Live Forever.

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Cody and I texted Aaron and told him we would be coming to the wedding and Aaron replied back with a smile knowing we would both come to our senses.

He then called us a couple of minutes later.

Aaron: Hey guys.

Cody: Hey dude.

Aaron: What made you guys change your mind?

Cody: I talked to Sarah about it after your brother John called the other day.

Aaron: John called you Sarah?

Me: Yeah, he did. He knocked a little sense into me but to be honest Cody did talk to me and we decided that it would just be the two of us going. We don't want the kids to be involved.

Aaron: Yeah I know what you mean Sarah. I'm sorry things had to go down like this.

Me: No, it was bound to happen. I should have listened to my heart and knew I made a bad decision when Sabrina came in the first time. I knew other things were bound to happen between us I just didn't want to believe it until you know they actually smacked me back in the face.

Aaron: Sarah don't you dare blame this on yourself. This was all my fault. I was a shitty husband to you and a bad father to the kids that were once mine. Now I know what I have to do from now on. After I lost you and the kids I knew I fucked up big time but then I knew Cody was going to be amazing to those kids and to you. He was going to give you three what I couldn't. Sarah I would have never been able to trust you with anyone else. Cody is the only one that I trust. He keeps his word that is why I never had an issue with you when you were with Cody.

Cody: Dude I didn't expect you to say all of this.

Aaron: Well I am saying it now dude and it is about time you both heard it coming from me and not from someone else.

Cody: Thanks dude. I guess we will see you tomorrow at the wedding.

Aaron: Yeah see you guys tomorrow.

Cody: Okay dude.

Cody and I went to sleep that night knowing we were going to be okay. I didn't tell him what was running through my head other than I knew one song Aaron was going to play tomorrow that I knew I should have told Cody about tonight.

It was going to eat me alive until tomorrow during the reception but I was willing to have Cody see it in front of his face. I needed closure with Aaron one more time. I knew Cody ended everything with Sabrina on that level but there was one more thing Aaron and I never did and I couldn't move on with my life knowing we hadn't danced to this song yet.

The next morning we both woke up and got ourselves together. Our kids were going to be with his parents and my parents were coming in on Tuesday so the kids were going to be helping Cody's parents set up everything in the guest house while we were at the wedding.

As Cody and I arrived to the church it was a beautiful one and Cody took my hand and we walked inside. There was definitely a lot of familiar faces so we both sat towards the middle. We noticed Kike and Mariana and we went to sit next to them.

Kike: Hey dude.

Cody: Hey dude.

Mariana: Hi Sarita. Hi Cody.

Cody: Hey Mari.

Me: Hey guys.

As soon as we finished talking the wedding started and to be honest with you I knew I wasn't going to feel anything now but later when that song came on I was going to. The only person who knew I was going to feel like this was Aaron and John.

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