The Next Day. The First Pitch. Things Changing.

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What was Sarah's lesson to learn from all of this??

She woke up next to Jeter and maybe Blake slept on the couch because she didn't see him next to her which made her feel horrible that she called him out in her own issues but maybe this is what she needed.

Jeter stood outside the bathroom until she was done with brushing her teeth and washing her face.

He then followed her into the kitchen where Aaron and Casey shared one couch and Blake was on the other. I guess Patty and Wayne left after my fiasco.

I saw Casey get up to use the bathroom and then she walked over asking me if I had an extra toothbrush and I handed two to her.

She smiled at me and I smiled back and she went to use the bathroom again.

A couple of minutes later she was out and came to the counter for her cup of coffee.

Casey: The kids say hello since they are with Taylor and Marieka.
Me: Tell them I love them and miss them. I checked on my kids yesterday also. They are keeping busy.
Casey: Good I'm glad. Also how are you?
Me:After my meltdown yesterday a bit better. Though I feel bad for everything I said about Blake. He didn't need to brought into my mess.
Casey: No Sarah you were right.
Me: I was?
Casey: Yes you were and this is why Blake is scared to face you because now he thinks he is going to mess up like Aaron did.
Me: He won't though. I knew I was not going to make him love me like he did before.

I heard from the couch "Not true you know I still love you princess, I'm just worried about you is all. So is Aaron."

Me: I walked over to him with Casey and gave him a kiss on the forehead which he loved.

I looked over at Aaron and he had this sad look in his eyes.

Me: Aaron you okay?
Aaron: I should be asking you that.
Me: For now I'm fine.
Aaron: That's good.
Me: Can I have a hug? I could use one.
Aaron: Come here.

He pulled me in for one and to be honest I felt like I was back on that mound where we met and he kissed me for the first time.

Me: You know I remember that day on the mound in Yankee Stadium.
Aaron: I go through it a lot in my head.
Me: Yeah I do also. I did last night when Jeter was next to me.
Casey: You know you two should do a remake of that photo.
Blake: I was thinking they should also honey.
Casey: Do you remember where we met Blake?
Blake: Yeah in Central Park by where Tavern on the Green used to be. We should go back to that park and do a retake of the day we met.
Casey: I would like that.

Me: I have an idea. What if we separate for a day with them Casey.
Casey: Yea we should. Tomorrow we can do it.
Aaron: I mean the Yankees want me to throw out the first pitch tomorrow at the game why don't you guys come.
Casey: Yeah honey we can come.
Blake: I haven't been to a game in years so yeah why not.

The next day.

Aaron: We are meeting Sarah and Blake there right honey?
Casey: Yep we are.
Aaron: I keep replaying what Sarah said in my head from the other day to my mom and she was right the whole time Case.
Casey: Aaron you know she still loves you right? Listen sit for a minute before we go.
Aaron: Okay.
Casey: Sarah told me the other day when you went out with Blake that she remembers the cabin moments she had with you in Upstate NY and she said that you only took her up there.
Aaron: Yeah I did and we have a different place up there also. I'm sorry we can't share the same memories Case.
Casey: I'm not mad Aaron because I feel the same way about Blake and the places he took me but what we can do is cherish those memories and Sarah loved them you know that. She said you always made her warm even when the lake was cold and that you would always make her feel special even if you guys fought a lot. She said when Cody at the time broke her heart you put it back together.
Aaron: She said all of that?
Casey: She did and she told me Blake said things also to you.
Aaron: Yeah we were sitting on the basketball court at the Nets facility and he told me everything that he did with you when you guys first met.
Casey: What did he say?
Aaron: That he always made you smile. He did make you laugh also.
Casey: I had this one moment with him at the Staples Center when he was with the Clippers and I know all the issues that he went through with them. I told Sarah she could come to me if things were going wrong.
Aaron: I'm glad. Anyways we should get going honey.
Casey: Yeah we should.

When all of us got to the stadium Boonie was talking to Aaron to see what he was up to since it had been years and it was nice to see Aaron with his old coaches and he met the players of the new team and Giancarlo was there also to catch the ball on the other end.

Giancarlo: Do you miss being back here bro?
Aaron: Do I miss the game of course I do. Do I miss playing in sticky situations nope. Do I miss the friends I made here of course I do. I do miss a lot about this place and I was glad I retired with you bro. When you guys stopped talking to me I didn't know where I would end up in life but then Sarah said she wanted to help me I wanted to listen to her. Therapy has been really helpful lately and dude I cannot believe I am saying this but I still do love Sarah. Being here again with her brings all these memories back.
Giancarlo: Did you tell her that you still love her?
Aaron: She is marrying Blake dude. I cannot hurt him or her like that.
Giancarlo: Dude you need to tell Sarah and Casey. You also need to sit one on one with Blake because I know how much he loves having Sarah around. Casey seems very happy with you also.
Aaron: Dude I still think Blake does have feelings for Casey.
Giancarlo: You saw that too huh?
Aaron: Of course I did but they won't admit that.
Giancarlo: They will when you show them.
Aaron: How?
Giancarlo: Did they ever talk to you about their first date?
Aaron: Yeah.
Giancarlo: You should remake it for them.
Aaron: I am going to ask Sarah for help.
Giancarlo: Good idea.

After Aaron threw out the first pitch he went to talk to Sarah since Blake was still talking to Casey and they looked really close.

Me: Aaron what is going on with them?
Aaron: You don't see what I see?
Me: Does he still have feelings for her?
Aaron: I believe he does. I was going to say the same about you Sarah.
Me: You noticed it between us also?
Aaron: I did.
Me: I thought I was the only one. What should we do?
Aaron: Remake their first date.
Me: I actually like to think that we could.
Aaron: Are we both okay with this?
Me: I guess for now.
Aaron: We can talk this out with them before we do it.
Me: Yeah.

In the next chapter what is going to happen with the four of them??

Stay tuned.

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