First Day of Married Life. Mariano FaceTimes. Josh Asks For Advice.

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Cody and I came home exhausted after the reception. We didn't want to stay in a hotel because we both became these germy people after COVID.

Cody: Babe I'm so glad we came home and kept the kids with my parents.
Me: I know babe. I don't think I could have slept in a hotel. I love our bed.
Cody: Yeah I know what you mean. On this honeymoon thank god we got one of those houses and not a hotel.
Me: Yeah I think I mentioned that to Sabrina.
Cody: Thank God you did. I have become more like my mom where I have to now sanitize everything down even in this house sometimes.
Me: Yeah I know what you mean love. Anyways I have a friend coming by tomorrow since we leave on our honeymoon next week.
Cody: Oh okay. Is it a guy?
Me: Yeah you don't mind do you? Trust me he knows we are married and that you know I'm Mrs. Bellinger and such and such.
Cody: As long as he knows I don't care.
Me: Yes babe he knows.
Cody: Okay, do you mind me asking if I know him?
Me: Remember Navy Josh?
Cody: Oh yeah. He's fine.
Me: Okay. :)

As Cody and I went to bed that night it felt just nice being cuddled up in his arms and smelling his scent very close to my nose.

Me: You smell so good. What's that cologne you are wearing?
Cody: I think my dad got it for me for Christmas this past year. Calvin something. Not Calvin Klein but Calvin I forgot the name. I actually liked it in some store but didn't know how it smelled until my dad said it smelled good and we almost like the same smelling cologne so he went to get a bottle then he got me one also.
Me: You need to wear it more often I love how soft smelling it is.
Cody: Yeah I don't want you to die on me. I love you too much.
Me: I love you more Cody.

After I leaned in to kiss him we both fell asleep.

The next morning we both woke up and I just remember smelling the cologne off of my husband and then I saw him look down with those beautiful blue eyes of his.

Me: It is so wonderful that I get to wake up to you. The feel of your skin next to mine puts me to sleep and wakes me up.
Cody: I feel the same way about you.

A couple of seconds later after we got all decent we got a FaceTime call from Mariano.

We picked it up with a smile on both our faces.

Mariano: Congrats you two!! How is the honeymoon coming along?
Cody: Actually Mo, we leave next week to Italy.
Mariano: Very nice. Yeah Judge and his wife called me and told me what they did that was very nice of them.
Cody: Yeah it came as a shock to us. Sarah and I couldn't believe it.
Mariano: I can imagine. So what are you guys up to today?
Cody: Sarah has a friend coming over later on tonight for dinner and the kids are spending the week with my parents and Sarah's parents at the house.
Mariano: I bet you the time to yourselves is nice.
Cody: Yeah. I love being home with just Sarah. It feels really great. I had a dream last night Mo about going back to the restaurant in NY when Derek was talking to me about how an amazing woman Sarah is and how I shouldn't let her go no matter where life was going to take me.
Mariano: Cody, I'm glad you listened to Derek and Sarah I'm glad you listened to me. I knew you were going to have to pick a fight with me but Cody your parents were so worried about you your mom called me crying on the phone saying how worried she was about you Cody. She was always looking at you depressed when Sarah wasn't around and she said I was her last hope and to be honest talking to you Sarah and having Derek talk to you Cody made me realize how amazing you two are together.
Cody: Yeah we noticed now that God wanted us together all along it just took us both to see that.
Mariano: I'm glad you guys see that but anyways I have to run but I will talk to you guys soon! Be safe!
Cody: Thanks Mo! You too!
Me: Thank you Mo! Same to you!

As we hung up with him the door bell rang.

Cody and I walked downstairs since we were dressed already to the door and we opened to see Josh there with breakfast.

Me: Hi Josh. I thought you weren't coming until
later on.
Josh: The base has us shipping out tonight so I thought I would come by and congratulate you both on your marriage with breakfast.
Cody: Thanks dude. That means a lot.
Josh: It is no problem.

We were talking to Josh over breakfast just checking in with him until he asked Cody and I a question that pretty much shocked us.

Josh: Do you guys have anyone in mind for me? I have been so guarded with my heart that Sarah was the last person I was ever serious with. Every other girl really doesn't get me like I wish they would.
Cody: I have to ask around the Dodger community to see but I'm sure we will find someone for you. Sarah and I know someone you can speak to though.
Josh: That would be great thanks guys! I'm sorry I'm bombarding you with my dating life.
Me: We are happy to help Josh. I always wanted you happy and I plan on keeping my word with Cody.
Cody: Yeah dude. I can ask around and when you come back from deployment let us know and we should have someone by then.
Josh: Thank you both you are awesome. How is everything with you guys?
Cody: We are good dude. The kids are grown now and moving up in the ages and Sarah and I are just being ourselves enjoying the first day of being married.
Josh: I'm really happy for you both. I know how hard it was for the both of you to actually see you two really belong together.
Cody: Yeah dude I know this is why Sarah and I won't give up on you. You deserve someone like Sarah who is going to look out for you and help you in the long run. Let us know if you want to come by anytime when you are in the area we would be happy to have you over.
Josh: Thanks guys. That means a lot. Anyways I have to run because I'm meeting up with some friends from a Marine base near by so I will let you know when I come back.
Cody: Yeah dude have a safe trip.
Me: Yes same be safe and have a safe trip.
Josh: Thank you guys. :)

As Josh walked out Cody and I knew we would be able to help him find someone since we knew a lot of single women in the area who would literally be so happy to have someone like him. Most within the Dodger family and that were nice that we weren't going to put Josh with just anyone. Mariana would be the person Cody and I would usually go to with situations like these because she was always smart when it came to relationships and finding one another.

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