Deployment Days Are The Hardest. The Little Things. ❤️

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Anna woke up the next morning to Grant sitting by the window with a water in his hand.

She walked over in just his shirt and she kissed the side of his face and his neck. She was going to miss him especially since he had to leave today to Germany.

Anna: Baby?
Grant: Yeah?
Anna: You ok?
Grant: I don't want to leave you.
Anna: I don't want you to leave either but I need you to go fight for this country. Just know when you come back I'm here.
Grant: Anna.
Anna: Huh?
Grant: Kiss me. I just need you to kiss me.

She straddled his lap on the floor and all he remembered were her gold eyes that shown in the sun since the first day he met her.

Anna: Why are you looking at me like that?
Grant: Those gold eyes. I remember them like it was yesterday.
Anna: Yeah from the first time I met you.
Grant: Yes.
Anna: I love you. ❤️
Grant: I love you too Anna. ❤️

As they continued to kiss he knew it was time to get ready but they ended up taking this one picture on their phones before everything was going to happen so fast.

As soon as Grant finished packing his things Anna was going to drive him to the airport which wasn't too far from their place

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As soon as Grant finished packing his things Anna was going to drive him to the airport which wasn't too far from their place.

The car ride was silent until Anna started to play the Pearl Harbor instrumental soundtrack and Grant knew Anna was in her emotions of losing him when she played that Pearl Harbor album.

Anna: I'm sorry I know you don't like it when I play this.
Grant: No. I don't mind the soundtrack. I just know when you play it you are thinking about me. You always think about me when you play it.

Not even a couple of seconds later Anna was out of her car saying good bye to her Prince Charming.

Anna: Grant I love you. Call when you can baby and please be safe.
Grant: Anna I love you more Princess. ❤️💙 You know you mean everything to me.
Anna: Yeah I know I do. Please come back safe because I don't know how to live my life without you.
Grant: I will be back before you blink your eyes twice. Go visit my family maybe drive to see my sister. I don't know do something productive and before you know it I'm going to be back in your arms. ❤️
Anna: Okay go go before I make you stay.

She pulled him in for one more kiss and before she knew it he was gone through the double doors.

As soon as he left she called Sydney.

She knew she needed Sydney.

Sydney: Hey girl. Did you drop off my brother yet?
Anna: Yeah. Do you mind coming to stay with me for a couple of days. I'm still in that depression mode since I just saw Grant leave. I don't know why it is harder to see him leave this time than the times after that.
Sydney: You love him Anna. You care about him. You always have loved him. When you love someone so much it hurts to see them leave but I know with our faith in God he will be back into your arms in no time. I am going to pack my things now and then I will make my way down to you. Do you need anything?
Anna: Nope. Just bring yourself.
Sydney: Okay. I love you Anna. :)
Anna: Love you more sister. ❤️

As Anna hung up the phone she walked back into her car and drove back home. As soon as she got home she sat on her couch with "beary" and watched "The Lucky One." She normally would only watch this with Grant but this would be the only way she would be able to remember him besides the smell of his cologne that he wears which lingers on their bed sheets.

Since she missed him more than ever at the moment and she felt like she wanted to cry her eyes out she went to his closet and pulled out one of his Marine shirts. She took off her's and put his on and then she took a pair of his sweats and put them on also.

She went back to the couch shut the movie off since she wasn't in the mood anymore to hear any sound. She played the Pearl Harbor soundtrack again and again by Hans Zimmer. She loved the instrumental tracks and she always told Sarah to listen to it and Sarah did.

While in the midst of hugging "beary" she saw a note on the coffee table with a bracelet that said "always keep me with you princess."

She read the note and cried her eyes out into "beary

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She read the note and cried her eyes out into "beary."

My Dearest Anna Rae,

I love you to the moon and beyond. You are and will always be my girl and I can't ever begin to forget about how special you are to me. You always make me smile even when I don't want to so I thought this would make you smile and help you remember me. The saying is my handwriting on the bracelet and I thought you would really love it. I will be home soon and don't worry you can wear my shirts and pants because I always love your scent that lingers off of them.

I love you so much princess.

Be safe! I will call when I can!

Your lovely husband,
Grant. ❤️

P.S. I have a bracelet that matches yours that I got in your handwriting with a saying you always used to tell me since the day I met you. "keep me in your heart and I will love you endlessly. -Princess Anna" ❤️

Anna knew she had to put this bracelet on and she had to keep every single letter and anything that reminded her of Grant with her always. He was her life and she was never going to let him go no matter how many times they fought. They fought to keep their love together and that is why loving him kept her and himself alive.

In the next chapter......
Sydney comes to visit but brings some very special friends with her that might help Anna remember Grant even more than ever.

Stay tuned. ❤️😘

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