120. Your Ex Pops Up

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A/n: So for some reason my brother decided to mention my ex boyfriend the other day and plus he's in one of my classes and so then this popped into my head! Also, I know that not everyone has experienced what was said in here, but I needed an example, so I used my experiences with my stupid ex boyfriend for this. Anyways, please enjoy this imagine. Okay, without further ado, let's begin!

I've been engaged to the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes for four months. I am currently on tour with him. Tonight, August fifteenth, Shawn has a concert in Boston, Massachusetts. Shawn came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Hi there bubs. What's up?" I said and asked, mentioning a nickname that he called me for the first time when he was drunk as hell. He smiled and kissed my cheek, causing my smile to widen.

"Hi there darling. Are you coming with me to my q and a?" Shawn asked. I nodded.

"Yup. Is that okay?" I asked. Shawn nodded his head almost violently.

"Of course baby. I love you." He said, and my smile widened even more.

"I love you too." I said.

"Shawn, Y/n, are you guys ready for the q and a?" Jake, Shawn's security guard, asked, knowing that I typically go with Shawn to the q and a sessions. We nodded. Shawn interlaced his fingers with mine and as our skin touched, I felt electricity spark through me, yet I felt safe and warm at the same time. We walked into the q and a, and the fans screamed like crazy, causing Shawn and I to smile. Shawn went over the usual rules, if someone is speaking, don't talk over them, and he'll repeat a question if he needs to.

"Before we get started, I just want to say that it feels great to be back home in Boston. I used to call Toronto home, but about a year and a half ago, Y/n and I moved in together and now I call Massachusetts my home." Shawn said with a smile and I smiled too. He soon called on someone.

"Why did you and Y/n choose to live in Massachusetts?" She asked.

"Well Y/n is from Massachusetts, and when we talked about moving in together, I knew that I didn't want to disrupt her schooling or the chances of her getting her dream job. Toronto will always be my home, but my new home is here in Massachusetts. We actually bought our house from her aunt and uncle." Shawn said as he pointed at me and I nodded.

"Yup. At the same time that they were looking to sell, we were looking to buy." I said and Shawn nodded. He then called on someone else.

"My question is for Y/n, um, have you picked out your wedding dress yet?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No, but I do know exactly what dress I want, and if I can't get that one, then I have ideas for others that I want." I said. Shawn looked around and then pointed at someone.

"They guy in the green hoodie." Shawn said. I looked over and saw who it was that Shawn had picked. No. It couldn't be. Why would he be here? I felt myself tense up a bit, and I'm surprised that Shawn didn't notice. When I heard the voice, I knew that it was definitely, absolutely, him.

"My question is for Y/n, um, do you regret dating me?" Mike, my ex boyfriend asked. He was the only guy that I had ever dated besides Shawn. I shook my head immediately. Shawn looked at me with wide eyes, knowing exactly who it was.

"No. I've actually had moments where I've wondered that and realized that no, I don't regret dating you. You taught me lessons. You taught me to get to know someone before you date them. You taught me to never date someone who's immature, never date someone who's a jerk, and never date someone who's perverted. You also taught me that I shouldn't date someone who pressures me for anything, especially sexual things." I said. Shawn rubbed my back and Mike nodded somberly. Shawn then kissed my cheek and chose someone else. I felt tense, I felt like I wanted to run out of the room.

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