Sapphire and?🤔

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The next morning I woke up to a smiling Aaron lying next to me. It was a nice feeling because around the times that we met I would always wake up to him like this. Felt like a sense of home when he did that.

A couple of seconds later the door bell rang.

I walked downstairs to get the door and then I opened it and saw a smiling Sapphire there with my mom and dad in the car in the background.

Sapphire: Hi mom.
Me: Hi sweetie come in.

She had two bags with her the other I assume was for me so I put the bags by the stairs so we could take them up later on.

Sapphire: Where is dad?
Me: He should be coming down in a minute honey.
Sapphire: Okay.

A couple of seconds later Aaron came down and he smiled at Sapphire when she ran to give him a hug.

Sapphire: Hi dad.
Aaron: Hi sweetie. Are you ok?
Sapphire: Yeah I'm okay. I'm worried about mom though.
Aaron: I know honey. How about we go talk about things with your mom and see what we missed.
Sapphire: Okay.

As we all walked into the kitchen I heard Sapphire kept asking Aaron a bunch of questions and it was nice of him to answer them. Seeing the two of them bond closely was nice.

Sapphire: Mom what is that picture on the wall over there?
Me: Oh that is a picture of your father and I when we first met.
Sapphire: I really love this picture. Was this before you had Connor?
Me: Yep. Way before. That was the second day meeting your father.
Sapphire: Mom, I really like that picture. It shows off who you and dad are.
Me: Yeah it does.
Sapphire: I want something like that one day.
Me: Well sweetie you are almost fifteen now and maybe sooner than later you will get it but for right now I want you to be okay with your surroundings before you have someone to share it with. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made.
Aaron: Your mom is right Sapphire.
Sapphire: Yeah I know. I just wish I could find someone one day who loves me like you love mom.
Aaron: Honey your mom and I took a lot of detours and a lot of let's just say natural disasters to bring us back together but I believe we are only here because of God. Sometimes things happen for a reason and we never know why they happen until they do.
Sapphire: Yeah, mom used to say that all the time. Go with the wave Sapphire. Never rush.
Me: That's right sweetie.

A couple of seconds later the door bell rang again and Sapphire went to get it this time.

Sapphire: Mom it is Aunt Jessica and Uncle G.
Me: Haha okay bring them in honey.
Sapphire: Okay!!

As Jess and G walked in it was nice to see them again.

Jess: Hi Sarah!!!
Me: Hey Girlie!!!
G: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey G. How are things?
G: Things are good. Kids are in Florida with their grandparents and Carlito is thinking about going to school down there. Esme is in a dance program down there also so we will see if we should move down there or not.
Me: Whatever is right for the kids. What does Carlito want to do?
G: Football. He loves football. Esme wants to go into the high school dance program in Florida so we will see what happens with her.
Me: That's so nice. I'm happy for them. Well Sapphire I know she wants to go into psychology and Connor is with his girlfriend now and he's going to the University of Arizona. He wants to play baseball and he wants to go into law.
G: I'm very happy for him and his girlfriend's name is Rebecca right?
Me: Yep. She is probably going to school down the road from the university for sports medicine or something else and she plays soccer so she might join the Women's team one day at the college.
G: I'm happy for them. This is so nice.
Me: Yep. As for me I might want to go back to school and get a writer's degree but I might do that in this area and find a good high school for Sapphire.
G: I like that idea. That's a good idea.
Me: Mhm.

Jess was on the couch talking with Sapphire and Aaron was in the kitchen so G and I went to talk to him.

G: So man what does it feel like having an ounce of Sarah back?
Aaron: Feels like I have some of my past back from some of the good times we had.
G: I'm glad dude. Fate I know for a fact brought you guys back. I knew this was going to happen.
Aaron: Yeah I had a feeling it was also.

Back into the living room.

Jess: So Sapphire how are things with you?
Sapphire: Things are okay with me but I'm worried about mom.
Jess: Yeah honey I'm worried about her also. She is only trying to do what is best for you you know that right honey?
Sapphire: Yeah but seeing her with dad earlier it was like this is the happiest she has been since we came back to Jersey.
Jess: Honey your mom doesn't want you to make the same mistakes she made and is making. I say that to my kids all the time. Make your own mistakes. Don't make the mistakes mommy and daddy make. Giancarlo and I want what is best for our kids and we have to respect what they love and I know your father and your mother want that for you.
Sapphire: Yeah I know. I just want mom to be happy again.
Jess: She will be honey I promise you.
Sapphire: Thanks Aunt Jess.
Jess: Your welcome sweetie. Anytime you want to talk I'm here.
Sapphire: Thank you. 🙂

As the time went on I kept getting text messages from California and I kept ignoring them except for one text from Clay. Somehow he was in town visiting a friend in NY and he wanted to meet up with me but he wanted me to bring Aaron also.

I showed Aaron the message and he nodded and okay to it.

Aaron: I wonder what he wants?
Me: I really don't know but when he asks you to come with me that is very interesting.
Aaron: Yeah it is. Wants us to meet him tomorrow right?
Me: Mhm. Tomorrow.
Aaron: Okay.

What does Clay want from Sarah and Aaron?

Stay tuned.....

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