Mom Advice. Listening to the daughter. Dad conversations.

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Sapphire, Aaron, and Elise came over Cody and I's the next day and they were pretty happy although I knew there was something up with Sapphire. She wasn't herself and I could always tell when there was something wrong with my daughter.

Me: Sapphire.
Sapphire: Yeah mom?
Me: Come talk to me sweetie.
Sapphire: Okay.

I walked to the backyard with her and I told Cody to come with me. Aaron was sitting on the couch with Elise.

Sapphire: Mom, can I be honest with you and Cody.
Cody: Of course Sapphire. What's up?
Sapphire: I don't like dad with Elise. There is something wrong with her and I don't want to live with them anymore. Since I am old enough I have decided to get my own place.
Cody: Sapphire I do not think you should get your own place just yet because your mom and I don't feel comfortable with you living alone.
Sapphire: Okay but where am I going to live?
Me: You are going to stay here sweetie and if Cody and I need to take your brothers we can.
Sapphire: Thank you mom. Cody you know you don't have to take my brothers and I in.
Cody: Sapphire, you are still my step daughter and I want what is best for you and your brothers. I told your mother if Sapphire wants me back into her life I want her to make that decision and I'm glad you came and spoke to your mom and I before you went to your father. Has your father noticed you have been distant with him when she is around?
Sapphire: My brothers notice me distance myself but I don't think he does and I always take them out and do activities with them because I don't want them to be around Elise. There is something just fishy with her and I don't like it. I might sound insane now but maybe in the long run everyone is going to understand what I'm talking about. Like the other day she and I were sitting on the couch and we were watching TV while Aaron was outside with the boys playing catch and she was asking me if I had sex yet and if I ever had a boyfriend and I told her no and she just kept asking me these uncomfortable questions. I didn't like it so I excused myself.
Cody: Your mom and I are glad you did that but did she say anything to you after you walked away from her?
Sapphire: No she didn't and I thought she was going to yell at me but she didn't.
Me: well I'm glad she didn't honey.
Sapphire: What should my brothers and I do mom? We aren't going to stay in that house when she is always around dad. She is attached to his hip and the fact that she has asked me those personal questions I'm scared of her.
Me: Okay you know what I'm going to have a talk with your father privately and honey if you want to go with Cody to watch your brothers that is fine. Your father just texted me saying Elise went to see friends for the day so she's gone for now.
Sapphire: Thanks mom. I love you.
Me: I love you more sweetie pie. 💙

Cody walked with Sapphire to go play with the boys in the backyard and I took Aaron's hand and walked him back inside to the living room.

Aaron: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hi. Sapphire spoke to me about Elise. I don't want her around the kids.
Aaron: I know I over heard you guys talking and personally I don't think Elise and I are going to work out. She's way too much and I don't like girls like that. Personally I know how Sapphire was feeling and how the boys didn't want to be around her so I decided to just stay single for now.
Me: Thank you.
Aaron: No thank you Sarah. I'm glad our daughter came to you not only for the well being of her brothers and I but for the well being of you and Cody not having to deal with her anymore.
Me: Your welcome. Anyways Cody and I would like you and the kids to stay for dinner if that is okay.
Aaron: Yeah we would like that.

As we walked back outside and Cody nodded in Aaron's direction.

Cody: Everything okay dude?
Aaron: Oh yeah everything is fine. I'm just glad you and Sarah got to speak to Sapphire about how she was feeling with you know Elise and all. I never liked her anyways it is just every single time I lose Sarah I just can't seem to find another woman like her.
Cody: Dude I can help you look if you want.
Aaron: I think I'm just going to stay single for now but thank you though.
Cody: Your welcome just let me know if you need anything.
Aaron: Thanks Cody.

Cody's POV:

I knew how much Aaron just loved Sarah but to be honest with you he knew how much I still loved her also but I wouldn't mind him coming around with the kids just to have fun and to talk to Sarah. Personally I trust him and I know how he is.

Sapphire walked over to talk to her father and then she brought him in for a hug which made me smile. I know how much she loved her father and just wanted him to be happy and I saw her brothers behind her in the hug as well and it was nice.

Aaron: Sapphire.
Sapphire: Yeah dad?
Aaron: Thank you for opening my eyes to tell me what was important today and thank you for always protecting your brothers I know how much they appreciate you.
Sapphire: I'm only trying to be a good daughter to you dad but also a good step daughter to Cody also. I know how much you guys and mom love my brothers and I and to be honest I just knew Elise wasn't the one for you. She was only trying to fill in for mom and I knew that just isn't possible dad because mom is one in a million.
Aaron: I love your mom Sapphire to the moon and back and I know how happy she is with Cody but I just want her to be happy and if she's happy with him then I'm okay with that. You can always come visit when you want and you can bring your brothers also.
Sapphire: Thanks dad.

Sapphire was texting Conner the whole time and he told her he knew it was gonna work out in the end. Conner was still with Rebecca and I was happy for him.

Sometimes you have to learn to live life the hard way even if it means taking the long route home. 😌

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