The Slow Dances 🥰

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To be honest I never used to like dancing before until I always watch those movies where the couples dance around the house to slow music. I put on some slow music while Blake took Jeter out for a walk and I was just swaying back and forth to the sound of Will Gittens' voice. He was singing a Whitney Houston song and to be honest he was putting me in the mood.

I didn't hear the door open because I was soo in the mood until I felt hands wrap around me and I was swaying back and forth. I opened my eyes and saw his hands on my stomach and I smiled.

Blake: Jeter is on his bed in the corner we can dance if you want.
Me: Yeah. 🥰

I just kept looking up into his eyes and I wish someone caught this moment but that's okay someone would catch this moment later on in life.

Blake: This is a good cover.
Me: Yeah Will Gittens. He has a nice voice.
Blake: Yeah he does.
Me: He sings Brian McKnight also.
Blake: Put the song on.
Me: Okay.

I walked over and changed the song to Brian McKnight's song that Will sings and it was "Back at One."

Blake: Yeah I love this song.
Me: It has been my favorite for a long time.
Blake: You know if I ever got married I would want this to be my wedding song.
Me: That's nice.
Blake: You know as crazy as this sounds I had a dream last night that I saw you walk into this bridal shop for something and you saw this one dress and you said to the woman that worked there can I try this on and you did and you came out and I walked in to come get you and I saw you with that dress on. I knew from that moment you were just who I was looking for. You had this brightness in your eyes and you just looked soo pretty in the dress. I called my mom and I told her and she just sorta understood where I was coming from.
Me: I had one last night also where I was in the shower and I had one of my panic attacks and I started shaking and crying and then you came in behind me and held me and I felt calm again. Just your touch helped.
Blake: ☺️. Do you know how beautiful you are?
Me: No.
Blake: Want me to show you.
Me: Okay.

He leaned down and kissed me and the kiss was just slow but smooth I literally couldn't even take my lips off his because I was so seriously in the moment.

Blake: Do you want to?
Me: Mhm.

He took me into the bedroom and he told me he was going to start. I saw him take off his shirt and I was just in this daze and he just had this bright smile on his face when he saw me do the same. Feeling his lips on my neck was just ugh it gave me these warm chills just up and down my body but my heart wasn't racing it was just slow and steady. I never felt this before but he just kept going and I swear I was just in this blissful stage I didn't even realize how much pleasure I was feeling.

Blake: Man was I that good that you felt so calm?
Me: Dude I don't know how you do it but I swear you must have been the best ever.
Blake: Really?
Me: Yeah you do this brush on my neck with your lips that I swear you didn't even do much but it felt soo good.
Blake: Man, I always thought I was bad.
Me: No honey. No no you are not bad at all. You are soo good. You know when you feel like your heart beating really fast?
Blake: Yeah.
Me: You make my heart rate slow down and then I just felt your skin against mine and I swear I just didn't feel anything. That's how good you are. It is indescribable.

Oh um Jordan is calling me.

Blake: Do you want me near?
Me: Yeah. :) I mean if you want.
Blake: No I do. 🥰

I picked up the phone.

Me: Hey Jordan.
Jordan: Hey girl. How's the mini vacation? You guys coming home today?
Me: Yeah we are going to leave later on today.
Jordan: How's Jeter?
Me: Jeter! Come here boy!

He came in barking.

Jordan: Hi boy! He sounds good.
Me: Yeah he is.
Jordan: You sound really happy. Did you do what I think you did? 😏
Me: Yes.
Jordan: Let me guess he was really good.
Me: Honey he was better than any man on the surface of this earth.
Blake: That's exactly what she told me.
Jordan: Honey that's how you know the man is a man when he can even make you feel that good. Oh my god we should not be talking about this.
Me: No it's fine.
Blake: Trust me I'm glad she thinks I'm really good.
Me: Yeah I know. 😉
Jordan: Anyways I was wondering if you guys wanted to have dinner sometime this week. DJ wants to see you guys in person.
Me: It depends on my boyfriend over here but we will see and we will let you know.
Jordan: Okay sounds good. Have a safe drive back.
Me: Okay thanks.

She hung up and I decided to post this one picture of us on the grass from yesterday. He had this app on his phone where you can stand the phone up and it takes the picture for you. He sent me the picture and he wanted me to post it.


When you find that one man that heals the soul it happens to be you

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When you find that one man that heals the soul it happens to be you. I haven't told him I loved him yet but maybe it might happen soon. The kisses are worth a thousand words anyways. 😘

jordanlemahieu: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰
amyc23: I deserve an academy award for this relationship.
sarahlove2: @amyc23 you do girl. I owe you. 😘
ayeshacurry: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
blakegriffin23: my pretty lady 😘😘.
sarahlove2: my hottie 🥰🥰.
jessstanton27: Oooooo rip those clothes off girl. 🥰😂😂
sarahlove2: 😉😏😜 @jessstanton27
jessstanton27: 😳😍

I disabled the rest of the comments section.

Blake: Man you really know how to get people rolling.
Me: Yeah I do. 🥰
Blake: We should get going soon.
Me: Yeah we should.

Special things coming. Stay tuned. 🥰

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