Zoom Chat.💻

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Cody and I the next day called Jake after we ate breakfast. We told the kids to go outside in the backyard and play baseball or basketball since we got them a basketball hoop. We knew the girls would have fun with their brothers since they had this sibling bond now that Cody and I loved. We did a zoom chat with Anna, James, Cody, Me, Jake, and Justin. We knew this was going to be interesting.

Anna: Hi guys.
James: Hey guys.

As everyone said hello to each other Jake and Justin were the only ones who didn't have a significant other which was pretty interesting.

Jake: Justin dude what happened?
Justin: With what?
Jake: With your girl.
Justin: She was playing stupid and I caught her in the act with one of my friends from high school.
Jake: Dude I'm sorry.
Justin: No you are fine. You guys are just checking on me.
Me: That is because we care Justin.
Anna: Guys just because I have my own life now doesn't mean I don't care about you both.
Jake: We know Anna. It is just tough not hearing from you that much anymore.
Anna: I know guys. I have been back and forth on calls with my doctor about the baby and then I'm helping James with his stuff on the base sometimes.
Justin: Anna I'm so happy you are having a baby. I honestly thought it was going to be with Grant.
Anna: Things change Justin. Let's just say maybe God had better plans for me.
Me: I know he did Anna. The couple months that you were talking to James I know something between you two was bound to happen. I mean I know how much you two love each other.
Cody: We all know about it Anna. Honestly speaking.
Anna: Yeah I know guys. James baby you wanna say hi. You are quiet.
James: Hi guys.
Jake: Hey James. How are you holding up? How are things on the base when you have to go?
James: I mean they are back and forth. I am not really going on the base so I have to just be on call just in case they need me for an emergency shutdown or if they need an extra hand on the base. I mean the base is pretty far from where we are maybe like thirty minutes without some type of traffic but honestly I told them listen my girl is pregnant I can't be on the base 24/7 and they completely understood that. They wanted me to be on call and I said that was fine. During this time I'm not leaving Anna alone. I don't know how Grant left her alone for so long. Now I found out he is dating Makayla my ex and I'm like personally I don't care. I always wanted Anna in my life anyways. Nothing was going to stop me from getting to her. She gave a crap about me when no one else did and I'm so grateful for her.
Justin: Dude honestly Jake and I wish we had a Sarah and Anna in our lives. To be honest I don't even know any girls like them.
Me: Actually Justin I have a cousin that lives by you and she goes to State. Her name is Amelia. She's a junior like you.
Justin: Really?
Me: Mhm. I am going to send you a picture of her.

As Sarah sends the picture of Amelia to Justin his eyes automatically light up when he sees her.

Justin: She's very beautiful.
Me: Mhm. Her mom is really second cousins with my mom so yeah she is going to love you honestly. Just to let you know she has never been with a guy before or actually been intimate with one. She only pretty much hangs out with her older brother who is pretty protective of her.
Justin: I'm glad she has someone to take care of her.
Me: Yeah. She's going to like you. You can add her on social media and she should get back to you. I told her a guy named Justin might contact her. You can get back to her on your time.
Justin: Thanks Sarah.
Me: Your welcome.
James: Do you always play matchmaker Sarah?
Me: Not all the time but yeah maybe sometimes. I always like to try and make people happy by finding someone for them.
Cody: She loves doing it James. Like I heard she got most of the MLB players wives because she knows a lot of the guys and she pretty much finds the best girls for them.
James: I like girls like that. That's why I love Anna. She reminds me of Sarah a lot.
Anna: I do take after her no lie.
Me: Yeah Anna Rae I know you do.
Jake: Speaking of girls. Cody is your cousin Abby available. I'm looking at her Instagram.
Cody: Let me text my mom. She is a cousin on my mom's side.

While Cody was texting his mom he got a response back within seconds that Abby wasn't single but her sister Katalina was.

Cody: Jake Abby isn't single but her sister who is her twin is.
Jake: Oh she must be the other girl in this picture.
Cody: Oh yeah I know which picture you are looking at. Yeah she's the one in the purple.
Jake: Mind if I talk to her?
Cody: No dude. Go ahead. They have a protective older brother though but you should be fine with him. As long as you treat her with respect her brother is going to be cool with you.
Anna: Jake isn't an issue Cody don't worry.
Cody: No Anna I know. I'm just saying. Their older brother is in the Army.
James: What's the older brother's name?
Cody: Jackson Davis.
James: I think I have a couple of friends who know him. Name sounds familiar.
Cody: That would be such a small world if you know him James.
Justin: Wow you guys really know people.
Anna: I mean Justin I think he knows more people than me sometimes. Before this quarantine I walked into the store to get some things and this family came up to me asking me if I knew James.
Jake: What a small world.
Justin: And getting smaller.
Jake: No lie dude. I can't even go to the store and someone asks me if I know this person and that person. I always get did you play baseball for State.
Justin: I get them same so don't worry. You aren't the only one.
Me: Ha I love you guys. When Anna told me about you I was like I have to know more about them. You both were very interesting.
Jake: We are glad you get to talk to us Sarah.
Justin: Thanks to Anna.
Me: Yeah that is correct thanks to Anna.
Anna: Ugh I love you guys but I hate to say this being pregnant sucks. I eat everything and I'm like so annoyed right now at how fat I look.
James: Babe stop. You aren't fat.
Jake: That's a man right there Anna.
Justin: I agree. I would say something like that.
Jake: Same dude.

We took a couple of minutes more to talk to everyone then we hung up just in time to make lunch with the kids. We told everyone to keep in touch and they said they would.

It is nice to catch up with everyone and to you know thank them for being in our lives.

During these crazy times you just need to keep your family and friends closer and closer.

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon