146. "We're Not On Speaking Terms."

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A/n: Okay so I know that not everybody has had difficult times with their dad, but I have, and I got this idea so I decided to write it. Explicit language in this one. Anyways, please enjoy this imagine! Okay, without further ado, let's begin!

August sixteenth, 2019

I couldn't believe it. Just last night I was seeing my favorite singer, Shawn Mendes, in concert, and now I was on a date with him at a Dunkin Donuts in Boston.

"I actually saw you in concert last night." I said. Shawn's eyes widened.

"Oh really?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yup. You guys were great, but that doesn't surprise me." I said. Shawn smiled, and just his smile alone gave me butterflies. There was something about him that pulled me in. He intrigued me.

"So did you go by yourself or did you go with someone?" Shawn asked as he took a sip of the coffee drink that I had recommended he order. I suddenly looked down and lost my smile.

"I um, I went with my dad. It was a bit awkward actually." I said. I felt Shawn put his hand on mine so I would look up at him. As our skin made contact, I felt electricity spark through me, yet I felt safe and warm at the same time. His eyes looked comforting, and like he was genuinely curious and concerned.

"If you don't mind me asking, why was it awkward?" Shawn asked. I sighed.

"Well, him and I... we're not on speaking terms." I said. Shawn nodded.

"Oh. Sorry." Shawn said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. He's just not a good dad or person really. My dad broke my heart way before any boy had the chance to." I said. Shawn nodded. We switched the subject, and after a bit longer, our date was over. We had another date the next day, and then that December, Shawn asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!

Shawn's point of view

Three years later

"I don't know. For as long as I've known her, she's never been really talking to her dad. I mean, at family get togethers they're nice to each other and they talk to each other if they have to, but that's really it." I said to my best friend, Brian Craigen.

"Well, she has a brother that she's close to, right?" Brian asked. I nodded.

"Yeah." I said.

"So ask her mom and her brother. You don't have to ask the dad. Shawn, there's no rule book that says who you absolutely must ask when you want to ask your girlfriend to marry you." Brian said and I nodded. The next time that I was home in Massachusetts, I secretly met with Y/n's mom and brother.

"Is everything okay? You seem nervous." Y/m/n, Y/n's mom, asked me. I sighed as we sat down.

"Well, I would like to ask Y/n to marry me. She's the love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate, my everything. I don't feel as though I should as Y/d/n because him and Y/n don't really talk. Would it be okay with you guys if I asked Y/n to marry me?" I asked. Thomas and Y/m/n nodded.

"Of course! Shawn we adore you and we know that Y/n loves you." Y/m/n said.

"She's definitely going to say yes." Thomas said and I nodded. A few months later, it had to wait a bit because of me being on tour, I asked Y/n to marry me and become my wife, and she said yes. After we got engaged and dropped Josiah Van Dien, my tour photographer who had captured the proposal on camera, off at his hotel, Y/n and I went over to the house that she grew up in. Her mom and her brother were sitting there.

"So what's up?" Y/m/n asked. Y/n held up her hand to show off the ring.

"We're engaged!" Y/n said. Everyone hugged us and congratulated us. We then sat down and Y/n sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. By now, I had heard the stories about her father and what he was like.

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