Bonding With Baby and playing matchmaker. ❤️❤️

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I woke up the next morning on the couch and then I remembered that I fell asleep watching a movie here. Aaron didn't leave last night so maybe he fell asleep with Rose in the guest bedroom.

I did my morning stretch and I walked into the bedroom and I saw Rose being held by Aaron and Blake was next to Aaron making sure she was okay and if they needed anything. I took a picture and sent it to Casey, Jess, and Amy since they were the only ones who knew really.

Casey: That's adorable.
Jess: I loved that and had to show it to Giancarlo. Where is Jeter?
Me: Jeter is on the floor on Blake's side in his bed.
Amy: I'm glad Aaron came back to see his daughter and didn't make a big mess about it.
Me: Same girl.
Amy: Take care of them Sarah.
Me: I will.

I got a single text from Casey and then she called me after.

Casey: Sarah hey.
Me: Hey. Everything ok?
Casey: I broke up with Cody.
Me: Oh my god what happened?!?
Casey: Found him with another woman from the Heat  having dinner. Then he leaned in to kiss her when I was watching him with the kids at the restaurant the entire time. What should I do?
Me: Keep the kids with your parents for the day since they live near you and fly up to come and see us since you are down in Florida. Blake and I leave for LA tomorrow to play the Lakers. We are going to need someone to keep an eye on Aaron with Jeter and Rose.
Casey: Thanks Sarah. Can I bring the kids with me instead?
Me: Yeah we have room here. Bring them.
Casey: Okay thanks.

Blake and Aaron walked into the living room where I was after I got off the phone with Casey and they had smiles until I told them what was happening.

Aaron: Man I feel bad for her.
Me: Yeah she was engaged to him. She is coming up with the kids to stay here Blake.
Blake: Yeah that's fine. We have to catch a flight tomorrow night anyways. She's down in Florida right?
Me: Yeah she is getting on a flight in an hour. She should be here by tonight.
Aaron: I can watch Jeter and Rose.
Me: We were going to leave you with them anyways.
Aaron: I'm okay with that. I have stuff with me that I brought over and if I need to run back to my place to get more things Casey can always stay with the kids and Jeter until I come back.
Me: Okay sounds good.

Blake's lightbulb turned on in his head and he smiled back at me. I gave him one back knowing that we were thinking the same thing.

Blake: Sarah come with me.
Me: Okay.

We walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

Blake: I have a feeling Casey is going to like him.
Me: I was thinking the same but we don't want to rush either of them.
Blake: I know but I want to see if something happens when we are here if not maybe when we are away things might happen.
Me: I was thinking that also.

A couple of hours later Casey comes to the door with the kids.

Casey: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey guys come in.
Casey: Thanks.
Kings: Sarah are you and daddy leaving tomorrow?
Me: We have to for work Kings but we will be back I promise.
Kings: Okay.
Junior: Sarah?
Me: Yes.
Junior: Who's that talking to daddy?
Me: That's a friend of mine. Why don't you go say hello?
Junior: Okay.

Junior walked up and said hi to Aaron and he got down on his level and gave him a high five.

Casey: Sarah is he single?
Me: Yes.
Casey: What happened with Sam?
Me: She left him and she didn't tell him he had a daughter because she didn't call him but instead she called her parents when she went into labor.
Casey: That's beyond messed up.
Me: I know.
Casey: I'm glad he cleaned up his act.
Me: I know. I'm glad also.
Casey: Do you mind if I talk to him?
Me: No go ahead. Blake and I kinda knew you needed to talk to someone.
Casey: Yes thanks.
Me: Blake and I will take the kids and Jeter for a walk.
Casey: Thank you.

The kids went out with Blake and I with Jeter.

Aaron: Hey.
Casey: Hi.
Aaron: I'm sorry about what happened to you.
Casey: Thanks. I mean sometimes it happens but I'm kinda upset it happened now.
Aaron: Trust me I understand.
Casey: Thank you for being here for me. I know Blake cares a lot about Sarah but I honestly wish I hadn't fucked up soo much with guys.
Aaron: Im the same but with women. I don't know what is wrong with me honestly. I wish I could have a long term like I know Sarah and Blake will.
Casey: Yeah maybe we will.
Aaron: We?
Casey: Come on do you know Sarah and Blake?
Aaron: Haha now I do.

Casey brought Aaron in for a kiss and he smiled into it as did she.

Casey: I mean do you want to give this a try?Aaron: I don't mind

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Casey: I mean do you want to give this a try?
Aaron: I don't mind.
Casey: Okay.

Sarah and Blake walked in with Aaron giving Casey another kiss and the both of us smiled.

Me: Okay it worked. Y'all owe me.
Blake: Haha we didn't kiss today yet.

I brought Blake in for one and everyone just smiled.

Kings: Okay mommy and daddy are happy can we eat now!
Junior: We are hungry!

Jeter was barking and the rest of us started laughing when Blake was carrying Rose.

Blake: How about Aaron and I go cook and you guys stay and watch over the kids and K9?
Me: Sounds good. ;)

Casey and I were on the couch smiling with the kids playing and I was carrying Rose with Jeter next to me.

Casey: You planned that with Aaron didn't you?
Me: Case you are good for him.
Casey: Am I?
Me: You are.
Casey: Am I what he needs?
Me: Yes you are.
Casey: I know Blake needed you since the day I saw you two together.
Me: Thank you.
Casey: Maybe we both needed a new mindset.
Me: Maybe we did.

I brought her in for a hug and we went to the kitchen with everyone following behind to help the guys if they needed it.

This was going to be a good start but let's see what the Nets team says in the next chapter.

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