Back Down Memory Lane😍

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DJ and Jordan came over and they were helping us go through old photos which was nice.

Aaron and I had some of the kids and some of the families and some of the guys in the clubhouse but Jordan came across one box that I thought I got rid of when Aaron and I were taking a break.

Jordan: Which box is that Sarah?
Me: my wedding photos.
Jordan: Wow I love this one you guys look steamy as heck.
Me: Oh yeah I forgot about that one. You know who took that?
Jordan: No who?
Me: Didi.
Jordan: Shut up! This picture is hot as fuck. I do not think our photo or video guy took a picture of DJ and I like this but wow I think you should post this later girl. Man I am getting flustered just looking at this.
Me: Hahaha ask DJ what he thinks.
Jordan: Honey come look at this photo that Didi took of Aaron and Sarah.
Me: Deej you okay?
DJ: Just wow. Didi took this?!
Me: Mhm the day before Aaron and I got married. We were at some party near the beach and he took it.
DJ: I am going to have a talk with Didi about this because this picture is wow.
Me: I know right.
Aaron: Oh yeah that is my favorite picture Sarah looked spicy.
Me: Well I didn't know I was spicy to you but thanks.
Aaron: Honey no need to thank me. I told you the women I used to be with aren't you and I always kept my word about that.
Me: Yeah I know. I love you.
Jordan: You two need to renew your wedding vows because I always get hurt when you two stop talking. You guys were the couple DJ and I looked up to and now that you guys know that you cannot live without each other it is nice to see.
Aaron: Thank you Jordan.
DJ: Jordan and I had this fight one day over something and when I saw you with Sarah coming out of the car one day I went home and gave her a kiss and fixed things with her because I didn't want her staying mad at me.
Aaron: That's a good husband.
DJ: Thanks. Judge if we didn't have you on the team it would be boring. You make the Yankees spark and you are such a leader we need more people like that.
Aaron: Thanks man.
DJ: Your welcome dude.

Sometimes it is nice to get some two cents from people you really love and appreciate no matter what happens in life and I personally think Aaron needed that small talk coming from DJ and Jordan. It was nice to see his confidence get boosted.

This was the picture that DJ and Jordan saw in the box of Aaron and I.

Jordan: I think you guys need time alone with the rest of these photos

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Jordan: I think you guys need time alone with the rest of these photos.
DJ: Yeah we will see you guys at the game tomorrow.
Me: Sorry guys.
DJ: No clearly these photos are intimate and you guys need space.
Aaron: Thanks man.
DJ: No problem.

Aaron and I got back on the bed and looked at more photos and then we saw another one and Aaron said he was going to post this one that Didi took also and tag him.

Aaron: Didi went in on these photos

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Aaron: Didi went in on these photos. I don't know how the heck he takes these without feeling some type of way.
Me: He said he got used to it after awhile.
Aaron: Damn man. I think when we post these they are going to blow up.
Me: Yeah I think so also.

We both went to Instagram and posted the photos and tagged Didi.

A couple of minutes later we got a FaceTime call from Didi.

Didi: Hey love birds, I heard you guys got back together that is good news.
Me: Yeah we did thanks.
Didi: Your welcome. I remember when I took those photos.
Me: Yeah we had to post them and give you credit.
Didi: Did anyone else see them before you posted it?
Me: Actually DJ and Jordan were over and they loved the first photo we tagged you in but they didn't see the second one.
Didi: I only do photos like that for the people who feel comfortable doing them so if they want photos like that tell them to call me in the off season. I will gladly do it for them. Actually I have DJs number I will call him.
Me: Sounds good.

When we hung up with him we just sat in bed and looked at more photos.

Aaron: Do you want to renew our wedding vows in the off season?
Me: I would love that.
Aaron: Okay we can pick a date soon.
Me: Sounds good.

I leaned over to kiss him and he smiled back into the kiss which was nice.

Let's just say the last time together is a charm for some people.

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