Has Cody Really Changed? He's Back With Who? 🧐💕

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Sometimes I really sit back and think if I didn't get back with Aaron how would my life have been like since Cody was out of my life. I really didn't know.

I was sitting on the ground with Jeter in the backyard while Aaron was in the house talking with his brother.

I decided to FaceTime Cody.

It rang for a couple of minutes until he picked up.

Cody: Sarah. Hey.
Me: Hi Cody.
Cody: What's up?
Me: I should be asking you that. You are the one who called me.
Cody: Sorry I must have butt dialed you.
Me: That's okay. Everything okay?
Cody: Yeah everything is great. I have something to tell you.
Me: Okay what is it?
Cody: Sabrina and I are back together.
Me: You are kidding?!? 🥰
Cody: Nope im not and we are thinking about renewing our wedding vows.
Me: I'm soo happy for you both.

A couple of seconds later Aaron came out holding Jeter.

Cody: Who's that little guy?
Me: Our new corgi Jeter.
Cody: He's adorable.
Me: Thanks.
Cody: Hey Aaron.
Aaron: Hey man. How are you?
Cody: I'm finally better. I have a lovely daughter now that I got full custody of and Sabrina and I are back together about to renew our wedding vows.
Aaron: I'm very happy for you man. I really am. I knew you guys one way or another would work things out. When are you guys thinking about doing it?
Cody: Actually in a week or so. We will text you guys the info. It is going to be here in Tennessee.
Me: Oh okay cool. Gives me a good reason to go down and see Sapphire and Kyle.
Cody: Yeah I would say so they aren't far from me.
Me: Yep they are about an hour away.

A couple of minutes later Sabrina came in with a smile on her face.

Sabrina: I miss you guys!!!
Me: We miss you also!!! Thank you God you guys are back together.
Sabrina: I can say the same for you guys I heard from Jordan you guys are renewing your vows soon also.
Me: Yep we are. We will come see yours first and you guys can come up to NY for ours.
Sabrina: Sounds good.

I didn't expect this news from Cody but I'm glad Sabrina got to give him another chance since their timing was off in the beginning which caused all that mess with everyone in the beginning.

Cody: Sarah my parents miss you.
Me: Yeah I thought so.
Cody: Sarah my mom is sorry for everything she put you through.
Me: Well I'm not speaking to her still but your dad texts me from time to time to fill me in on everything but I'm not talking to your mom and sister.
Cody: I know Sarah what she did to you was wrong and honestly she was shoving all the nonsense in my face and I told her to drop it. I haven't talked to her fully in a week because she is pissed I'm back with Sabrina.
Me: She needs to get over it. You are happy now Cody. I can see it on your face and on Sabrina's also. She needs to accept the fact that your life is none of her business and I'm going to tell her that straight the hell up when I see her. Like I hate when mother's or anyone for that matter think they know what is best and they really fuckin don't. Cody before you weren't the same Cody I remembered and I kept telling myself to give you time because I knew you were going to get your act together and realize that your kids are having kids and Sabrina your kids are having kids. We all have to grow and move on sometimes but seeing you two miserable and unaware of how this world works made me go insane.
Sabrina: Sarah thank you for helping us wake up to realize that we did need time apart to realize what we missed. I didn't think I would be back here but my cousin isn't far from here and he told me that I should consider getting Cody back because it looked like he needed someone who cared about him. He bumped into me one day in a supermarket with his daughter and she was too adorable to pass up.
Me: I'm glad Sabrina. I'm really happy for you both. Anyways Aaron and I have errands to run with Jeter here so we will catch up soon.
Sabrina: Definitely. Have a good day guys.
Cody: Talk soon.
Aaron: Talk soon.

Since getting off the phone with them Aaron had a wide smile on his face knowing Cody and Sabrina were happy together again. I guess things do happen unexpectedly sometimes and you have to realize they do take time to mend back together.

Aaron: I'm happy for them.
Me: Yeah I am also honestly. I didn't expect that from him but now that I know he is going to be okay and better now with someone we both appreciate that's a good thing to not worry about anyone.
Aaron: I love how you still worried about him and her even if you didn't want to talk to them.
Me: Yeah that would be correct. It is like I say I don't care but I actually do care. It just happens you know.
Aaron: I couldn't agree more. We went through that also. Honestly speaking it is about time we all realized what was in front of us and what we really needed. We were dragging our kids through the dirt also which was never a good thing to begin with.
Me: I couldn't agree more.

Jeter started to bark at us and we knew he wanted to go for a walk so we went out to take Jeter for a walk and we ran into G and Jess and we were starting to talk to them. We told them about Cody and Sabrina and they were smiling because they knew things were bound to happen again. Things to happen randomly you should have to let them happen without trying to force them to happen. That's how life works.

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