Going through phases. Feeling the love. ❤️

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I woke up the next morning and Cody was holding me from behind wide awake giving me kisses on the back of my neck.

Cody: Morning baby, sleep ok?
Me: Morning sweetie, yeah. Why?
Cody: Are you still having those nightmares?
Me: Not so much anymore.
Cody: Why do you think you were having them in the first place?
Me: I guess I wasn't in the right state of mind and I didn't really know how to walk my paths in life anymore.
Cody: I understand. I used to feel like that honestly.
Me: I have other things on my mind.
Cody: Like what?
Me: My weight.
Cody: What's wrong with it?
Me: I feel overweight Cody.
Cody: Sarah come with me.

Cody and I walked downstairs and his parents were sitting in the couch watching TV. The kids went out for a walk around the park a couple of miles down the road.

Jenn: Cody honey what's up?
Cody: Mom my wife thinks she looks fat and I keep telling her she doesn't. Do you agree with me or her?
Jenn: Honey I agree with you. She isn't fat. I mean she did have two kids in the past so I completely understand what you mean. Sarah honey if you think you feel that way then I can help you but to be honest my son still loves you just the way you are. Remember that sweetie.
Me: Thank you.
Jenn: Your welcome. Your dad and I are going to go Cody so you can have some alone time with Sarah.
Cody: Okay mom.

As Jenn and Clay were about to leave the house they both pulled us in for a hug. :)It was a hug Cody and I both needed.

Cody and I went upstairs to our room and just laid in bed a little longer.

Of course Cody thinking it was a good idea he kept kissing my neck and I felt just so happy honestly speaking. In that moment when he was kissing my neck I felt beautiful in my own skin and I think that was him showing me that no matter what size I was he would always love me.

Cody: I love you.
Me: And I love you.
Cody: We should sit in the tub for a little bit. The kids are out for the day.
Me: That sounds nice.

I just remember looking up into Cody's eyes and it was like the sun was shining on them through the window

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I just remember looking up into Cody's eyes and it was like the sun was shining on them through the window. They turned this beautiful bluish green color that I know and loved since the day I met him. He knew I was staring at him when he was just playing with my hair.

Cody: I can feel you staring at me.
Me: I'm sorry you have such beautiful eyes.
Cody: Well I'm glad I do. I guess that was one of your favorite features on me?
Me: Mhm. You also crinkle the side of your eyes like your dad does when he wants to smile with his eyes and not his face. I know your mom loves that.
Cody: Yep she always said she loved my dad's humor also. It was a dry but funny humor and then I always used to see them look at each other and then I knew from that day on I wanted a love like theirs. That's like your parents right?
Me: Oh yeah. I mean my parents were different but I do remember a lot from childhood through how my parents were married and you know all that stuff.
Cody: I see a lot of your mother in you.
Me: Yeah. My mom is just one of those people who has a sense of humor but she means well.
Cody: Yeah your dad got along with my dad pretty well.
Me: Yeah I'm glad. They like to talk sports and more sports so that is a good thing honestly speaking.
Cody: My sister sees how happy I am with you now.
Me: Yeah she told me and thanked me more times than ever the other day. Her husband is amazing. He definitely suits her.
Cody: Yeah he's great for her. It is like he has the same brain as she does and my sister is very smart. She is the smartest woman I know besides you and my mom.
Me: Yeah. I know. :)

A couple of seconds later Cody's phone goes off and he picks it up and says hello into it.

He mouths to me that it is Kike.

When he gets off the phone with him a couple of minutes later he said that he and Mariana want to come over since the baby is with Mariana's parents in Puerto Rico. Their daughter is four now so it is like she grew overnight drastically.

Me: When does he want to come over.
Cody: Later on today. He and Mari have to run some errands before they come here and Corey texted me saying they are going to stay with Emily's family tonight in their summer home.
Me: I trust Emily's family but I don't know how Christopher is going to take being away from us.
Cody: Corey came to pick up Christopher with Mady and they are going to take him for a week to see the rest of the family at his cousin's in San Fran. He is going to be fine with Corey and Mady.
Me: Yeah you are right. They can always call us if they need anything.

Cody kept kissing my neck telling me it was going to be okay and that if anyone needed us they knew where to maybe find us or contact us.

Cody and I got out of the tub and sat in bed and just waiting for Kike and Mariana to come.

An hour or two later the door bell rang and in came Kike and his loud self with Mariana laughing behind him knowing how her husband is.

Kike: Hello lovely couple.
Me: Haha hi Kike. Hi Mari.
Mariana: Hi Sarita. How is married life?
Me: It is amazing I love my husband every single day and I keep telling him that he's my teddy bear and he loves it.
Cody: Or better yet the nickname blueberry always gets to me when she needs something.
Kike: You two make me smile I love how happy you two are. Honestly speaking it is a blessing knowing God brought you two together and now it is like you don't want to be apart from each other which I love.
Mariana: I agree with my husband guys. You make us smile and that makes me smile. God definitely took the wheel and lead you both in the same direction and I'm so glad he did.
Me: Me too Mari.
Cody: I love waking up next to her and just feeling her stomach touch my hands or when she slowly slides her feet next to mine is always a nice feeling. It keeps me warm at night when she does that.
Mariana: I can't help but really smile at that. ☺️
Kike: That love is special. ❤️
Cody: Always was and always will be. ❤️
Me: Yes honey. ☺️

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