Aaron why are you here? Sabrina comes too.

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As I was sitting in Dodgers Stadium with Cody and the kids were sitting on top with his parents I saw a man walking down the stairs but didn't pay any mind to him. I really didn't know who he was from far away.

I looked at the man again and he was coming in my direction.

Until I heard my name being called I ignored the voice.



I turned my head and there I saw my ex husband Aaron Judge.

Aaron: Hi Sarah.

Me: Aaron? What the hell are you doing here?

Aaron: I need closure with you Sarah.

Me: I thought we got closure?

Aaron: No we need to do this now. I got closure with the kids but not with you. Sabrina is here with me and she needs one with Cody also.

Me: Fine.

I looked across the other side by third base since I was sitting by first base and I saw Cody sitting talking to Sabrina and he had this straight look on his face.

Aaron: Sarah I need to make sure both of us are on the same page.

Me: Aaron you know how much we fought and to be honest with you you know why we had to get a divorce. We couldn't keep going at it anymore and we were both okay going separate ways and you said you didn't want to see Sapphire.

Aaron: Sarah you pushed me away from her. I wanted to see her. At the time I do not think you wanted to speak to me and you were with Josh at the time.

Me: Fine Aaron this is the last time we are ever going to speak.

Aaron: Sarah I deep down still love you but it is about time we talked this out in person.

Me: Yeah maybe this was needed.

Aaron: I hope you have a good life Sarah.

Me: You as well.

Aaron: I won't forget the memories you gave me and the son I partially still have.

Me: You have permission to come and see Conner and Sapphire because I spoke to Cody about it.

Aaron: Thank you.

Me: You know Aaron I do not care about what you do anymore I am glad you are with Sabrina and not Samantha.

Aaron: Haha, I had a feeling you were going to say that.

Me: You know I would have. I never liked Samantha and her bitch self anyways. She ruined you and she used you like a damn piece of shit in the toilet.

Aaron: I haven't spoken to her in years Sarah so I know how you feel.

Me: Good. Have a good life Aaron.

Aaron: Thank you.

Aaron gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away.

He switched spots with Sabrina and Sabrina came and talked to me while Aaron went to talk to Cody.

As soon as Sabrina sat down I just nodded at her.

Sabrina: Sarah I am so very sorry for all of this happening.

Me: It was bound to happen Sabrina.

Sabrina: I feel horrible though Sarah. You know Aaron and I feel horrible for what we did to you and to Cody.

Me: Things happen for a reason. We have good memories and bad and nothing is going to change that.

Sabrina: Cody told me that you want Aaron to see his kids and Cody told me to ask you if I could see mine from time to time.

Me: As long as Cody is okay with it I'm okay with it.

Sabrina: Thank you Sarah. I knew I could always trust you.

Me: You still have to give me time to trust you though Sabrina.

Sabrina: Yeah, trust me I know. It is going to take sometime but I am willing to wait as long as possible for you to trust me again.

Me: Okay good. Since I was pregnant Sabrina didn't hug me too hard.

Sabrina: You and Cody can come and see the twins anytime you want. Also we are going to be sending you guys an invite to our wedding.

Me: That is okay you don't have to.

Sabrina: No honey. Aaron and I want to and if you guys don't want to come that is okay.

Me: Oh okay. Thanks.

Sabrina: Oh by the way Jess is back with Giancarlo.

Me: Oh that is good news.

Sabrina: Yeah it is. We miss you back in NY Sarah. Maybe you and Cody should come soon.

Me: We will see.

Sabrina: Okay have a good day.

Me: Thanks, you too.

Sabrina: Thank you Sarah.

As Sabrina walked away I couldn't help but feel relieved a little about the conversations that just occurred and I knew I could potentially move on with my life with Cody and the kids.

I walked over to Cody when Sabrina and Aaron left the stadium.

Cody: Hey you okay babe?

Me: Yeah. I am okay.

Cody: I didn't know they were coming.

Me: I really didn't know either but I am glad they did.

Cody: Yeah they told me they saw the kids before they came down to see us. My parents were up there with them.

Me: Yeah Aaron partially told me what was going on.

Cody: He invited me to their wedding.

Me: Yeah I know Sabrina said the same.

Cody: Do you think we should invite them to ours?

Me: I am going to think about it because I told Sabrina I need time to trust her again. She said she was willing to wait.

Cody: Good for you Sarah and I am glad she understood.

Me: Yeah she took it well.

Cody: Her and I are on civil terms and I am letting her see Corey and Emma when she wants to.

Me: Yeah I told Aaron he can see Conner and Sapphire.

Cody: Glad we talked this out.

Me: Oh yeah I know a huge weight lifted off our shoulders honestly speaking.

Cody: Yeah, I know what you mean babe.

Before Cody went back on the field to finish up his day with the team he gave me a kiss and walked away.

This was one interesting day and Cody and I definitely needed to be making more wedding decisions on weather we would be going to Aaron and Sabrina's and if we were going to invite them to ours.

The next chapter Cody and Sarah come to conclusions on what they want to happen for their last baby and if Sarah should continue to keep in contact with everyone out East.

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)Where stories live. Discover now