29. He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend

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A/n: Okay so this story refers to another story that I wrote in my second book of Shawn Mendes imagines called "Another Version of How You Met" and it's number 145. For those of you who have made requests, I PROMISE that I will get to them as soon as possible. Please just bear with me for now. The idea for this has been stuck in my head for a few days. Also, let's pretend it's the day after Shawn's tour finishes, so December 22. Explicit language in this one! Okay, please enjoy this imagine. Let's begin!

Four months ago I saw the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes in concert. The next day I was still in Boston and went to a local Dunkin Donuts shop so I could get some coffee because I had felt so tired. I got my coffee, turned around, and saw Shawn Mendes already looking at me. I asked him for a picture and, after saying that I have the most beautiful eyes that he's ever seen, we took a picture and then he asked me out on a date. I said yes, and we talked for two hours. The next day, we had another date, and that was when we kissed for the first time. His kiss gave me magical feelings.

Ever since Shawn and I met, we've been texting, calling, and even Facetiming every chance we got. Shawn is always able to make me feel good about myself and he is constantly making me blush. He loves to tell me how beautiful I am and it makes me feel special when he says that I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He first said that to me on our second date, but I said that that couldn't be true because he had seen tons and tons and tons of girls, but he remained adamant: I'm the most beautiful.

Through all of our chats, we've really gotten to know each other, and I have to say, even though we're not in a relationship, I'm falling for him. Well, I actually really started to fall for him when I first saw him. There's something special about him... I don't quite know how to explain it. I soon got a text from him as I sat on the couch in my living room. He asked what my address was, so I told him and then asked why. He said that he was just curious. Oh well.

An hour later, I sat on the couch reading a book when there was a knock at my front door. My mom came into the room. I looked out the peephole and my jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh." I said.

"Who is it?" My mom asked. I opened the door, and there was Shawn with a bouquet of pink tulips in his hands.

"Hey Y/n." He said.

"Hey Shawn. Come on in." I said. He came in and we immediately hugged. As his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around his shoulders, I felt like I was in the safest place in the world. Like, as long as I was in his arms, nothing bad could even touch me, let alone hurt me. "What are you doing here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I missed you and I wanted to see you again before I head back up to Toronto." Shawn said as he pulled away from the hug. I smiled at him.

"How long are you in town for?" I asked.

"Just a couple of days. Is that okay?" He asked nervously. I smiled.

"Of course! Oh, Shawn, this is my mom Y/m/n. Mom, this is Shawn Mendes." I said as I turned around so I could introduce them to each other. They shook hands.

"I have to say Shawn, it's so nice meeting you, especially after all of the things that Y/n has told me about you." My mom said.

"Mom!" I said. Shawn chuckled.

"What has she said about me?" Shawn asked. Oh God. My mom smiled.

"She always says how nice and sweet you are to her. You make her feel good about herself when you call her beautiful, and you seem to make her really happy. After the last relationship she was in, which I know you guys aren't in a relationship, but still, you seem good for her." My mom said. I could tell that my face was very red from embarrassment.

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