The Struggles and Talks From The Heart.❤️😘

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Cody and Sabrina I heard them the whole morning going back and forth. It was heart breaking to have to hear him scream at her but to be honest I don't know why these things happen.

As soon as Cody got off of FaceTime he stomped his feet towards the couch and sat down next to me. They lightened the reigns finally for quarantine so the kids were with his parents for the week. Jenn knew I needed time with Cody and the kids missed them. They would always FaceTime my parents back in Jersey also.

Cody: Honey I'm sorry I was like that the whole morning. She just still doesn't get it! Like it is heartbreaking for most to listen to but I don't want to ever have a relationship like I had with Sabrina again. It was like I felt so third wheel all the time. I wish it was different.

Me: Honey listen you know how they say don't take the chance you have with someone for granted because you don't know when you are going to get it again?

Cody: Yeah.

Me: That is what this situation is with you and Sabrina. It is the same thing. Life took the wheel and then I guess it hit too many dead ends and that happens. Not everyone is going to be you know the piece of gold that you want them to be for you sometimes you just need to see things from a person who probably understands just as much as you do.

Cody: Honestly I'm just so happy to have you in my life Sarah. I know I say I do love you every single day but look at what happened with you and Judge and look at what happened with Anna and Grant. It was like pulling teeth with the two situations. I saw you guys go through the hurt and pain and I said to myself I would never have to go through that and Karma came and kicked my ass.

Me: Cody we know it happens honey but we just have to face the fact that with us being together was meant to happen. Now I can't say that for many couples because sometimes it doesn't happen and that is kinda heart breaking.

Cody: Yeah, no I know what you mean honey.

Me: I don't think I told you this because I personally really kept it to myself this whole time.

Cody: What is it?

Me: Don't worry it isn't bad it is kinda interesting.

Cody: Okay. Spill.

Me: You know how Cher sings the song "Turn Back Time."

Cody: Yeah.

Me: Some times I wish I can.

Cody: I completely understand that but where are you going with this honey?

Me: Well remember we were on that zoom chat with Jake and Justin and the rest of the crew?

Cody: Yeah.

Me: If I can relive that early twenties maybe like late teens phase again in a different world I would have been with Justin.

Cody: Really?!? You didn't tell me this.

Me: Yeah I know. It is embarrassing because he is like a baby compared to me and that is very weird on my part. Liking guys younger than you by a couple years kinda scares me.

Cody: Personally honey I know what you mean. At one point when I was getting drafted and coming up to play for the Dodgers I used to like girls who were a little older than me and sometimes too much older my mom would think there was something wrong with me. I think it is the fact that it depends on the person and how they are.

Me: To be honest with you I wish shit was different.

Cody: Sarah can I be honest?

Me: Yeah.

Cody: Life is different with you. A really good different. I think Mo and Derek were right this whole time maybe it took us to just notice it more. Remember us going to see each other back and forth before I asked you to marry me?

Me: Yeah I remember.

Cody: I wish we had just listened to them in the beginning and we wouldn't be in this mess. When the fighting started with Sabrina it was petty but when you and Judge were fighting it was like Karma was bouncing between both of us. I know we didn't know what we were in the beginning but having the kids with us and them going you know into the world sooner than we can even process maybe it is about time we take care of each other. I mean we are getting married in a couple of months.

Me: Yeah Cody you know I see where you are coming from. Maybe we were just meant to see other people which lead us to become closer.

Cody: Yeah. My mom has a lot of pictures with us together and I still wonder how she took those.

Me: Yeah Mariana said she has some also. I think they knew before we did.

Cody: Personally I think so too. Sitting down with Derek that day in the restaurant opened up my eyes to notice what the true meaning of love is. It is there but I just had to not bullshit and blind myself with the love I know I never wanted or didn't deserve.

Me: Cody listen I completely understand because when Mo told me "Sarah are you sure you aren't just playing the cards with Judge because you don't want to be alone?" When he said that it was like he knew what I was thinking. That day at the Stadium in NY it was like they were reading our emotions took notes and talked to us individually. It amazes me how they did that and it actually worked! I think the moment I knew I really loved you was when I went to visit you when we went to get Chick Fil-A. Personally I knew I wanted a life with you. I now know what the world saw in us. If we do fight it never turns into a war it just turns into like a little kicking fight and that is about it. We just understand each other and that is the kinda relationship I always wanted.

Cody: I wanted the same this whole time and if it took you to come into my life Sarah so be it. ❤️

Talking things through with him helped me realize where my life was headed and knowing it was headed in the right direction was the best feeling in the world. ❤️❤️

Hi guys!!!!

Sorry it took me so long to update!!!!

Just wanted to let you know in the next couple of chapters it is going to be leading up to the wedding and then I am going to figure out how I am going to close this book.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me! I really appreciate it!!!!

Love you guys!!!

Sarah xoxo 😘

Keeping Promises (Trilogy to Earning His Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें