A Kiss for the Books Pt.2

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I called my mom and I told her that her and my dad could stay for the night with Jeter because I wanted some alone time with Blake and she said it was fine and for me to call the kids because they wanted to talk to me over zoom.

I knew my kids wanted to speak to me so I asked Blake if I could use the computer in his office and he said sure. I wanted him to come into the zoom also because I wanted the kids to know who he was. I never hid anyone from my kids because they never hid anything from me that they thought was important to tell me. This is why I could trust them with everything.

Blake and I were in the office in his place and I invited Conner and Rebecca in first to the zoom.

Conner: Hey mom.

Me: Hi honey.

Conner: Everything okay with you? We haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks since everything happened.

Me: Yeah I am okay now honey. Hi Rebecca.

Rebecca: Hey mom.

Me: Are you okay honey?

Rebecca: Yeah Conner and I are okay we were just worried about you.

Me: I promise you both I am fine.

Conner: Should you invite Sapphire and Kyle in?

Me: Yeah hang on one second.

Sapphire: Hey momma.

Me: Hi baby. You and Kyle okay?

Kyle: Yeah we are fine mom.

Me: Good.

Kyle: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah I am happier now.

Conner looked down at his phone and he smiled at Rebecca and then Rebecca smiled back at him.

Me: What's going on Conner?

Conner: Mom you didn't tell us how your afternoon was. ;)

Me: Oh about that. You saw the Brooklyn Nets page didn't you?

Conner: Uncle G just sent it to us.

Me: He sent it to all four of you on Instagram?

Conner: Yep and mom you look really happy. The last time you were that happy was when dad was with you.

Me: Yeah well Joey and Gerrit set me up because Gerrit and Amy saw Blake at a restaurant in the city and she thought he would be perfect for me since Joey is now with the Brooklyn Bakery owner's daughter and I said we would remain friends.

Sapphire: Mom is that him in the back?

Me: Yes it is. Blake you can come say hi to my kids and their signifcant others.

Blake: Hey kids.

Rebecca: Oh mom he's hot.

Conner: You scare me when you do that.

Rebecca: Your mom has good taste you moron. Shit look how you came out even if your dad I want to put through a window right now.

Conner: Yeah I know.

Sapphire: Okay hot heads and I agree with Rebecca mom. Geez! He is hot. Mom come on where do you get these men from?!?

Me: Magazines. No I'm joking. They just find me and your father seems to know all of them which I saw him today with that woman of his.

Sapphire: Please do not mention her. He brought her into the zoom the other day and Kyle was about to throw his shit fit and my computer out the window but I told him to keep his cool. Somehow he did.

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