Sitting Down with Papa Belli.

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Cody was upstairs sleeping and he has been doing that the whole week because Clay and I took him to see a doctor in the city that works with the Yankees when they have surgeries and other medical problems and they put him on anti-depressants because they said that he is sometimes depressed and Cody and I knew that.

Clay: Sarah is my son going to be okay because I am getting soo worried about him. I didn't know how bad it was until I physically came here and noticed what you were telling me.

Me: Clay he is going to be fine. If no one else understands us then we are going to get him better ourselves. We are very strong people with the help of Corey and Mady. They first noticed what was going on with him and they brought it to my attention.

Clay: I think we should call them over while Cody is sleeping and we need to wake him up soon so he can eat.

Me: Yeah I think that is a good idea.

Mady and Corey came over within a couple of minutes.

Mady: Hi guys.

Me: Hey Mads.

Mady: What seems to be the issue?

Me: We want to know if there was anything else you saw in Cody that Clay and I missed.

Mady: To be honest with you we haven't noticed anything that you guys don't know and we have been keeping a record both Corey and I.

Me: Okay we wanted to just make sure the four of us were on the same page.

Corey: Oh yeah we are. Um I got a call about an hour ago from the Kershaw's and we told them about Cody.

Me: I am glad they are coming he needs people to be by his side.

Corey: You are right Sarah. This is why Mady and I are here to help you and we don't want anything else happening to him.

I got up to give Corey a hug and started crying into him. Mady came up behind me and so did Clay to give me a hug. In the hug I didn't hear Cody come down the steps.

He had this tired sick look on his face with a smile and then I got out slowly of everyone's grip and ran over to him and cried into him also.

Cody: Babe I promise you I am going to be okay.

Me: Cody I know you and you always tell me you are okay when I know you sure as hell aren't.

Cody: You are right. I am going to be telling you how I feel from now on is that okay?

Me: Yes I would love that. Now since you have to take your medicine what do you want to eat so I can make it for you.

Cody: Can I have some pizza?

Me: Yeah sure sweetie.

As I made his pizza which I know he liked homemade on the flatbread that I bought from the store a couple of days ago his dad as well as Mady and Corey looked at me with smiles on their faces.

Clay: You are amazing with him Sarah. He told me that when we were down here watching a movie yesterday.

Cody: I did honey. Thank you for helping me out even if I have been a pain in the ass to you.

Me: Look at me Codes.

Cody looked into my eyes as soon as I put pizza for him into the oven to bake.

Me: I love you sooo much do you know that?

Cody: Yes I do.

Me: Would I ever put you in harms way about anything?

Cody: No you wouldn't.

Me: Okay what did I tell you the exact minute that you put this ring back on my finger?

Cody: That you would always take care of me in sickness and in health.

Me: Okay and now you understand why I give a damn about you Cody James. I love you more than anyone else in this world right now and I want you to get better no matter how long it takes. If Mady does the same for Corey I want to do the same for you.

Cody leaned into kiss me and I smiled into the kiss like I usually do.

Clay: Well that was nice to see that from you two again

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Clay: Well that was nice to see that from you two again.

Me: Yeah it was honestly.

Clay: When was the last time you even kissed your wife Cody?
Cody: Dad it might have been a week or two ago. It is sad if you think about it. I did miss her kisses and kissing her just now made me miss being closer to her more than ever now.
Clay: I'm glad son.

Cody and I sat at the table with everyone else and he put his head on my shoulder and give me kisses once in a blue moon telling me that he was ok and everyone in the room could see it.

Cody: when do the Kersh's come?
Corey: they should be in by tomorrow guys. I will let you know because they are staying with us.
Clay: it sure would be nice to see them again.
Cody: yeah dad that is what I was thinking. I have been talking to Kourt and JT also they want to come and visit soon also. They said maybe sometime this week they have to go do something's for the family.
Me: I love how supportive the Dodger family is.
Clay: Me too Sarah. 🥰

As we were going to wait for the next couple of days to roll around for everyone else to get here it sure was nice for Cody and I to be around people we loved and trusted. 💙

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