for the day. Blake did say that he wanted some alone time with me.

Blake: Sarah remember that day when you asked me about my past and I didn't know what to tell you.
Me: Yep.
Blake: Well I did tell you most of it but I didn't tell you about Wilson.
Me: Oh I think I googled you and found out that he had passed away with a type of cancer and you said back in Oklahoma you were close with his family still.
Blake: Yeah he played football at one point and then he did play basketball with me and Taylor also.
Me: Taylor did mention him but he said to come to you to talk about him.
Blake: Wilson was my best friend and still is my best friend up in heaven and I miss him every single day but if one day I get a call from either of his family members including his brother I want you in the conversations with me.
Me: Of course baby. Anything you want me to be in I want to be in. Just let me know when you feel uncomfortable and I can leave.
Blake: I knew you would understand thank you. I knew I loved you when I first saw you but then I knew if I told you this you would understand.
Me: Honey I told you I would always be here for you. We are in this together Blake ups and downs gains and losses we would always be together. Many things come and go just like people but we have to just be strong and trust me I know what being strong for all the right reasons feels like even if I do have mental health struggles.
Blake: When I was playing for the Clippers Sarah I needed a therapist. I was going through stress, anxiety, depression, dark thoughts you name it I was going through it and I promised myself I would help myself get out of it because the person I want to marry in the future I do want to be there for them. I don't want them to have to go through what I went through and I don't want Junior and Kings thinking their dad was crazy at the time. Same with Conner and Sapphire also with Rose and Jeter. I want to be the father they all know love and need.
Me: Listen to me Blake. You are that father you will always be that father but it is okay to ask for help sometimes. We cannot do everything alone more than we think we can but what we can do is be strong for the people that will always be strong for us and I do believe that is why your parents always want what is best for you and Taylor did tell me the same thing when he was in the car with me that day going to see Casey with the kids.
Blake: He told you somethings didn't he?
Me: Yep he did. He told me how much you struggled and he told me how much everything including losing Wilson hit you like a brick and you still needed therapy then.
Blake: Yeah he is correct about all of that Sarah. I always want to be there for you. I want to be the man that you need. I want to be able to help you through any struggle you have.
Me: I know Blake. I love you okay. I will always love you.

I brought him down for a kiss and to be honest that was the best kiss we shared in quite awhile. I really loved how close we could be together.

Blake: I'm glad we could talk like this.
Me: We can always talk like this. When you open up I will also.
Blake: Yep. This works.
Me: It does.

Taylor walked in on us kissing and then he just smiled and walked out.

Taylor: You know Blake every single time you kiss her your face turns bright red boy. It is soo stinking adorable I can't.

His wife smiled and so did the kids.

Kings: Daddy we know how much you love her.
Blake: I'm glad you guys know.
Junior: Dad we knew since the day we met Sarah that she was going to be more than just a friend to you and she would take care of us one day since mom trusts her like you do.
Blake: What did you like about her?
Junior: She made you happy dad. She loved you like we love you. Shouldn't that be enough?
Taylor: Bro they have a point. Look at the way she is looking at you. It is like you are the only person who loves her unconditionally and she knows how much you want to be there for her. It amazes me how just in a couple of months you two are getting married. Your engagement party is in a couple of days. Seeing you happy man makes me happy.

Marieka Taylor's wife came up to me and gave me a hug.

Marieka: Sarah you make him over the moon happy and to be honest I hope you continue to do it because I know he is always going to need you.
Me: I promise you girl I won't break his heart because I know for a fact he won't ever break mine. We have this connection that I know for a fact is unbreakable.
Marieka: You guys remind me of my husband and I. It is like somethings are similar and somethings are different and Taylor told me you set up Casey with Aaron. That's amazing.
Me: Yep we did. We knew they deserved to be happy. It worked.
Marieka: It really did. 🥰

As the day went on and Blake and I were getting closer and closer to our engagement party the love was flowing around knowing how much Blake and I cared about each other. It was just something I always wanted for a long long time.

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