Just Get This Over With. Part 2.

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After talking with Aaron I knew he was going to be better after he started going to therapy with me next week. He really needed it like Casey said he did and to be honest Casey and I knew we had to check on our men more often because her and I working with professional athletes really made us more aware of their mental health also. Kevin was texting us strategies and things to do to help them and so far everything was okay.

Casey and Sarah were now at the dining room table at her and Aaron's place.

Casey: Sarah I do believe we need to just check on them from time to time to make sure they are okay. Blake is getting older and so is Aaron. I want to make sure they are both okay.
Me: Absolutely. Their mental health is important just like their physical and emotional health is. Checking on them is going to help us and the kids.

Jeter came and sat on my lap and I was petting him to sleep. It seems that from what I noticed when Blake holds Rose he's more calmer and when Aaron is talking to Kings and Junior as well as our kids it helps him focus on the important things in life.

Aaron walked in with Blake a couple of minutes later with smiles on their faces.

Me: Hey you two ok?
Blake: Yeah we are fine. I mean I feel like he needs me around since I really understand him.
Me: He does honey and Casey and I are happy you have each other to talk to.
Aaron: I don't have those nightmares I used to have where I would always think people would leave me.
Casey: No one is going to leave you. I'm right here babe. Also the people in this house are always going to be here to support you. We know how many rough patches you have had and trust me I went through them also.
Aaron: I didn't know you did also?
Casey: When Blake and I broke up yea I was broken but I knew he would find someone who really loved him like I should have. Him finding Sarah he said was the best thing that has happened to him and you finding me I know has helped you really become a better person. I know how much you love Sarah but listen you can still talk to her no matter what. Blake and I are okay with that.
Aaron: Thanks. I really messed it up with you Sarah. The moment I saw you kiss him on the court after you made that shot was the way you used to kiss me and that hit me like no tomorrow but I had to blame myself for that because I was next to someone and had a kid with someone after you that really didn't love me. You loved me with every ounce in you Sarah and I knew you would and did love Blake the same.
Blake: Dude I'm not taking Sarah away from you. I know the life you had with her and I know Casey does also but I saw how broken she was and Joey told me everything and to be honest I knew you were going to do better.
She was scared to love me at first and I know she was scared to say yes to me when I asked her to marry me and I respected that.
Aaron: I had a feeling she wasn't going to go to another baseball player. I was shocked though when she went to you. Though I was also happy she did.
Casey: Why's that babe?
Aaron: I saw Blake one day at the stadium when we played the Dodgers at home and he was with a couple of guys from the team. I saw him looking at Sarah after I kissed her and he had his hurt in his eyes. I knew one day he would take her from me but that one day came and I had no control over it. Sarah I know you loved me and appreciated me but seeing you with Blake makes me feel like you could trust again. Gerrit and Amy telling Joey and passing the message onto you really made you not only expand your sporting sense but it made you see that not every guy will hurt you. You had some amazing men in your life Sarah but they let you down and for once maybe Blake is the sliver lining you needed.
Me: I never thought of it that way but yea I see what you mean. Maybe he is my silver lining. Casey I would say the same thing to you. You are showing me again the Aaron I loved when I first met him.
Casey: I'm glad I could bring that back Sarah. I'm sorry you guys didn't work out when I would hoped you would have but maybe this was better for the both of us.
Me: It was. Honestly it is. Everyone is happier I'm really happy. I go to sleep every single night next to a man who not only holds me like he loves me but appreciates me and cherishes me like I have dreamed about for so long. It is nice to feel like you are wanted and really cared for.
Aaron: I really feel that with you Casey.
Casey: I'm glad. I feel that with you also.

Blake and I just smiled at each other knowing we did really well with them.

Blake: Is there anything else the four of us need to talk about because tomorrow my parents are coming to our place and Aaron didn't you say your parents are coming in?
Aaron: Yeah why don't we all meet up at a restaurant for dinner?
Me: I mean sounds good to me.
Casey: Yeah I don't see why not. We have Kings and Junior. You guys have Jeter and Rose and we will pick a restaurant that is outside and dog friendly since Sarah I know Jeter cannot be alone. Also the kids can meet us there.
Me: I just texted Conner where to meet us and he said he's in with Rebecca. Sapphire and Kyle are going back to Tennessee on Sunday so I want to see them before they go since they are staying with their brother.
Casey: Then everything is settled. Perfect.
Blake: Yep.

Blake and I walked out with Rose and Jeter with contentment knowing we settled unanswered questions and we really opened to our eyes to more important things in life. Extended Family. ❤️

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