66. He Pressures You

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A/n: Explicit language in this one! Okay, I hope that you enjoy. Let's begin!

I wanted to make sure that I was with the right guy first before I had sex, so I waited until my honeymoon. My husband of now three months, Shawn Mendes, was the one that took my virginity, and I'm so glad that I waited. It was amazing with him, it always is. Shawn was out at a friend's house, but I hadn't seen him all day and had missed him, so even though it was eleven o'clock at night, I waited up for him. He soon walked in the door and smiled at me.

"Hi Mrs. Mendes, how was your day?" He asked. I smiled at him as he sat down next to me.

"Good. I got a lot done around the house. I swept, I did the laundry, I vacuumed, I did a lot, and now I'm really tired." I said. Shawn chuckled and kissed me. I felt my heart race as if I had just run a marathon, I felt butterflies erupt and fly around in my tummy, and I felt sparks shoot through my body like fireworks. The kiss quickly became heated, and I pulled away. I was too tired for sex.

"What's wrong babe?" Shawn asked.

"I'm too tired for sex." I said.

"Honey, I've been craving you all day. Please baby, even if it's just one time tonight, I want you baby." Shawn said as he began to kiss my neck. I gently pushed him away and he frowned.

"No Shawn. I've been going and going and going all day and then I waited up for you. It's a little past eleven o'clock right now. The only reason why I'm awake right now is because I wanted to see you and I wanted to fall asleep in your arms." I said. He tried kissing my neck again.

"Come on babe, I won't even tease you, I promise. I want you kitten." Shawn said as he kissed my neck, calling me a nickname that he only calls me when he's in the mood. I pushed him away a little harder this time and stood up.

"Shawn, I'm saying no. I'm too tired. I've been busting my ass around the house all day while you hung out with your friends. I get that now that we're married, we're finally having sex, but that doesn't mean that we can have sex whenever you want Shawn. I get a say in it too. And would you honestly enjoy the sex if you knew that I felt like I had to do it?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"No, but baby, I really want you." He said as he tried to hold my hand. I snatched it away.

"Oh my gosh it's like you didn't hear a single fucking thing that I just said! We are not having sex tonight Shawn, and that's final. Good night Shawn." I said, and went up to bed without him. I usually face him when I go to sleep, in fact, we usually fall asleep holding each other, but this time I turned my back to where he lays. I soon heard someone coming up the stairs and get into bed. Shawn put his arms around me and kissed the back of my head. I wanted to cry. I felt like such a terrible wife for not giving him what he wanted. But I just laid there and didn't do anything.

"Thank you for not pushing my hands away." Shawn said a little quietly. I didn't say anything. I was too afraid that if I did, I would cry. Instead, I just fell asleep.

Shawn's point of view

I woke up to an empty bed. Where was my wife? I looked all around upstairs, even in the guest bedrooms, but I couldn't find her. We had gotten into a bit of an argument last night, so I felt worried. I went downstairs and saw light coming from the dining room. I went in there and saw my wife sitting at the dining room table with her head in her hands as she cried. I practically ran over to her and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong darling?" I asked. She picked her head up and looked at me.

"I had a nightmare and I didn't want to wake you up with my crying because I'm still pissed at you, so I came down here to cry." She said, and my heart broke. I tried to rub her back but she moved her body away so I couldn't touch her. I put my hands on the table instead and sighed.

"I'm sorry honey. Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" I asked. She put her head in her hands again and sobbed. My heart was breaking and I wanted to hold her hand, rub her back, kiss her temple, anything to comfort her, but I was afraid that if I did she would move away from me again. She picked her head up and looked at me again.

"It was basically about our fight last night. I was too tired so I wouldn't have sex with you and you got upset with me and left me for good, all because I wouldn't give you sex." She said. Now it was my turn to put my head in my hands and cry.

"I'm sorry that I pressured you baby." I said.

"If you want sex, I'll give it to you. I don't even care about the fact that I'm exhausted anymore, I'll do anything to keep you from leaving me." She said. I turned to her and shook my head.

"No. If you're too tired to have sex, then we won't do it. I'm not leaving you Y/n. Not now, not ever. I never want you to have sex with me because you feel like you have to. If you're too tired or if you don't want to, we won't do it." I said. She kept crying.

"I'm so fucking sorry that I'm such a shitty wife." She said. I pulled her in for a hug and she let me this time.

"Never say that ever again. You are the best wife ever and I love you more than anything." I said.

"Okay. I love you too. I'm sorry Shawn. I'll do anything to keep you happy and keep you as my husband." She said. I pulled away from the hug and held her face in my hands.

"Y/n, if you don't want sex, then we're not going to have sex. I shouldn't have pressured you and I'm so fucking sorry that I made you feel this way. Fuck, I gave you a nightmare. Oh my gosh I'm a piece of shit." I said as I put my head in my hands. She put her hand on my back.

"Shawn, look at me." She said. I shook my head. "Shawn, I need you to look at me please." She said, and I finally looked at her. "You aren't a piece of shit. Yes, I had a nightmare, but that was my own mind playing tricks on me. Never talk about yourself like that ever again. I love you Shawn, you know that right?" She asked and I nodded.

"I do know that, and I love you too. I love you so much baby girl. I've wanted to make you my wife for the longest time and now you're finally Mrs. Mendes. I'm sorry that I pressured you last night. We'll have sex when you're ready to babe." I said. She nodded and rested her forehead against mine.

"Let's go back to bed and cuddle up to each other my love." She said. I nodded, but before we stood up, I wanted to say something.

"Okay, but I just want to say that I would do anything for you. You're the love of my life and you're so beyond precious to me. You're more precious than that diamond ring on your finger. You're one of a kind and I love you. I'm so glad that you said yes to being my wife." I said. She smiled at me and gave me a loving kiss.

"I love you too. You make me so happy Shawn, and I would do anything for you too. I'm so glad that you asked me to be your wife." She said and I smiled at her.

"Come on baby, let's go up to bed." I said. She nodded and we stood up. I then picked her up, causing her to squeal and giggle, and carried her up the stairs.

"I like it when you carry me places." She said. I chuckled.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's fun." She said and I threw my head back with laughter. I then laid her down on the bed before getting in on my side of the bed. I pulled her nice and close to me and threw my leg over her hip so she couldn't get out of my grip.

"If you have another nightmare, wake me up, okay love?" I asked.

"Okay. Good night hubby. I love you." She said, and I smiled.

"Good night wifey. I love you too." I said, and with that we fell asleep. I'm always going to love this girl, and I could never leave her.

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