Sydney Helps Anna and Scarlett Cope. ❤️

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As soon as Anna walked through the door Sydney was sitting at her kitchen table texting her cousins.

She saw Anna come in and brought Anna for a hug and Anna cried in her arms for a couple of minutes.

Anna: Thank you for coming to visit me sis. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Sydney: Okay honey. It's okay come sit down. I know and I have faith my brother and your baby is going to come home okay. Don't worry. Can you work with me on this?
Anna: *sniffles* Yes, I can. What did you have in mind?
Sydney: Do you remember your friend Scarlett Grace?
Anna: Yeah? She is married to Caleb Harris. Caleb deployed with Grant today. Scarlett was messaging me.
Sydney: Yeah. Well I told her to come and stay with us for a couple of days.
Anna: I would like that since she knows Caleb is going to be gone for six months like Grant.
Sydney: This is not only going to help me have girl time and worry about my brother but you girls worrying about your husbands and me helping you. We are going to get through this.

A couple of seconds later Scarlett comes through the door since she lived an hour away from the base with a suitcase.

Scarlett: Hi guys. :) Anna I'm with you honey. Today for some reason bringing Caleb to the airport was ugh so difficult and Sydney called me and said you were going through the same thing.
Anna: Yeah. Thank you for coming.
Scarlett: Your welcome Anna.
Anna: Are there any songs that remind you of him?
Scarlett: Any Rascal Flatts songs. Mostly we listen to Rascal Flatts when he is in the car with me. If I'm alone I have my Carrie Underwood playlist or I have my Travis Tripp playlist.
Anna: With me it is mostly Lonestar and when I'm alone I listen to the Pearl Harbor Soundtrack.
Scarlett: I should listen to the Pearl Harbor one. Sydney was telling me she likes to listen to it also.
Anna: Syd I didn't know that.
Sydney: Sometimes when I'm stressed out or I need to break away from reality that instrumental soundtrack helps me think. I think Grant got used to both of us listening to it for different reasons.
Anna: Grant always knows when I go drop him off for deployment I always play Pearl Harbor.
Sydney: You are going to get through this Anna and so is Scarlett. I know you both are strong. When I leave in two days I want you two to stay as long as you can with each other or do something that makes both of you happy.
Anna: Actually I have a meeting on Thursday with a guy at the base Grant is stationed at and I'm looking for a job with the Corps. Scarlett do you want to come with me? Maybe you can get a job there that helps you keep in close contact with Caleb.
Scarlett: You know that wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe we can find out what is going on and then maybe we can get the inside scoop of everyone that works there.
Anna: Yeah I am doing this to keep a closer eye on Grant because I'm always worried about him.
Scarlett: Yeah, I am like that with Caleb.
Sydney: Scar, Caleb is lucky to have you. I knew that since the day Anna introduced me to you both and Anna when you married my brother I knew that smile on his face was never going to disappear.
Scarlett: Your wedding was gorgeous Anna. It was one of the best weddings I have been to and trust me the ones I have been to weren't as memorable as yours and Grant's.
Anna: Thank my best friend Sarah for that. She flew out with her boyfriend now her fiancé from LA with both of their kids and to be honest she was even helping me get everything ready from across the country. She was even my maid of honor.
Scarlett: Mine was beautiful don't get me wrong but you remember it Anna. We didn't have much.
Anna: It isn't about having a lot Scar. It is about you loving Caleb no matter where you are in life. Love and kindness shared with one another doesn't cost anything. As long as you always have his heart and he has yours that is all that matters. Sydney told me that.
Sydney: I'm so happy you remember that Anna. This is why I'm so happy I get to call you my sister. :)

Scarlett was in tears at the sister bond Anna and Sydney shared. She knew she was like that with her best friend back in California and she was like that with her mom also.

Scarlett: Who are we going to be speaking to Anna?
Anna: This guy named James. Grant doesn't want me alone with him because he's good looking and so I thought you coming with me for the same reason Grant wouldn't have an issue with it.
Sydney: Ugh. My brother.
Anna: Haha what?😂
Sydney: I mean Anna you are going to talk to the man about a job not to get in bed with him.

Anna: Actually Syd he knows this guy wants to get with me and when he comes back and finds out I had dinner with James he is going to flip his freaking marbles.
Sydney: Yeah, I'm aware. I guess he is right. He only loves you and protects you Anna because he doesn't want to lose you. What does James look like anyways?
Anna: He kinda looks like Grant a little bit but with some California boy looks.
Scarlett: Wait are we talking about James that looks like Grant James?
Anna: Yeah? Why?
Scarlett: He is dating my best friend Amy Reynolds.
Anna: I didn't know that!
Scarlett: Yeah they just started dating a couple of months ago. That is why he is always back in California a lot at the base because he usually stays at her place. He said to her that he wants to marry her and Amy is pretty happy about that. She really loves him you can just tell.
Anna: Oh well. I guess we have nothing to worry about.
Sydney: Still Anna my brother can be over protective but not about a man who we just find out is seeing Scarlett's best friend.
Anna: That is actually true. I guess this meeting is going to be okay.
Scarlett: It should be Anna Rae.

The rest of the day the girls sat with popcorn and watched rom coms just to pass the time because it was just something that Sydney had planned. While Scarlett and Anna wanted to hear from Grant and Caleb Sydney was really just their distraction and life coach of coping at the moment. She knew she would be able to help her sister in law and their best friend.

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