1. Party With Lauren

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A/n: Welcome to my THIRD book of imagines! Please feel free to check out my other two imagine books and my other book, A Father's Love, which is also about the one and only Shawn Mendes. Also, yes I always describe the kiss the same way. Hateful and/or mean comments will get you blocked/muted. Anyways, without further ado, let's begin! Please enjoy this imagine and this book!

I sat on the couch in someone's apartment. My boyfriend is the singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes, and we've been dating for three months. Shawn decided that he wanted me to meet his friends and family, so I met his family yesterday, and tonight I'm meeting his friends.

"Babe, this is my best friend, Brian Craigen. Brian, this is my girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n." Shawn said. I shook Brian's hand and Shawn smiled.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Brian said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said.

"Shawn talks about you constantly. I mean really, it's all of the time." Brian said, and I blushed.

"Dude, shut up." Shawn said while blushing, and I laughed.

"So what does he say about me?" I asked. Shawn groaned and Brian sat down next to me, a beer in his hands.

"Well, he's constantly talking about how beautiful you are, which I have to say, he's right, you really are gorgeous." Brian said.

"She's mine." Shawn said. I laughed.

"Ohhh is someone getting jealous?" I asked teasingly.

"No, I just... okay yes, I am getting jealous." Shawn said.

"Don't worry baby, I'm all yours." I said. Shawn looked relieved and he smiled at me.

"I have to say Y/n, this kid practically never stops talking about you. I've never seen him like this. You seem to make my guy very happy." Brian said. I smiled.

"Well he makes me very happy too." I said. Shawn smiled.

"Well I'm going to get something from the kitchen." Brian said. I nodded and when Brian got up, Shawn sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.

"How are you doing so far?" Shawn asked. I smiled.

"Good. I like Brian and Jon a lot. So I make you very happy, huh?" I teased. Shawn blushed.

"Yeah. You do. So I make you very happy too?" Shawn asked. I smiled and nodded.

"You make me happier than I've been in a really long time." I said. Shawn smiled at me.

"Shawn!" Brian yelled.

"I'll be back babe." Shawn said. I nodded and then started to talking to some other girls that were at the party.

"Y/n you're so pretty!" One girl, Ashley, said. I smiled.

"Thank you, you are too!" I said.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." I said. I heard the door to the apartment open, and when I looked over, I saw Shawn's ex-girlfriend, Lauren. She walked over to all of us girls on the couch.

"Hi guys! How are you?" She asked them.

"Good, how are you?" They asked.

"Good." She said, and then she turned to me. "You're Shawn's new girlfriend, right?"

"Yup. I'm Y/n Y/l/n." I said. She shook my hand and I could tell that her smile was fake.

"I'm Lauren, Shawn's ex-girlfriend." She said. I fake smiled too. She then started to look around. "Where is Shawn anyways?" She asked and jealousy started to stir inside me.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 3 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now