135. Fight & His One Year Wedding Anniversary Present

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A/n: Explicit language in this imagine! Anyways, please enjoy this imagine. Also, this imagine references an earlier imagine in this book that has two parts, both of them are called Amnesia. Okay, without further ado, let's begin! 

I woke up in the morning and instantly felt sad. In ten days, it will mark one year since I've married the singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes, and this month I've been all by myself in the house. Almost every morning I wake up without Shawn, and instead of him next to me, I always find a note, just like I did this morning.

"Good morning my love. I'll be with Josiah and Andrew again today. I'm not sure when I'll be home. I love you darling! Love, Shawn." He had written. He had forgotten what today was, hadn't he? He must have, because if he had remembered, then he would've stayed home. I got out of bed and walked over to mine and Shawn's dresser and looked at the pictures on it. I brought my fingers to my lips and kissed my fingers before putting my fingers to the picture.

"I miss you Uncle Scottie." I whispered to the picture of my uncle holding me as a baby. Fifteen years ago today, my Uncle Scottie died. I got dressed, went downstairs, and made myself some breakfast. I sat there, feeling alone as I ate. Why had he been spending so much time - literally hours upon hours everyday - with Josiah and Andrew? I usually wouldn't have minded, but today I really needed Shawn. I finished eating, washed my plate, and then went upstairs to brush my teeth. I then heard the doorbell go off. I went downstairs and when I opened the door, two of my friends, Liz and Kristen were there. I weakly smiled and let them in.

"Where's Shawn?" Liz asked as she sat down.

"With Josiah and Andrew - again." I said.

"Why has he been spending so much time with them lately?" Kristen asked. I shrugged and then got an idea.

"I don't know. Do you guys know what today is?" I asked. They nodded.

"The anniversary of Uncle Scottie's death." Liz said and I nodded.

"Yup. I need to make a phone call." I said and left the room. I soon walked back into the room with a different outfit on: leggings, a white t-shirt, and black riding boots.

"Why do you look like you're about to get on a horse?" Liz asked with wide eyes.

"Let's go for a drive." I said.

"Y/n, the last time that you got on a horse, the horse bucked you off, you were in a coma for three weeks, and then you woke up with amnesia." Kristen said.

"Well I'm going riding. Are you guys coming or not?" I asked. They sighed and nodded and we all got in the car to head to the local stables. Alyssa, who had helped me last time, was already outside with a Hanoverian horse. I stepped out of the car and she smiled at me.

"Hi Y/n. I just want to ask, do you remember what happened last time you got on a horse? This isn't the same horse by the way." Alyssa said. I nodded.

"It's fine. When I was younger and I would ride, it would get my mind off of things. It's the fifteen year anniversary of my uncle's death and my husband, who's usually there for me, completely forgot and went to hang out with his friends instead. He's been spending every single day with Josiah and Andrew, and I'm left alone in the house without my husband. I need to ride and get my mind off of things." I said. She nodded.

"Okay. Hop on whenever you're ready. The horse, Gilly, is a good jumper." Alyssa said and I nodded. I then got on the horse and rode over to where I was supposed to be. I looked over at Liz and Kristen. They looked concerned, but I needed to do this. I needed to prove to myself that I could ride again, and I needed to get my mind off of things. They gave me little smiles and waves, and I faked a smile back. I then got Gilly moving.

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