Jeter Comes Home To His New Sibling. Someone Comes Back.

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My parents had Jeter for a little while and now he's back but he thinks he has his room to himself now.

Blake: Do you think Jeter is going to be okay with Rose sharing a room with him?
Me: Yeah he's a good boy.
Blake: Okay. 🙂

My parents brought Jeter in and then I introduced them to Rose. They were over the moon with her and they stayed for a little while for lunch and left.

Me: My parents seemed to like her.
Blake: Yeah they did. My parents are coming tomorrow is that ok?
Me: Oh yeah sure.
Blake: Okay. Jeter knows something is up let's bring out Rose.
Me: Okay.

I walked over to Jeter with Rose and he was automatically protective over her it was adorable. He would hear a noise he would protect her.

Me: Jeter seems to be okay.
Blake: Yeah. I thought he would be.

Blake and I walked back over to the couch and Jeter was guarding his human sister.

I couldn't wait till she got older so she could play with him.

( This is exactly how Jeter was with Rose)

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( This is exactly how Jeter was with Rose)

Blake: Giancarlo wants to come over.
Me: Okay that's fine.
Blake: Does he know about Rose?
Me: Nope and Jess doesn't either.

A couple of minutes later the door bell rang.

I screamed for them to come in while covering Rose's ears and they did.

Giancarlo: Hey guys!!
Blake: Hey man what's up!
Me: Hey G and Jess.
Jess: Hey girl. Wait hold up.
Me: What?
Jess: Why does it smell like baby in here?
Me: What you mean? Lol.
Jess: I swear G doesn't it smells like a baby?
G: It does.

They walked into the living room and saw Jeter lying on the carpet next to Rose's carrier.

Jess: Oh my god.
Me: I can explain.
Jess: I know your behind was not pregnant so who's baby?
Me: Read this note.

Jess and Giancarlo sat down and read the note and they just looked up at us with shocked faces.

Blake: Yeah I knew you guys would be like this.
G: Wait you mean to tell me that this baby was left outside the door a day or two ago and you guys think this is Aaron and Sam's child?
Blake: Yep.
G: I would agree this could be their kid but I want to know why Aaron who loves kids would give up his own baby.
Jess: Um I don't think Aaron wanted to because I just got a text from Patty and she said that Aaron didn't know Sam had the baby.
Blake: What?!?
Jess: Yeah she said that Sam didn't even call Aaron when she was in labor instead she called her parents and then she said that she wanted to give the baby up to Sarah.
Me: You see I told you she was going to not give in to keeping the baby.
Jess: You did say that Sarah. Does that mean Aaron doesn't know about Rose?
Me: Nope. Probably not after this fiasco.
Blake: Should someone call him?
Jess: I will.

Jess got off the phone with him a couple of minutes later and she said he was on his way here.

An hour later there was a knock on the door.

I went to the door with Rose in my hand and opened it to a very sad Aaron.

Aaron: Sarah hi.
Me: Hey.
Aaron: Is it ok if I come in?
Me: Come in.
Aaron: Hi everyone. Im sorry for coming in like this.
Blake: Come in man it is okay.
G: Hey Aaron. We are sorry you didn't know.
Aaron: I would understand why Sam didn't tell me about other things but about this I'm so fuckin angry with her. My own daughter. I haven't even been a father to mine and Sarah's kids and now the daughter I have with a woman who doesn't give a damn about kids is now the daughter of two wonderful people which I'm happy about.
Blake: We didn't expect you to say that.
Aaron: Im glad you guys have her than someone else. I went over to the adopting agency and they told me where I could find you guys.
Blake: Yeah we knew you would be the one to come. Sam doesn't look like she cares.
Aaron: No she doesn't. She moved out of my place and I live alone now.
Blake: Oh good for you.
Aaron: Yeah. I need some time alone. Sarah I also contacted Conner and Sapphire.
Me: Thank you.
Aaron: You were right about me. I was a coward and not a good dad and now I feel so ashamed of myself for my horrible behavior to you and Blake on that day at the training center and at Joey's.
Me: All I care about Aaron is that you want to be a part of your kids lives.
Aaron: I do. I very much do.
Jess: I'm sorry can I cut in.
Me: Yea go ahead.
Jess: Sarah it scares me how much those two look alike. The hair and everything.
G: Yeah it is pretty scary. Sarah you do have a type.
Me: Haha you could say that I do.
G: Let me ask you this one thing Sarah.
Me: Yeah.
G: It seems that you did miss Aaron but you just wanted a new version of him so Amy and Gerrit with the help of Joey brought you Blake is that true?
Me: Bingo.
Aaron: Wow. That's interesting.
Me: Yep.
Blake: I mean I would like you to be invited to our wedding Aaron if you want.
Aaron: Sure I can come.
Me: I'm glad you are back to who you used to be Aaron. Your parents told me how much you changed.
Aaron: I was a coward to everyone Sarah who remembered the old me and I changed for someone who didn't give a crap period about me.
Blake: We knew that and which brings me to finding you someone better than Sam.
Aaron: I would let you and Sarah help me.
Blake: Good. We would be happy to. Also do you want to hold your daughter.
Aaron: Can I?
Me: Yeah sure.

Aaron went to hold her and I saw a tear roll down his face and then I saw Jeter cuddle up to his foot also.

Aaron: Do you guys mind if I sit?
Blake: Go ahead.
Aaron: Thanks.
Blake: Do you want to stay for dinner?
Aaron: If you don't mind.
Me: No no we don't mind.

The rest of us just sat around the island and Aaron was still holding Rose while I was holding Jeter.

Giancarlo: Man my kids are already out in the world and Rose is just beginning.
Jess: Even our grand babies got bigger.
Me: They did.
Blake: Time flies you have to take every opportunity you get sometimes.
Aaron: I agree with that.
Me: What made you want to clean yourself up?
Aaron: the day you screamed at me at the practice facility for the Nets. I see the way you look at Blake Sarah. He's a good guy. I'm glad you went to him instead of staying with me. I have been a coward to you and to be honest I still need to work on who I am before I can share my life with someone again. I know you are irreplaceable Sarah and to be honest I would rather stay single the rest of my life because I know there is never gonna be another you.
Me: You will find someone one day Aaron.
Aaron: Yeah maybe but for right now I want to focus on being a good father to my kids and to be in any assistance to anyone who cares about me.
Blake: Your brother was still in contact with Sarah.
Aaron: Yeah he told me.
Blake: The door is open for you Aaron.
Aaron: Thanks man.
Blake: I'm glad you decided to be a good human again.
Aaron: Me also dude.

As the day went on I knew Aaron was going to take the time to become his regular self again and if Blake and I had to find someone for him then so be it. We knew people but on his time he can come to us. For now we just wanted to be that door open that he needs.

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