Am I Ready To Move On? Cody and Sabrina Come Visit.

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The next day I woke up next to Joey with a smile on my face knowing I was going to be okay. A couple of seconds later he looked over at me with a smile of content.

Joey: morning princess.
Me: morning hun.
Joey: everything ok?
Me: yeah I'm just thinking.
Joey: about? You wanna talk about it?
Me: Actually can you call your mom.
Joey: yeah sure.

His mom came over an hour later while Joey ran out to get some things.

Mom: hi honey what is it?
Me: do you think I'm moving too fast with your son?
Mom: I don't think you are. Do you feel like you are?
Me: in a way yes but in other ways no.
Mom: have you talked to him about this?
Me: I told him I would come to you about it and then if I needed to talk to him I would be able to.
Mom: you know what I think.
Me: what?
Mom: you are scared to fall in love again and get hurt.
Me: that and some other things. I don't want to feel like I'm using your son and I don't want to feel like he's just here to be my marshmallow.
Mom: I don't think he thinks that is why he is here. You know he loved you even when you were with Aaron.
Me: he did?
Mom: yeah he was depressed for a little while because he wanted you back and he loved the way you made him feel like he was the only man for you. Sarah those two girls he was with before just used him. He doesn't know what love is. Love is blind to many people but it is the people that are in love that are blind as well. You two need the company of each other that's the best part about why Joey is with you.
Me: yeah I guess. Thank you for coming today. Joey should be home soon.
Mom: actually he's in the kitchen he came in when we were talking.
Me: he heard everything?
Mom: some of it yeah. I think you should go talk to him and I will see you both soon.
Me: thank you for coming.
Mom: no problem hun.

I walked into the kitchen. I saw Joey with a smile on his face and Jeter was in the corner staring outside.

Me: hey. You heard everything?
Joey: yeah for the most part I love you and I do want us to take things slow even if we did have sex already.
Me: we both wanted it, and I don't regret it.
Joey: me either I liked it and I liked how it wasn't uncomfortable for either of us.
Me: yeah, I used to feel uncomfortable getting naked but I guess looking at you doesn't make me feel self conscious about myself like I used to feel. You didn't judge me and you didn't tell me to cover up. I felt happy with you and the guys before you I had my moments of insecurity but with you I don't. It is like you know how to make me feel like I'm me and that I don't have to change for anyone.
Joey: I always knew how beautiful you were since the first day I met you and I remember asking Giancarlo who you were and when he told me how much you have gotten your heart broken I knew I needed to try and be the man you could spend long term with and that you don't have to worry about me attempting to cheat on you like the others did.
Me: I'm glad you understand.

I walked up to him and kissed him.

Joey: I always did and I always will.

I went to sit back in the couch with Jeter and Joey came out of the shower without a shirt on and of course I was drooling like my life depended on it.

Joey: take a picture it lasts longer.
Me: no I'm good. I don't need a picture when I get to look at it every single day. I have a feeling you might have a body just as amazing as Giancarlo's. The other guys were ehhh average.
Joey: oh really now.
Me: yeah. Even Jess said I would like your body more than I would any other guy's and she was correct but at the time I didn't want to admit it.
Joey: I'm glad you find me irresistible.
Me: yeah and you smell amazing also.
Joey: yeah it is this thing my cousin got me from Italy. It is usually for men to use. It is like this body wash but they only sell the small bottles and the shit babe is so damn expensive you have to buy one at a time.
Me: is it like gold or something?
Joey: you could say that.

He showed me the bottle and it smelled amazing but not too overwhelming.

Me: yeah I want you to use it more often.
Joey: okay. I will.

Of course he smiled and walked back into the bathroom to put it back where it was and the door bell rang.

I went to open it and there stood Cody with a bloody hand and Sabrina with some smirk on her face. Oh dear god did he do what I think he did.

Cody: hey sarah, hey Joe.
Sabrina: hey guys.
Me: Cody did you do what I think you did?
Cody: punch your ex husband in the face yep.
Me: Cody I cannot believe you but I love you for doing that.
Joey: must have been one tough blow.
Sabrina: nah he's strong he will be fine. I just loved after he did it the bitch stood there and said nothing like she didn't even say a word to us because we came in without warning and did it.
Me: those are the best timings where no one knows what is going to happen until it does.
Sabrina: agreed Sarah.

We made lunch for them and we just sat, ate, and chatted.

Cody: sarah I like how happy you are. I know I used to say that all the time but you just really look so much different than you did for all those years that I knew you.
Sabrina: he is correct sarah. Who changed you? You look soo much better.
Me: Joey did. He just lets me be me. He doesn't care what I look like. I don't have to impress him like he doesn't have to impress me and on top of that Jeter warmed up to him which I love because it takes Jeter awhile to do that with anyone he doesn't know.
Sabrina: I like this new you Sarah. Keep her around.
Me: I will.

I leaned over and kissed Joey in the cheek and of course he did the same back to me.

Cody: you both make me smile and I really enjoy it.
Me: I enjoy it also.

In the next chapter a reunion happens. ☺️

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt