Dreaming of Italy 🇮🇹

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face so wide I swear I had the best dream ever. I saw Blake staring at me with a towel on by the bathroom door. He had this smirk on his face knowing I was just staring into space.

Blake: Someone had a good night sleep.
Me: Yep, I had this dream that we had sex on the beach in Italy and you made me feel so good and then we ended up eating dinner on the beach and I was craving gelato and you bought me some.

Blake: Well. 😉
Me: Yeah. 😌
Blake: Seems like Italy is the place for our honeymoon.
Me: Really?!?
Blake: Yep. I know how much you love it and I love it also actually so why not. Let's go have a lot of sex and eat our way through Italy.
Me: My god thank you. 😩
Blake: You're welcome. Though before we go to Italy we do have to get married first.
Me: Yeah that's true. We do. I wish we eloped and got married in a little church in Italy god that would have been romantic. Maybe in Rome or like Milan. Somewhere exotic with pretty views and smells of mozzarella cheese through the air.
Blake: Man someone is on Italy high today. How about we call Joey and Kelsey over to help us cook Italian for dinner.
Me: Yes please!!!
Blake: Okay. Let me go call him.

Blake walked into the kitchen to call Joey.

Blake: Hey Joe.
Joey: Hey dude. Long time no talk.
Blake: Yeah sorry Sarah and I have been busy with the last minute wedding and the engagement party next weekend.
Joey: No that's okay I understand. What's up?
Blake: Sarah is on Italy high right now and she wants a whole bunch of Italian food and then she said she wanted to elope to Italy and get married in a church with the smell of mozzarella cheese around her. Then she tells me she had a dream of us on the beach eating dinner and having sex. I swear this girl woke up and she just stared into space in bliss. You and Kelsey have to get over here. lol.
Joey: She cracks me up when she's in her Italian moods. Kelsey is laughing also. We can come over in a little while.
Me: YAY! Bring tons of Italian food!!! I'm craving it!
Joey: Haha okay.
Kelsey: I'm gonna bring cannolis also.
Me: YES!!!!!!!! My god I cannot wait!!!

Blake was crying laughing when he got off the phone and he just loved my happy moods.

Blake: So how good was this sex?
Me: Like amazing. Probably the best ever. Like no one bothered us and you just made me feel soo good. Ugh the breeze was amazing and man your body was LORD JESUS! 😍
Blake: Haha I'm sorry I have to face time Steph and Ayesha they are gonna laugh.

Blake FaceTimed Steph and put the camera on me.

Steph: Haha what's up with Sarah.
Me: I'm in a sexual Italian mood where I just wanna have sex with Blake on the beach and eat tons of gelato and mozzarella cheese with roasted red peppers.
Ayesha: Damn girl. I felt that. Lol.
Me: Yeah girl I told Blake we should have eloped and got married in a church in Italy with the smell of wine and mozzarella cheese around.
Blake: Haha she's been in such a good mood and I'm not complaining that I called Joey and told him and Kelsey to come over with Italian and cook for Sarah and I.
Ayesha: Well you guys are in the heart of Italian everything so might as well.
Me: Kelsey was cracking up because she then said she would make her cannoli crème cupcakes.
Ayesha: BITCH WHAT! God I love cannolis!!!! Ooooo tell her to send me some!!!! Or give me the recipe!
Steph: How about the four of us take a trip to Italy?
Ayesha: I'm soo fuckin in!!! I need to look at sexy Italian men feeding me spaghetti.
Me: Bitch 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Steph: Excuse you. 🤣🤣
Ayesha: Man Sarah you got me in your Italian high. Let me know what Kelsey and Joey cook and give me the recipes I will fly Steph's plane to come and pick them up.
Me: I love you guys.
Ayesha: We love you too girlie.

They hung up a couple of minutes later and there was a knock on the door and in came Joey and Kelsey with Italian everything and I swear to the lord I was in love.

Me: Okay get cooking I'm starving.
Joey: Haha okay Miss Italian High.
Blake: I swear she cracked me up. I was literally out of the shower with a towel on and you would think this girl would drool on me with a towel on nope all she said was I want Italian everything.
Kelsey: Well I'm here and I brought everything and anything Italian.
Me: Yea baby!

Blake walked behind me and started giggling into my neck.

Me: Hehe.
Blake: what?
Me: Stop making me ticklish.
Blake: Are you?
Me: yes.

He was tickling me all over and I was laughing while he showered my head in kisses.

Kelsey: You two are very happy today and Joey and I love to see it.

Joey took a picture and posted it on his Instagram of us in a kiss.


Kelsey and I walked into their place to have a double date night and we catch them in the act making out on the counter. These two lovebirds. 😍

Tagged:  @blakegriffin23 & @futuremrsgriffin2

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Tagged:  @blakegriffin23 & @futuremrsgriffin2

futuremrsgriffin2: Yeah this is what Blake and I do daily.
blakegriffin23: @futuremrsgriffin2 HELL YES !! 🥰🥰😘😘
heyitscasey: Damn y'all having sex on the counter that's not sanitary but kinda sexy. ;)
thejudge44: @heyitscasey I do agree. Though we should be doing this also.

Blake and I let everyone else comment and it was funny what others said after Joey posted the photo and Kelsey liked it also. 😂

This was going to be a good double date for us and we did miss having crazy Italians around. This could be good for Blake and I. Rose would enjoy the other company and Jeter already loves them. ❤️

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