Time to Party. 🍾

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I woke up that morning and I rolled over on my side to Blake staring at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. Knowing this man was going to be my husband in three months really made me happier than I ever was before.

Me: Morning.
Blake: Morning Princess.
Me: You know I don't think I can ever get sick of you calling me beautiful names.

He rolled on top of me and started kissing my face and I had my hands in his hair while just making out with his handsome self.

Blake: Can you keep doing that?
Me: Doing what?
Blake: The hands in the hair.
Me: Mhm.

I kept doing it and he was just staring at me on top of me in pure bliss.

A couple of minutes later Steph FaceTimed him.

Blake: Morning bro.
Steph: Morning bro. What's up?
Blake: I have Sarah's hands in my hair and dude it feels good right now.
Ayesha: Aye! ☺️ you both are better. I'm happy to hear. Ready for the party tonight?
Me: Yeah I am. Just wondering if this man is going to get off of me.
Blake: Never.
Me: good.

He pulled the camera away from his face and leaned in to kiss me.

Steph: Man what have we done to you two?
Me: Made us happier.
Steph: Yeah it definitely looks like it.
Me: You know I used to think I had the answers to everything in life and I used to think I would never find someone to love me again but when Blake walked into my life I felt full again.
Ayesha: That's the best feeling in the world.
Me: Yeah, guys I want some alone time with my man I will talk to you guys at the party place.
Steph: Sounds good. See you guys later.
Blake: Yeah man see you.

As Blake hung up I kept kissing him and then he made it down to my neck and the skin between my breasts and it just felt like the best moment in the world. You know that moment where the love of your life kisses you in the most intimate places and you just cannot help but take deep breaths because you feel at ease. That's how Blake was right now.

Me: God you don't know how good this feels.
Blake: How about we stay here all day.
Me: I like that idea but we have a lot of guests waiting for us to celebrate one of our special days. I really cannot wait to marry you.
Blake: I know same with me. It just feels right.
Me: It does.

A couple of minutes later I felt fur at my feet then Jeter climbed up on the bed and stared at Blake and I like he was hungry.

Blake: I will go feed him Mi Amor.
Me: Whoa. 😌
Blake: What?
Me: When did you learn Spanish?
Blake: Giancarlo and Jess. They told me you like the little Spanish phrases here and there. I thought I would try it.
Me: Well keep doing it. It is working.
Blake: I will sweetie.

He gave me another peck climbed off of me and followed Jeter into the kitchen.

I went into Rose's room and she was up rolling around. I gave her baby kisses and I walked into the kitchen to feed her.

Blake gave her a kiss on the head and took her from me because he wanted to feed her and I was petting Jeter's head while he was chowing down on his food.

Blake: This is the life both of us should have had since day one.
Me: I completely agree. Although I would love to see you in a Yankee jersey one day.
Blake: You just might.
Me: Good. ;)

Later on that day everyone arrived on the beach since the place where we were holding the party was there.

Jordan: Man Sarah this is beautiful.
Me: Thank you guys.
DJ: Sarah we missed you and Blake. Maybe you guys want to take a vacation with us next year?
Me: Sounds good.

Blake was over in the corner on the deck talking to his basketball friends and I walked over and joined him. I started with a kiss on the lips and then he chatted back.

Steph: Man this is great.
Blake: It is. Thanks to The Cole's.
Steph: Oh yeah. This place is dreamy man. I mean the sun out it is getting closer to your wedding why not.
Blake: I agree.
Deandre: Man I never thought you would find love again.
Blake: Me either man. I mean coming to NY was one thing but finding the love of my life here and meeting her through mutual friends of ours was the best part.

A couple of minutes later the Cole's walked over and joined us.

Gerrit: God I can never get over this place.
Amy: Neither can I honey.
Me: I'm glad you guys set the party here. Everyone we invited seems to be enjoying themselves.
Amy: I agree. Also Sarah, Gerrit and I talked to Aaron and Casey.
Gerrit: We feel really stupid for cutting him off and we also didn't know you and Blake set him up with Casey.
Blake: We knew they needed each other. It was the right fit.
Gerrit: He looks a lot happier. That smile hasn't left his face since we got here.
Me: Did Joey and Kelsey talk to him also?
Gerrit: Yeah they are over there talking to them now.
Me: I'm glad. I know how close you guys were before all this nonsense started but setting him up with Casey was just what he needed.

Knowing this party was running smoothly Ayesha took the mic from the DJ and Steph was standing next to her.

Ayesha: Hello All. You know who I am and you know who my husband is so we don't have to introduce ourselves but we just wanted to send out the happy couple a congratulations on their engagement and we cannot wait for the wedding. When I found out Blake found the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with through my husband I knew right away Sarah was the one for him and when they met it was pretty crazy if you ask me. Thank you to Gerrit and Amy Cole as well as Joey over here to my left for bringing them together and also for Giancarlo and Jess to keep Sarah sane before she met Blake. Without you all Steph and I would have never met Sarah. Thank you all and enjoy the party.

Vanessa Bryant walked over to me and pulled me to the side.

Vanessa: Look at that smile on your face girl. I told you everything was going to be okay.
Me: Yeah I might have gotten the cold feet for a little while but I'm okay now.
Vanessa: I'm glad. Anyways my daughter is over there in the corner talking to Blake's brother and other friends so let me know when you make your way over. I want you ladies to get along.
Me: Absolutely.

Aaron walked over to me with Casey and to be honest they couldn't stop smiling at each other.

Aaron: This is amazing Sarah.
Me: Yeah it is.
Aaron: Maybe things happen for a reason.
Me: Maybe they do.

My kids were roaming around with Jeter and Rose so I knew they would be fine.

I went to find Blake on the sand and he brought me in for a kiss and Ayesha of course captured the moment like I knew she would.

Steph: Great pic babe

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Steph: Great pic babe.
Ayesha: Thanks. 🥰

In the next chapter Sarah and Blake take another mini vacation but where do they go? 😘

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