Vandy Boys Know Best. ;)

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Cody and I the next day woke up with smiles on our faces knowing today was going to be a good day.

The Dodgers started these scrimage games at the Stadium since Covid was dying down little by little now.

Cody: Honey are you going to come to the game?

Me: Yeah I am going to take the kids with me.

Cody: Okay that's fine. I will make sure security knows you are coming so you can get into the family room after. I do not want anyone stressing you out knowing that I have a child coming into this world.

Me: Yeah I wouldn't want the latest Bellinger coming out psycho like his or her mom.

Cody: Haha true. When do we get to find out the gender?

Me: Tomorrow actually. The doctor called me yesterday saying that we can come in tomorrow morning to know the gender of the baby.

Cody: Oh I can't wait!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

As Cody and I drove to the stadium with the kids in the back security ended up letting me get access to anything in the stadium so I can get around even with the baby. I was so thankful for this team because this was always considered my second home.

Cody went onto the field and Mari came and sat next to me with another girl with her. The girl looked nice but I really didn't know who she was. I guess Mari was going to introduce me to her when she sat down.

Mariana: Hey Sarah.

Me: Hey Mari. How are you?

Mariana: I'm good. Did you and Cody get home okay yesterday?

Me: Yeah, I was kinda tired I mean since I am pregnant I am always tired.

Mariana: Girlie trust me I am also. I think Kike and Cody know we are so they don't end up pissing us off.

Me: I agree. Anyways who is your friend?

Mariana: Oh yeah this is my friend Mal.

Me: Hi how are you Sarah. Nice to meet you.

Mal: You too honey. I am Dansby's girl.

Me: Oh yeah I heard about you. Soccer girl.

Mal: Yeah I am sure I am the talk of the town.

Me: Actually yeah I have some of your pictures saved to my phone you are really down to earth and talented.

Mal: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Me: Oh I am being rude. These are mine and Cody's kids. My two oldest boys Corey and Conner and the two girls are Sapphire and Emma.

Mal: Pretty names. I guess you have one more coming on the way.

Me: Yeah I was lucky to get a last one because I didn't think I was going to be able to have any kids.

Mal: No I know what you mean. I am trying to have at least two kids but it depends on my man of the hour over there. I do not want to pop the question weirdly.

Me: Trust me I was scared to tell Cody. I didn't know if he wanted to have another kid.

Mal: Oh yeah trust me bringing up the kid subject isn't really that fun.

Me: Haha yeah.

Mariana: Sarah I am going to take the kids over to see Cody. Let me know if you girls need anything since you two seem to be getting along.

Me: Thanks Mari. Kids be good don't go insane and be careful with Aunt Mari.

Corey: Haha we know mom. Let us know if you need anything.

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