Parents Checking In. Sapphire Feeling Lonely.

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Sarah decided to bring Cody's family from California for a couple of days because she knew he missed them. The gestures were bringing her and Cody closer and closer every single day and she would make sure to fill in Corey and Mady when they asked.

Cody walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He smiled and tapped my shoulder but I ignored him and continued to type something on my computer. He took my computer away from me playfully and turned me around in the swivel chair I was sitting on at the island and brought me in for a kiss. The kiss was like a breath of fresh air and I do not think I was going to be able to get sick of it. I ended up taking a quick selfie of us in the kiss and I sent it to Sabrina and Mady because they wanted to know how we were doing.

A couple of seconds later I got a bunch of hearts back and then I got another text from Jenn saying they were outside with the kids.

I hopped off Cody's lap from the kiss and opened the door.

Jenn: Hi Cody.

Cody: Mom! Dad! What are you guys doing here?!?

Jenn: Sarah didn't tell you?

Cody: Tell me what?

Jenn: She knew you missed us and she booked a flight for us to come for a couple of days. We are staying at an Air Bnb near by.

Cody: Sarah you did all of this?!

Me: Mhm. I wanted to see the kids again and I know you wanted to see your parents.

Cody leaned into kiss me again and his parents just smiled.

Clay: There is something different with you two. It is like you guys are acting like Conner with Rebecca and Corey with Emily.

Cody: Mady and Corey are keeping daily tabs on Sarah and I and they want us to work on these gesture exercises for couples to see if it would bring us closer together and it is seriously working. I woke up this morning feeling so amazing and I looked over at Sarah and she was staring at me with this sparkle in her eye like I knew she would be.

Clay: That is what the correct marriage does to you son.

Cody: Yeah I noticed that.

Jenn brought Sarah outside while Cody stayed in the house with his father Christopher who was getting bigger by the minute and Emma.

Jenn: Sarah you are looking so much better and the last time we saw each other face to face it was like reality smacked us.

Me: Yeah I know and thank you for the compliment. When I went to North Carolina with Sabrina she knocked a lot of sense into me and when Cody and I spent the time with Corey and Mady we saw what a real marriage looked like. Cody and I just followed their every single step and it is really really working. It shocked me honestly how much it is working. If we do fight it is like over a piece of cheese or even over who is going to get in the shower first not even huge arguments like we used to have before.

Jenn: I need to thank them one day for bringing a different side of you guys out because I spoke to Ashli the last time and she saw the glow in her brother for the first time since the divorce Sarah and she called me up saying how happy Cody has become again. He is in your arms Sarah and he becomes my son again. My son that I gave birth to and my son that I love so much.

Me: Without the help of Mady and Corey I wouldn't be like this. They taught me a lot. I have become more aware of who I am without him and who I am with him. I can't even spend a minute without him.

Jenn: Sarah those are the memories that you really cherish.

Me: Yeah, I have learned to cherish every single moment with him. I have noticed his shoulder gets better every single day.

Jenn: Do you know why?

Me: No.

Jenn: It is because of you sweetheart. I was talking to your mom the other day and she said she sees a difference in my son with you Sarah. She said you guys went over and Cody didn't complain about his shoulder once. She saw your dad talking to him outside and he kept telling your father "I feel better when I am with your daughter." Your dad knew Sarah. He knew and my husband knew. I was texting him the other day and just by reading his text messages he was so calm and collected. You not only brought my son back but you brought the Cody you love and everyone loves back Sarah. You brought his heart, his smile, and just him in general back. He used to have these dark thoughts all the time that worried me and now ever since he rekindled things with you he has become this angel again.

Me: I am glad I can help.

Jenn: I always knew you would be able to Sarah.

A couple of minutes later Corey and Mady walked up the stairs of the back patio and they smiled at me and at Jenn.

Mady: Are we interrupting anything?

Jenn: No, you guys can join us and I actually wanted to thank you both for bringing my son and Sarah back together again. You helped Sarah realize the amazing side of my son that I lost when Sarah was gone.

Mady: Well we were telling Sarah that she should try what Corey and I do every single day and to be honest with you Cody says it is working with them. We knew it would but we just had to have them tell us.

Corey: We are always happy to help those who listen to the advice we give them.

Me: You gave us some good advice. Cody has not complained about his shoulder once and he is also becoming more open to what is bothering him now. He never used to do that with me. He used to keep everything bottled up inside.

Corey: That is what I wanted you to see but I also have to bring something else to your attention.

Me: Yeah, what is it?

Corey: I saw Sapphire today at the supermarket with her dad and she didn't look to be in the mood. I do not think Aaron knew what was going on with her Sarah but I think you should talk to her.

Me: Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I am going to have a sit down with her later since Aaron is bringing her over along with the twins for dinner.

Jenn: I can sit down with you girls if you want Sarah.

Me: Yeah I think that would be a good idea. My parents are coming tomorrow afternoon.

Jenn: Sure sweetie.

In the next chapter Sarah is going to try and figure out what is wrong with her daughter and why she is acting different.

Stay tuned.

The next chapter is going to be a continuation of this chapter so please do not get confused.

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