Cody and Sabrina's Day 💙

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As everyone was outside getting ready for the renewal I was just sitting in the corner watching everyone walk by me and then I saw Aaron just stare at me with a concerned look on his face. He walked over to me and sat next to me on the chair beside me. He knew I wasn't okay but being the good man that I know and love he came to check on me.

Aaron: Babe you ok?
Me: Yeah I just sometimes like to sit alone and be an outsider looking in.
Aaron: I felt like that a lot when I lost you.
Me: You did?
Aaron: Yeah, I knew Sabrina was going to be back with Cody one day even if at the time they didn't like each other. I think it was just the timing was very bad between them and miscommunication was an issue.
Me: You think?
Aaron: Well look at them now.

I looked straight and saw them smiling at each other and I knew exactly what Aaron was talking about. It was like they knew they were made for each other all over again no matter how many issues they had in the past it was like none of that mattered. It amazes me how life works sometimes when you are the outsider looking in.

Aaron took my hand in his and I looked down and I just stared at our hands together. I took a picture of them and posted it on my Instagram.

sarahjudge94 : Even with the touch of a hand he knew it made me feel on top of the world

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sarahjudge94 : Even with the touch of a hand he knew it made me feel on top of the world. 💙🥺

Me: You know I feel free when I'm with you. Like I feel me.
Aaron: I feel like me also. Remember when you came to me one day and told me "I'm not beautiful Aaron."
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: I saw beauty before you even said those words.
Me: Really?
Aaron: I took one look at you with that sign you made me and I saw that shine in your eyes and I had never made sometimes feel like that before. It was like God gave us a reason to just try. I couldn't give up on you that fast Sarah.
Me: I know I couldn't either. Many things brought me back to you.
Aaron: Well I cannot wait to renew our vows next weekend.
Me: Me either. ☺️

We all went to the center of the park where Cody and Sabrina started their renewal and the whole time while I was watching them I could see Aaron from the corner of my eye taking glances at me and I swear he still made me feel soo amazing.

As the day continued I noticed Jenn try and get close to me and I kept walking away from her but she really pushed me when she just randomly grabbed my hand.

Me: What the hell do you want?!?
Jenn: I just want to say I'm sorry Sarah.
Me: I don't want your sorries or any apologies I just want you to leave me alone. You ruined everything the whole time. You didn't let Cody be happy and now that he is happy I swear if you ruin it again there is gonna be more major issues than ever. That is not fair that you think you can just waltz your way into his life and ruin it. You are his mother! Be his mother! Not his matchmaker! Not his maid! Not his homegirl! Not any of that! I want you to be the mom he needs and will always need. I'm not so sure you can do that because he would be here stopping me from screaming at you but instead Jenn he wants nothing to do with you because you separated me from him when you knew he needed me and you took Aaron away from me by ruining everything with these bitches in the way. I'm done with your crap Jenn. I want nothing to do with you ever again! Is that understood?
Jenn: Yes Sarah.

I walked away with everyone staring and Aaron followed me back to the guest house.

He found me on the couch sobbing into my hands.

Aaron: Baby you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm fine now. Just needed to set that woman straight.
Aaron: I'm glad you did.
Me: Yeah me too.

Aaron and I the rest of the day just went upstairs and laid in bed.

He took his shirt off and had me lay on his stomach.

sarahjudge94: While everyone is outside we are in the guest house just being cute

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sarahjudge94: While everyone is outside we are in the guest house just being cute. 💙

A couple of seconds later we knocked out and went to sleep.

I got a text from Cody asking about where I was with Aaron and I had told him the guest house. He understood why I just needed alone time with my man and not have everyone stare at you because you are just such and outlier to the rest of these available high end people.

I looked up and Aaron was knocked out. I moved my position and just laid on top of him because I was cold and needed a pillow.

The day was not what anyone wanted it to be but now Cody and Sabrina were married again back together and happy as ever. If no one liked it it didn't matter who liked what they minded their own business and kept it moving.

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