32. Break Up and Make Up

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A/n: Explicit language in this one! Please enjoy this imagine. Okay, let's begin!

I sat in the living room that I share with my boyfriend of three years, Shawn Mendes. Shawn is a singer and songwriter, so he's constantly away, causing me to yearn for him. I love him so much, I really do, but I don't think that I continue with the distance. It's not just the distance, it's the jealousy of seeing him with other female celebrities. They could take him away from me in the blink of an eye, and it makes me nervous. My phone rang, it was a Facetime call from Shawn. I answered and fake smiled at him. He's currently on tour, and I miss him so much.

"Hey Shawny. How is tour going?" I asked. He frowned.

"Good. What's wrong?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Y/n, I know you better than anyone does. We've been dating for three years. I can tell that something is wrong. So what's going on my love?" Shawn asked.

"I miss you." I said. It's not like it was a lie. Shawn nodded.

"I miss you too. What else is going on? I can tell that there's more." Shawn asked and said.

"No. That's it." I said. Shawn shook his head.

"No baby. I'm worried about you. What's wrong baby girl?" Shawn asked. I suddenly became frustrated.

"Shawn, I said that there's nothing else!" I practically yelled as I ran my free hand through my hair as I held my phone with my other hand. Shawn's eyes widened.

"The fact that you just basically yelled at me proves that something is going on. Why won't you tell me what it is?" Shawn asked. I sighed.

"I have to go. Bye." I said, and hung up. I put my phone next to me and put my head in my hands. How much longer could I continue like this?

Shawn's point of view

My girlfriend of three years, Y/n Y/l/n, just hung up on me. I could tell that there was more going on than her missing me, but she denied it and when I pushed it, she yelled at me and then hung up on me. I have a couple of days off, so I need to fly home so her and I can talk. I went to my manager, Andrew Gertler.

"Hey Shawn, what's up?" He asked. I told him what had just happened.

"I need to fly home and figure this out. I have a couple of days off, so I would like to fly home and talk to her." I said. Andrew nodded.

"Okay. Good luck." Andrew said. I thanked him, packed my stuff, and left. Soon, I arrived at mine and Y/n's home, and walked in.

"Y/n?" I called out. Y/n came running down the stairs, and it was obvious that she had been crying.

"Shawn? What are you doing home?" She asked.

"Well you hung up on me and then you wouldn't answer my texts or calls, and we need to fix this. Why does it look like you've been crying?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and walked into the other room so she could sit down and turn on the television. I sat down next to her. "No welcome home hug and kiss?"

"I can't be kissing you all of the time Shawn." She said as she stared straight ahead. Why isn't she acting like herself?

Your point of view

I stared at a random television show while Shawn sat next to me. I couldn't take this. It was weird, I had missed him, but for some reason I felt angry. Why did he always have to leave me?

"I know that you can't be kissing me all of the time. That's not the point of what I was saying." Shawn said.

"Then what is the point Shawn?" I asked while practically yelling.

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