197. "Do You Realize How Lucky You Are?"

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I'm engaged to the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes, and I'm currently on tour with him. We were backstage before one of his question and answer sessions. Shawn had me lay on top of him as I rested my head on his chest and he rubbed my back. I hummed in contentment.

"Does this feel nice honey?" Shawn asked as he continued to soothingly rub my back. I nodded as my eyes remained closed.

"Yeah. Can we stay like this forever?" I asked. Shawn laughed, and because my head was on his chest, I felt the vibrations, causing me to smile.

"That would be wonderful, wouldn't it?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Forever sounds nice, doesn't it?" I asked as I opened my eyes to look at my engagement ring.

"As long as forever is with you, I'm happy." Shawn said. I picked my head up and looked at him.

"Kiss me." I said. Shawn smiled and pulled me closer to him. As our lips met, I felt butterflies erupt and fly around in my tummy, I felt sparks shoot through my body like fireworks, and I felt my heart race as if I had just run a marathon. We pulled away when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Shawn said. Jake poked his head in.

"Time for your q and a. Are you coming Y/n?" Jake said and asked. I nodded.

"Yes. Well, as long as it's okay with Shawn." I said as I then turned to my soon to be husband.

"It's fine with me my love." Shawn said with a smile. I got off of him and stood up. We then began walking out of his dressing room. I felt a hand on my butt and turned around.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh.

"I'm trying to pinch or squeeze your butt. I like your butt a lot." He said and I blushed.

"Oh my gosh." I said. He laughed and we soon walked into his q and a. Shawn went over the usual rules.

"So if someone is asking a question, please don't talk while they're talking. Also, it's okay to ask Y/n questions too. All right, let's begin." Shawn said, and hands went flying up. Shawn picked someone.

"My question is for Y/n, um, what was your reaction to Shawn's music video for If I Can't Have You?" She asked. I held Shawn's hand in my lap and laughed a little.

"So, the thing is, Shawn told me not to watch it until he got home, so I didn't watch it until Sunday. Shawn decided that he couldn't wait until I woke up on my own for me to watch it, so he woke me up, and I'm not a happy person when I get woken up." I said and Shawn laughed.

"Yeah she gets a bit grumpy when she's woken up by someone and when she's tired." Shawn said and I nodded.

"Yeah, so he knew that but woke me up and he was like 'Let's watch the music video.' and I was like 'Give me two minutes.' and I sat up and leaned against the headboard. I kept tapping my face a bit trying to wake up, but I was still tired when he showed me the video, but I liked it a lot." I said.

"This was her face when she was watching it at first because she was so tired." Shawn said before taking out his phone and making the most serious face ever while looking at the screen.

"Yeah that was pretty much my face. But I woke up more as it went along and then I kept saying how handsome he looked and that I loved it." I said. Shawn kissed my cheek and then chose someone else.

"My question is also for Y/n -" The girl started.

"I swear she gets all the questions." Shawn said and we all laughed.

"Y/n, do you realize how lucky you are?" She asked. I nodded as I held Shawn's hand.

"Oh definitely. I remember the morning after we got engaged I woke up before him, and with the way that he sleeps, his back was to the windows, and the blinds were open a little, and the sun was hitting him in the most perfect way. I remember thinking 'I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I get to marry my best friend, my soulmate, my rock, my protector, my everything.' and I love the fact that he treats me like I'm a princess or something." I said.

"No, not princess, you're my queen." Shawn said and I smiled at him before turning back to the fan that asked me that question.

"He likes to spoil me. Whenever he comes home from tour, he has about a million gifts with him, and he always says 'I got something when I saw something that reminded me of you in each city that I was in.' and now that I'm on tour with him, we have this tradition to stop in a book store in each city that we're in because I love to read. I definitely know how lucky I am to have the most handsome and most amazing man as my soon to be husband." I said. The girl nodded. After the q and a, Shawn and I cuddled a bit more. I love Shawn so much. I'm the luckiest girl in the world because of him.

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