27. "How Did You & Mom Meet?"

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A/n: Get ready because this COULD BE my cheesiest imagine yet, but I love how it came out. Anyways, please enjoy this imagine. Thank you to @princessmuffin21 for the idea!Okay, let's begin!

Shawn's point of view

I sat in the living room of the house that I share with my wife, Y/n Mendes, and our three kids, Rose, Jake, and Sarah Grace, as Y/n and I cuddled on the couch. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me and smiled. She puckered up her lips and I smiled before putting my lips on hers. I felt sparks shoot through my whole body, I felt butterflies erupt and fly around in my stomach, and I felt my heart race as if it was going to beat out of my chest.

"Ewwww. That's gross." Rose said. Y/n and I pulled away as we blushed.

"Sorry Rosie. Wait, you're seventeen, you're old enough to see that." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah but it's still gross." Rose said as she walked into the room.

"Oh well. Your mother and I are in love." I said. Y/n smiled and nodded.

"It's true. We are, and we have been for quite some time now." Y/n said. I nodded and then thought for a moment.

"Twenty-two amazing years." I said. Y/n looked at me.

"Holy crap, twenty-two? Where has the time gone?" Y/n asked. I laughed.

"I don't know." I said.

"How did you and Mom meet?" Rose asked. I smiled at my wife, and she smiled at me before looking at Rose.

"It was August 16th, 2019, and I had seen your father in concert the night before, and the next day I was really tired, so I went to a nearby Dunkin Donuts shop. I got my coffee and then I turned around to leave, and there was your father, already looking at me. This is going to sound so cheesy, but I remember when I looked at your father, it was like my heart went 'oh there you are, I've been looking for you.' and that was just the beginning of everything." Y/n said with a smile. I kissed the top of her head.

"I remember when I saw her for the first time, it was definitely love at first sight. I fell for her beautiful y/e/c eyes before anything I fell for anything else. I saw her and I knew that she were the one for me, the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She came up to me and asked for a picture, but I could barely hear her. I was too busy getting lost in her eyes, which I told her." I said.

"That was the first out of many times that you've made me blush." Y/n said. I chuckled.

"Yup. And then I asked your mother out on a date right then and there. She said yes and we sat down and talked for two hours before I had to leave and go see Uncle Andrew. And then we had our second date the next day." I said.

"Our second date was the same day that we kissed for the first time." Y/n said. I smiled at the memory.

"How many times do you think we've kissed?" I asked. Y/n laughed.

"Oh God. A million times maybe?" Y/n said, and I laughed and nodded.

"Sounds about right." I said.

"Rose, you'll understand all of these things when you get older and find that one person. Someday you're going to find that person and it's all going to make sense why people in the past didn't work out. When you find that person, you're not going to want to let go. I definitely don't want to let go of your father." Y/n said.

"I won't let you let go. You're with me until the end babe." I said to my wife. She smiled at me.

"There's no other way I would want it to be." She said. I smiled at her.

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