Father and Son Talks. 💙💙

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Conner came home for a week with Rebecca because they were on break in Arizona for a mini vacation. He was going to be able to see the Yankee team who missed him soo much and Rebecca he knew loved the city. The main reason why he was here was because he already asked Rebecca's parents if he could marry her when they were done with college and they said yes because they knew how special Conner was.

Conner was now sitting outside with his dad on the back patio while Sarah took Rebecca out shopping in Times Square.

Conner: Dad I missed you.
Aaron: Missed you also son. How is everything with you?
Conner: Everything is good but the main reason I wanted to come this week with Rebecca was because after we graduate I want to ask her to marry me.
Aaron: ☺️. I'm so happy you guys want to take that step and you waited Conner. You are waiting for the right moment to ask her right ?
Conner: Yeah, I want to make it special and I know how much she loves NY so I wanted to do it at Yankee Stadium and we don't get married until after we graduate because we both need to focus.
Aaron: I completely understand son. I'm glad you are thinking about this and not rushing into this. Kids your age these days don't finish college want to quit and never go back because they want to get married. Im glad you are both waiting to finish college and then get married.
Conner: Yeah, I love how you and mom are now and I want to be like that with Rebecca. She has been there for me and I know how much mom was there for you when you were our age.
Aaron: Your mom and I hit a lot of dead ends Conner but you and Rebecca are going to be different. Don't do what your mom and I did. I want you and Rebecca to make your own mistakes.
Conner: Thanks dad, I know. Rebecca to me is how mom was to you. She's exactly like mom.
Aaron: In what ways? 🥰
Conner: How she always goes the extra mile and how she just goes out of her way to do anything. Like one day I was stuck in class and forgot my lunch and since we do live together off campus she finished her class early and she walked into the class and asked the professor to give me my lunch and he allowed her to. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out with a smile and I just sat there with a smile on my face the whole time. You know that smile that mom gives you when you make her happy with something small. That was the smile she walked out with and I knew in that moment I wanted to marry her. I just wanted her to be mine. She is everything I wanted and more. Sometimes I feel like she's way too good for me but then other times I know why she stayed with me.
Aaron: I'm glad you know why I fell in love with your mother because I see a lot of Rebecca in your mom also. When your mom told me she was pregnant with you I was over the moon because I knew you were going to be an amazing kid and with your sister I know I should have been there for her just like I was there for you and now as a dad and as a future dad you will be I want you to be the best dad I know you can be. Don't be like me Conner please be you. Be the best for your future kids. Let them know you love them, let them know you won't leave them because when I left you and Sapphire behind your mom was crushed I know she was and I was also when I found out that your mom was the best person for me and when your mom says now that she needs me when there are a thousand and one guys out there better than me it makes me happy she still comes back to me after all I did to her.
Conner: Dad you and mom have this love that not many people can have anymore. It is just one of those love stories that is up and down like you said but it always somehow leads you back to each other. It is crazy but it works with you guys. You had me and Sapphire out of it and I'm happy you had me and Sapphire. We came out just fine.

Conner leaned in to give his dad a hug and Sarah came to the back with Rebecca and they smiled at the both of them in the hug.

Sarah knew why she wanted Aaron back because he was such an amazing father to Conner and to Sapphire that she just knew he wasn't going anywhere again. The twins he had with Sabrina will always love him also and they now still speak to their mom and their dad and Sabrina understands that no matter what we will be there for her also.

I walked back into the kitchen with Rebecca and I sat down and had lunch with her since I knew Conner and his dad ate already.

Rebecca: Thank you for today Sarah.
Me: Oh no honey thank you. This was nice.

Rebecca sat with a smile on her face and I just smiled back at her. I knew Conner was going to marry her one day because she is a version of me that I know Conner wanted and loved.

Rebecca: Are you okay Sarah?
Me: Oh yeah, also I know Conner loves you and I know how much he appreciates having you around.
Rebecca: He told you?
Me: He told me all the stories about how you walked into his class and asked his professor if you could give him his lunch and about how you go out of your way to make him happy and he does the same for you.
Rebecca: We have a candle dinner every single night. He always goes out of his way for me and I always wanted a guy to love me like that. I see how much Conner's dad loves you and I said I want something like that one day. I found that with Conner.
Me: Im glad honey but you and Conner make your own mistakes don't make the mistakes his father and I made. I want you guys to make your own rules and learn on your own. We will always be here for you guys no matter what but lean on each other trust me it works.
Rebecca: Okay. Thank you Sarah.
Me: No honey thank you. :)

I leaned in to give her a hug and Conner walked in with his dad and they both smiled. They sat next to us at the table and they just knew we had a one on one like they did also.

Conner: Mom, Rebecca has a lot of you in her.
Me: I know honey I told you that since day one. I saw that automatically when I met her. She goes out of her way to help you and you do the same for her. She told me about the candle light dinners you guys have and when your father and I were your ages we did the same. It was just nice.
Aaron: Yeah honey I remember that. That was nice we should do that again.
Me: That would be nice.

The rest of the day was Aaron and I just chatting away with the times we missed with Rebecca and Conner. It was just a breath of fresh air to see them together.

Next chapter new things happen.

Stay tuned. ;)

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