Keeping James Closer......xoxo

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Anna's POV:

I knew down the line that being with Grant was going to make matters worse so I decided to just call it quits with him. Deep down I knew it was the wrong thing to do but I could not cope with him being all the way across the country and me staying with James now in California. He knew he didn't want to lose me to James well God said that he had to and now living with James has helped me cope with the face that I knew things were going to be better for the baby and I. Knowing deep down I knew James was going to be an amazing father. Knowing the hospitals were now used for COVID-19 patients James didn't want me going to the hospital or the doctor's offices knowing something could happen to me so I have been in contact with many doctors and they have been telling James and I what we should be doing until we come and see them.

James: Anna are you ok?

Anna: Yea, just thankful that I don't have to have this baby alone.

James: I am not going to leave you Anna. I would have never left you in the first place. I know you are pissed with Grant and I know you made a wise choice even if you felt like the choice was stupid.

Anna: I never want to ever divorce anyone James but you know I had to. How am I going to still be married to the first man if the second man is having a baby with me.

James: Yeah, I know. It is tough but I promise you we are going to get through this one step at a time. You can't push yourself to do things too fast Anna. I do not want this period of your life to harm you or the baby. Personally if I have to deal with Grant when the baby comes then so be it but I am not going to have you yell at him for no reason. He now wants to think he still "owns" you and that isn't okay with me. As much as I appreciated and respected your marriage at the time with Grant doesn't mean he has the right to scream at you when something goes wrong. I promised him and I promised God that I was going to take care of you no matter what would happen in this world.

Anna: James, you know I love you.

James: You love me?

Anna: Yea, I haven't loved many men in my life and apparently I always end up with a Marine somehow.

James: I can see that. Actually speaking of another Marine. Guess who gave me a call the other day when I was at base.

Anna: Who?

James: Cameron Yelich.

Anna: Yep he was my first boyfriend.

James: Did you guys ever think about getting married?

Anna: We wanted to but then I was back and forth with him and Grant. Sarah was between so many guys but to be honest she cleaned up her act because I don't think she wanted to think that her kids would think of her as some woman who sleeps around. I mean she is thinking about having one more child with Cody but she doesn't think she will. I mean I know for me James I only want kids with you and thankfully you will be the last guy I will ever have to be with. I hate myself for having to go through a divorce with Grant but I have to think about what is best for you, for me, and for the baby.

James: Anna that is exactly what I have been telling you. We all make mistakes and I know we try not to but when we do they all come out as one big lesson learned in the end. I know we are going to cross this bridge and we are going to see where we can move to next with our son or daughter.

Anna: I would love a son but whatever God blesses me with I guess I will have to take it.

James: I am proud of you for staying so strong Anna.

Anna: You taught me that James.

James: Yeah, I guess I did.

James' POV:

Being able to take care of Anna and the baby was something I knew I would be able to do. I know this baby was going to come out beautiful and healthy and no matter what happens I would always love Anna from the bottom of my heart.

Lying next to Anna at night helped James remember why he loved her in the first place. His intention was not to steal her from Grant because he knew how much Grant loved her but to be honest with you I noticed her happiness drop when she heard that Grant wanted to argue with her about what the baby arrangements were going to be. I usually let Anna win arguments because you can never piss off a pregnant woman nor can you ever beat them at anything. Having Anna in my arms was showing me that I can be the last person she would ever need to be with. Considering her past with Cameron and Grant I knew she wanted me to be the one she was going to die old with and the one who was always going to be there for me. Anna leaving was not going to happen and now if I needed to deploy I knew that Sarah and now Scarlett not living too far from us was going to be able to help her. I became friends with Scarlett's husband Caleb and to be honest with you he was such a great guy and getting along with him was nice considering he had to call me sometimes at the base just in case he needed help with something.

As I was in my thoughts I felt Anna roll over and put her head on my chest and being the man I know I could be for her I leaned down and kiss her head.

Anna: I love when you do that.

James: I know and I always love keeping that smile on your face. Seeing that smile on your face proves to me that I am doing something right in this relationship.

As the day went on and Anna was on call with doctors and such for the baby things were going okay knowing this quarantine was beginning to take a tole on Anna and I but I didn't want us leaving the house due to the condition of Anna and the baby.

James' POV:

I knew we were going to make it through life together because Anna I knew was not like any other woman on this planet and when she says "we are all in this together James" she really means it. I know I can trust her with anything and I can always prove to her that I am her "last man standing."

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant