Telling The Team and Inviting Him?❤️

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Cody and I walked hand and hand into the locker room. Everyone looked at us with a smile that day and welcomed us back.

Kike: Hey guys. What up?
Cody: Sarah and I are getting married. :)
Kike: Dude! That's awesome! Congrats! Sarah I know how much you wanted this!
Me: Yep! I did.

When we told the rest of the team and Mariana they were all happy for us but I had to talk to Mariana alone for a little while. Cody went to get ready for his practice since the guys didn't have a game until tomorrow.

Mariana: What's up Sarah?
Me: Do you think I should invite Josh to the wedding?
Mariana: Do you feel in your heart that you should?
Me: Something tells me I should. I just have to have one last moment with him. Do you think Cody would mind?
Mariana: I don't think so. I know Cody likes him and respects him as a person.
Me: Yeah. I am going to talk to Cody after practice about this and see what he says.
Mariana: Personally Sarah I think you should. It would be closure for real this time and you don't have to keep thinking if and or but about what could have occurred with you two.
Me: Yeah I know. I really miss him Mari.
Mariana: It is okay to miss him Sarah. I think you should talk to Cody about this. Let me bring Kike over here and ask him also.
Me: Okay.

Mariana went to get Kike and she came back and sat next to me with him.

Mariana: Babe. Sarah needs to ask you something.
Kike: What's up Sarah?
Me: Do you think I should invite Josh to the wedding?
Kike: I think you should. I would listen to Mariana and just invite him only. The connection you have with him Sarah I know it is unfortunately unforgettable. Maybe you just need that push to invite him and I do not think Cody is going to care if you do. He would want you to have one more moment with him. It would be nice for you both.
Me: Thanks. :) I think I'm going to talk to Cody later about it since the kids are actually starting a new school today and we put them in an after school program.
Kike: Yeah. That would be a good time.
Me: Yeah. Thank you guys for listening to me.
Kike: Your welcome Sarah.

Later on that day after we got home from practice Cody and I sat on the bed upstairs and I was sitting on his lap.

Cody: Kike said you needed to talk to me about something babe?
Me: Yeah. I wanted to know if I could invite Josh to the wedding. Maybe my heart just needs that one last dance with him.
Cody: I would love for him to come. Is he going to come alone or with his wife?
Me: I'm going to give him a plus one because I don't know how to approach the wife title just yet.
Cody: Are you going to call and tell him or just send him the invite?
Me: I think I'm just going to send him the invite.
Cody: Okay that's fine. I do believe this is a good idea Sarah because you get to haha that last moment with him and it would be amazing for both of you. I'm proud of you for thinking about him Sarah. I know deep down how much he means to you and how much you respect what he does for a living.
Me: I always did. I always respected him and always will respect him but sometimes maybe it just takes time to move on and then come back to the memories maybe you had with the person. I know I had a lot with you but I also had a lot with him.
Cody: No yeah. I know Sarah.

When Cody went to pick up the kids from after school I was writing down my end of the list for the wedding and Cody was going to write him. He was probably going to have more people than me but we will see what happened. All I know is that I wanted Josh on that list with his plus one.

That was this one dream I remember having when I used to like him that took me back to the Navy pier/base in San Diego by him. He was holding me from behind and he knew I trusted him more than any other guy besides Cody. Just having him in my arms felt like closure to me and then the song "There You'll Be" came on from my favorite war movie "Pearl Harbor."

When you think of those memories you know you can't let go of the person who helped you create them. Those memories you don't want to remember they disappear but Josh for me even if we didn't talk that much like we wanted to his memories stay in the back of my head no matter what I am doing at that very moment.

I sat there and Cody walked in with Sapphire and Conner. He kissed me on the head and walked downstairs to go watch a movie with Corey and Emma.

Conner: Mom you wanted to talk to my sister and I?
Me: Yes honey. Do you remember Josh? My friend in the Navy.
Conner: Yeah I do but Sapphire might not because she was just a baby.
Sapphire: Mommy who's Josh?
Me: He's a good friend of mine sweetie and don't worry Cody loves him like his best friend.
Sapphire: Is she coming to the wedding?
Me: I wanted to ask you and Conner that. Do you think that is okay?
Sapphire: I don't mind. Please don't hurt Cody momma.
Me: No no sweetie. I promise I won't. There is nothing you need to worry about. I just wanted to get your opinions.
Conner: I don't have an issue with it if Cody and Sapphire don't. Should I bring Corey and Emma up here?
Me: It would be better coming from their father.
Conner: Yeah, mom. Your right.
Me: Thank you both.
Conner: Welcome mom.
Sapphire: Welcome mom.

They walked over to give me a hug and I gave them one back and a kiss on the heads of theirs.

Me: I love you both so much. ❤️
Conner: Love you.❤️
Sapphire: Love you.❤️

As the day went on and I started to finish the list so Cody could look at it and add his my heart felt better knowing I was okay with inviting Josh to the wedding.

Things were going to be okay. I knew it. ❤️

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