199. Sarah

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I've been married to the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes for a little over six years now, and we have three beautiful children together. Rose Lucille Mendes, who's five, Jacob "Jake" Alexander Scott Mendes, who's three, and Sarah Grace Mendes, who's one. Sarah is our last baby. When Shawn and I first started to talk about our future together, we decided to have three kids, and we had their names picked out way before they were born.

I was standing at the sink, doing some dishes when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I jumped for a moment since I hadn't been expecting this, but then I felt the person kiss my shoulder and knew that it was Shawn.

"Shhh darling, it's just me." He said. I relaxed into his touch.

"Hi baby." I said.

"Hi. Why do you always do the dishes if we have a dishwasher?" Shawn asked as he rested his head on my shoulder. I laughed.

"Well I have to make sure that the dishes are clean!" I said.

"And they will be, in this magical thing that we have that's called a dishwasher." Shawn said with a laugh and I laughed too.

"I want it spotless. You know me, you know that I'm a perfectionist." I said. Shawn kissed my head.

"I do know that babe. Hey, I was thinking -" He started.

"I thought that I could smell something burning." I teased. Shawn laughed and I knew that he was rolling his eyes.

"Stop that. Anyways, what do you think about you and I taking Sarah out for the day? We could go to the beach or something." Shawn asked and said.

"What about Jake and Rose?" I asked.

"I've already talked to your mom and she said that she'll take them for the day. I just figure that since she's our last baby, we should spend some quality time with her." Shawn said as I finished the dishes and turned around. I nodded.

"Okay." I said. Shawn smiled.

"Okay. Let's go to the beach." Shawn said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"We could go to Nantasket beach. It's a little less than an hour away." Shawn said and I nodded. We then went upstairs to get ready. I changed into a swimsuit, and then put on a black dress and a denim jacket as Shawn got Sarah ready. When I walked into her nursery, I smiled at the sight in front of me. Shawn was smiling at his youngest child, who is so beyond precious to him. He dressed her in a yellow floral dress with a white little jacket. He then smiled at me when he noticed me.

"She looks so cute babe." I said.

"Thanks honey. Will you watch her while I get ready please?" Shawn asked and I nodded.

"Yeah." I said. I brought her downstairs and soon Shawn joined us. Jake and Rose were already sitting in the living room with Sarah and I.

"Are you guys ready?" Shawn asked. I looked up at him. Holy crap he's handsome. He was dressed in a denim jacket, white shirt, and black skinny jeans. We all nodded.

"Yeah." We said. We dropped Jake and Rose off at my mom's house and then headed to the beach. I held Shawn's hand in my lap as he drove, just like I always do. His touch electrified me, yet I felt safe and warm all at the same time.

"I love you Mr. Mendes." I said. Shawn smiled.

"I love you too Mrs. Mendes." He said and my smile widened.

"How is it that it's been a little over six years since we got married and you calling me Mrs. Mendes still hasn't gotten old?" I asked. Shawn laughed as he rubbed my hand with his thumb.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 3 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now