113. Shawn Mendes Fan Club

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A/n: Hey guys! So I know that obviously not every school's mascot is a black knight, but I needed an example so yeah it's in this imagine. Anyways, please enjoy this imagine. Okay, let's begin!

I'm an adjustment counselor at the high school that I graduated from, and although I've only had the job for two weeks, I'm loving it. One part of my job is to make appointments with certain students and then meet with them to check in on them and see how they're doing. I called one of the students, Sophia, down to my office. I heard a knock at the door and looked up. It was Sophia and I smiled.

"Hi, come on in." I said. This was my first time meeting her. It's her sophomore year here.

"Hi Mrs. Mendes." She said as she came in, shut the door behind her for privacy, and sat down.

"How are you? I know that you're a sophomore here." I asked and said. She nodded.

"Yeah, things have calmed down since the first week and now we're actually doing work. Um, can I ask you something?" She asked. I nodded.

"Of course." I said.

"Would you mind getting me your husband's autograph?" She asked. I knew that this would happen. I've been married to the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes for seventeen months now and I love being married to him, he's my best friend.

"I'm sorry, but if I were to do that it would be crossing a line." I said. She looked sad and I felt bad but she nodded.

"Oh. Okay. I'm a huge fan of Shawn, and I have been for years. I love his music so much." She said. I smiled and listened for a little bit as she went on and on about Shawn. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about Shawn, but it can be crossing a line when I talk about my personal life. "Is that from yours and Shawn's wedding?" She asked as she pointed at a photo behind me. I looked at it and smiled.

"Yes. That's from our first dance. We have a bigger version of it framed at home. I have to say, I love talking about my husband, but it can be hard to do that here because I'm not really supposed to talk about my personal life." I said. She nodded.

"Oh, okay." She said.

"So are you feeling overwhelmed with the school work or anything?" I asked. She shook her head no and we talked for a little bit.

"How can I start a club here?" She suddenly asked. I thought for a moment.

"Um, I believe that you have to go to Principal Miller and get permission from her, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. It might be in the student handbook." I said. She nodded.

"Okay. Maybe I'll go to the office after this." She said.

"You're in a structured learning right now, right?" I asked. A structured learning is basically just a class period where students can do any homework they have, or talk to other students, or read or whatever. She nodded.

"Yeah." She said.

"Okay." I said. We soon finished our appointment and Sophia left. A little bit later, there was a knock at my door, it was Sophia and she had some papers in her hand and a big smile on her face.

"Hi Mrs. Mendes. So I got the papers to start a club, but I need to get ten signatures from other students who want to do it, and I need a faculty member to oversee it. Would you mind being that faculty member?" She asked.

"Oh, um, what's the club about?" I asked. Her smile widened.

"It's the Shawn Mendes Fan Club." She said. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I would love to be the faculty member to oversee the club. Do I need to sign anything?" I asked. She handed me a paper for me to fill out. I had to print my name, Y/n Mendes of course, and sign it. I then laughed when I read what I was supposed to do at the bottom.

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