Spending The Day With Ashli. Telling The Fam.🤗

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Since Cody had an off day today he took the kids to his parents.

Cody: Honey!
Me: Yes honey!
Cody: Cole is out with his friends and I'm going to take the kids to my parents. Ashli is going to hangout with you here today.
Me: Okay love. I would come with you but I am feeling so nauseous from the baby.
Cody: You are starting to feel it right?
Me: Yeah as the time slowly goes on I am. I'm sorry. Are you going to wait to tell your parents?
Cody: Yeah they are coming by later to see you since I told them you weren't feeling well.
Me: Okay. You want me to tell Ashli?
Cody: Actually yeah I want Ashli to know so she can help you.
Me: Okay. I love you. Bye kids!
Cody: Love you too!!!
Kids: Bye mom!

As Cody got in the car with the kids Ashli walked in.

Ashli: Hi girlie. I came to stay with you since Cody my over protective brother didn't want you alone.
Me: Thank you.

As soon as I said that I ran to the bathroom and Ashli from the corner of my eye had wide eyes.

I rinsed out my mouth and then I walked back out into the living room.

Me: I'm so sorry. Cody probably told you I was feeling under the weather.
Ashli: Yeah he did just now but didn't say why.
Me: I showed Ashli the stick.
Ashli: OMG OMG OMG!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭👏🏻 I'm going to be an auntie again!!! How far are you?!?
Me: I found out a couple of days ago so not too far but those symptoms are coming early.
Ashli: Yeah that makes sense. So I'm the only one who knows out of the family?
Me: Mhm. You do. Cody said he would tell Cole and then we would tell your parents later.
Ashli: Oh my parents are going to flip the buckets with tears. They always wanted Cody to have one more kid. My mom said to me the other day, "Ash, Cody should have one more kid with Sarah."
Me: Haha she said that!!! I love her!!
Ashli: Yeah she did and I said that you guys needed to make the decision on your own like you can't just bring a baby with magic. It takes time.
Me: Yeah and hard work. I mean with Conner and Sapphire I was doing it alone and I'm sure Cody was doing it alone with Corey and Emma.
Ashli: Yeah he was alone. It was really heartbreaking but I know he was going to be able to pull through. They love their father and when he said he took custody of Conner and Sapphire it made me smile knowing he wanted them to have a father who cared about them.
Me: Ashli I love your brother from the bottom of my heart to the top of the moon. He is just so wonderful and to be honest I'm so lucky I get to call him mine. He makes me smile so much and even when I'm in my moody times he always makes me laugh. The other day I guess I was sensing the mood swings a little and everything I was eating wasn't sitting well with me so he would just come and sit with me and help me eat little by little.
Ashli: I'm going to cry. That's so sweet and that sounds like my brother. When he cares he cares Sarah. I'm happy you are happy with him. He has been smiling a lot lately and I know it is you besides starting baseball again that is making him smile.
Me: Mhm. I know. He gets all cuddly sometimes when he is in a pissy mood but I guess me just putting a smile on his face helps.
Ashli: Yeah.

Later that day Ashli and I were sitting on the couch eating carrots and talking about her husband who was working and checking on both of us at the same time.

A couple of seconds later Cody came in with the kids and his parents.

Yesterday I had told my parents and they would fly out soon to see me before I would be giving birth since time is going to fly.

Cody: Mom Dad I want you guys to sit down because Sarah has some news.
Jenn: Okay? Everything okay?
Clay: I hope you guys aren't breaking up!
Cody: Guys haha calm down. Nothing like that.
Jenn: Okay I'm nervous what is it?

I stood up and pointed to my stomach and both of them just stood up and ran to hug me.

Clay: Congrats you two!!! Man what a good feeling this is!!! I was hoping you two would have one more!
Jenn: I said it to Ashli the other day.
Cody: You asked Ashli?
Jenn: Yes you spoiled child. I wanted you to have one last baby with Sarah. You two would make the cutest child and trust me I always wanted Sarah a part of this little family since day one.
Me: Thank you Jenn. :)
Jenn: Nonsense sweetie. Thank you! You made this son of mine so damn happy and honestly I couldn't be more happier. He was always miserable all the time and now you can't even get the smile off of his face. I know deep down you two are going to grow old together. I just know it deep down.

Cody and I couldn't help but smile and he leaned over to kiss me on the cheek when Cole walked in and gave me a big hug.

Cole: Yay I'm going to be an uncle again! I'm so happy!! :)
Me: Haha thanks brother!
Cole: Welcome sista!

We all sat around with the kids smiling and talking and to be honest Jenn did get a good shot of Cody kissing me on the cheek and it was one of the best pictures Cody and I had so far.

Cody: Mom I love this picture

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Cody: Mom I love this picture.
Me: I do also. I also love the one that Ashli took of us when I came back to Cali.
Cody: Yeah that one was nice babe.

Cody and I decided to post those two to instagram

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Cody and I decided to post those two to instagram. Honestly we knew our phones would be blowing up but Instagram couldn't define the love we had for each other but only God could. God would always be with us and that is all that mattered from now until we grew old together. 💙

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