Sydney and her dreams. The man she can't live without.❤️

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Sydney ended up staying downstairs in the basement in the guest bedroom and Anna went upstairs to her room while Scarlett was in the next guest bedroom next door to her.

Sydney's POV:
I was tossing and turning all night but this one guy was stuck in the back of my head and he had this beautiful brown hair and these gorgeous brown eyes. I knew he was a country boy because I could tell by the way he was dressed. If I can remember off the top of my head he went to high school with me and I believe I had him on Instagram.

Sydney went through her Instagram and found this guy named Julius. She found him. His name was Julius the boy she was thinking about. Handsome guy with these chocolate brown eyes and this luscious brown hair that she remembered being obsessed with in high school. She always liked him but when she went through his Instagram he had a son named Michael. She decided to message him through DM.

Sydney: Hey Julius. I know you probably don't remember me but I'm Syd from your history class in high school. I know it has been a long time but I was wondering if you wanted to have coffee with me one day. Hope you are well. Also your son is beautiful. ❤️

Sydney closed her eyes and waited till morning to see if he would respond.

She put her phone on the night stand and turned over on the other side of the bed.

Next morning........

Anna was downstairs with Scarlett making breakfast. They both woke up early and decided to FaceTime with Caleb and Grant. They were both doing fine and they said they would keep in touch with their wives.

Sydney came into the kitchen with a slumped look on her face which Anna remembers so well because she was like that before she met Grant.

Sydney: Guys remember I told you about Julius?
Anna: Yeah.
Scarlett: Yeah.
Sydney: I had a dream about him and for the past couple of days he has been in my head. I ended up last night finding him on Instagram. I messaged him on DM and I want to see if he responds back to me today.
Anna: I'm sure he will Syd. You are a sweetie pie.
Sydney: Thanks Anna. I want to see what happens. I asked him for coffee.
Scarlett: If he doesn't respond he's an idiot just saying honey.

A couple of seconds later Syd's phone blew up.

Sydney: Guys.
Anna: Huh?
Sydney: He asked me out.
Anna: WHAT! I'm so happy for you!
Scarlett: You see! I told you!
Sydney: What should I say?
Scarlett: Just flow from the heart. That's all Sydney.
Sydney: Okay. I'm going to ask him for his number then text him.
Anna: Sounds good.

Sydney after she ate breakfast with Anna and Scarlett she ended up getting Julius' number and texting him the whole time on when they were ready to go on that date. She found out he works for the Army but he isn't a soldier. He works in the office. She was happy because she didn't want to have a boyfriend doing what her brother was doing and having to worry about him and her brother at the same time. She doesn't know how Scarlett and Anna do it with Grant and Caleb being away a lot. She told and promised herself she would never have to go through that.

Sydney: Guys I am meeting him in a couple of days to go to dinner with him. He said to dress casual and then maybe the second date dress fancy but I want to see how this date goes first. I hope I get to meet his son. He looks like a sweet little boy and I love kids.
Anna: Don't jump too much Syd. Get to know the man first like I did with your brother and move on from there.
Scarlett: I agree with Anna Rae.
Sydney: Thanks guys! ❤️

Sydney found one picture on his Instagram that she became so obsessed with. She had to show Anna and Scarlett.

Sydney: Guys! He looks so hot in this picture!

Anna: Yes you Syd! ;)Scarlett: Girlie he looks like such a gentleman

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Anna: Yes you Syd! ;)
Scarlett: Girlie he looks like such a gentleman.
Anna: Does he have any with his son?
Sydney: Yeah this one. Hold on.

Anna: Wait he has two? Sydney: Nope

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Anna: Wait he has two?
Sydney: Nope. The little boy is his and the little girl is his niece Ella.
Anna: That's so adorable! Syd I'm happy for you. Hope it works out. ;)
Scarlett: Same! He's adorable! ;)
Sydney: Thanks girlies.

As Sydney went back downstairs to go lay on the bed she got a FaceTime call from Julius.

She picked up and he was holding his son.

Julius: Hi Sydney.
Sydney: Hey.
Julius: I thought you would have said no.
Sydney: No, I always wanted you to ask me out since high school.
Julius: Well then your dream came true. ;) Maybe I need someone like you in my life. Let's see where this goes with us.
Sydney: I would love that. Your son is beautiful.
Julius: Thank you. He's three.
Sydney: He's so beautiful. I can't wait to meet him.

His son was now asleep on him and it was kinda cute how Julius was holding him and talking to Syd at the same time. ❤️

Julius: I will see you in a couple of days.
Sydney: Okay. See you soon.
Julius: Okay. :)

As they hung up Sydney couldn't help but have this big smile on her face leaning up against the wall. She knew it was never going to go away.

Anna: That smile of yours isn't going away anytime soon because I smile like that always with your brother

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Anna: That smile of yours isn't going away anytime soon because I smile like that always with your brother. ❤️
Sydney: Yeah I know. He tells me all the time. ❤️
Anna: I'm happy and hope this works out for you girl. :)
Sydney: Thanks sis.❤️
Anna: Welcome.❤️

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