100. Naps In Shawn's Office

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I sat on the couch downstairs, watching television. My boyfriend of three years, the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes, was upstairs in his office. I went up there and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Shawn said and when I walked in, he turned and smiled at me.

"Hey there handsome." I said as I walked over and sat down in the chair next to his desk. Shawn put his pencil down and looked at me with a very loving gaze.

"Hey there gorgeous. Come sit on my lap honey." He said. I smiled and did as told. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"What are you working on?" I asked before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Just some new lyrics. You seem tired babe. Do you want to go take a nap?" He asked. I thought for a moment as I yawned and then nodded.

"Yeah." I said. I got off of his lap, but instead of going into our bedroom to sleep, I laid down on the couch that's in his office.

"What are you doing my darling girl?" Shawn asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I'm taking a nap." I said. Shawn chuckled.

"You know, when I asked if you wanted to go take a nap, I meant in our bed." Shawn said. I giggled.

"I know, but I want to spend time with you." I said. Shawn smiled at me.

"All right babe. Close your eyes and rest, I'll be right here okay?" He asked. I nodded as I closed my eyes.

"Okay. Let me know if you go anywhere." I said sleepily. Shawn chuckled a little.

"Okay darling, I will." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome. Anything for you." He said and I smiled. I could hear the pencil moving on the paper as he hummed.

"I don't know what you're humming, but it sounds good babe." I said.

"Thank you honey. I'm surprised you're not asleep." He said.

"Yeah, me too. I love you Shawn." I said. I could hear him turning his chair so he could face me, and when I opened my eyes, he was smiling his big, beautiful smile at me.

"I love you too Y/n. You're my girl, did you know that?" He asked. I nodded and smiled lazily, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah I knew that." I said.

"Good. Never forget it. Now close your eyes and relax. Do you want a blanket babe?" Shawn said and asked. I thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yes please." I said. Shawn nodded and left the room before soon coming back with a blanket. He covered me up with it.

"There you go darling. Sleep well." He said.

"Thank you Shawny." I said as he leaned down to kiss my temple.

"You're welcome Y/n." He said. He then walked back over to his chair and sat down before getting back to work. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"You're so needy Y/n. I'm sick of it." Shawn said.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're so needy and I'm done. I'm leaving. I'll send Brian to come get my stuff so I never have to see you again." Shawn said.

"No Shawn, no, don't leave me, you promised you wouldn't leave. Please Shawn." I pleaded as I began to cry.

"Wake up. Y/n wake up." Shawn said as he shook me. I sat up and realized that I had tears running down my face.

"Shawn you're not leaving me, are you?" I asked. He was squatting down next to the couch. He shook his head.

"No of course not. Is that what the nightmare was about?" He said and asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. You said that I was too needy and that you were leaving and that you would send Brian to pick your stuff up so you would never have to see me again." I said as I cried. Shawn sat down next to me on the couch and pulled me onto his lap. He immediately began to rub my back.

"Oh honey, I could never leave you. I love you so much honey, and that's never going to change, ever. I'm going to marry you someday, and that's a promise." Shawn said. I nodded as the tears slowed down.

"Sorry that I interrupted your work." I said as I looked down at my lap. Shawn put his hand to my cheek so I would look at him.

"Darling, you didn't interrupt anything. You're my world, and I don't want my world to have bad dreams." Shawn said. I nodded.

"Do you want to get back to work and I'll just sit here and listen and watch?" I asked. Shawn thought for a moment.

"Well, how are you feeling right now? Are you feeling better?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes." I said.

"Do you promise?" He asked. I nodded again.

"Yes." I said. Shawn nodded.

"Okay. You sit here and relax honey, and please let me know if you need anything, okay?" Shawn asked as I got off of his lap so he could go back over to his desk.

"Okay." I said. Before he went back over to his desk, he leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

"My girl." He whispered and then went back to his desk. I smiled at him referring to me as his girl.

"I like being your girl." I said.

"Yeah?" Shawn asked as he wrote something down.

"Yup. You're literally my favorite person ever." I said.

"Good because you're my favorite person ever." He said, and I smiled. "Are you smiling right now?"

"How did you know?" I asked. Shawn laughed and then turned a little so he was looking at me.

"Well, we've been dating for three years, so I know you pretty well." He said, and then turned back to his work. I looked at the promise ring that he gave me six months into our relationship and played with it.

"I'd like to think that I know you pretty well." I said.

"You do babe. You know me better than anyone in this whole wide world knows me." He said. There was a pause before I spoke again.

"Shawn?" I asked. He turned to look at me.

"Yes my angel?" He asked. I blushed.

"Um, how many kids do you want?" I asked. He smiled as he thought for a moment.

"Three." He said. My eyes widened.

"Me too!" I said. His smile widened.

"Do you know what genders you want?" He asked. I nodded.

"A girl, then a boy, then another girl." I said. He nodded as he smiled.

"I like that. I know you, you must have idea for names." He said and I giggled as I nodded.

"Yeah. Um, for a girl I really like Rose Lucille, and then for the other girl, either Sarah Grace, or if it's a boy, Logan Joseph. But for a boy I also really like the name Jacob Alexander Scott." I said. Shawn smiled and nodded.

"I love those names." He said.

"You do?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yup. When we have a girl, and we name her Rose, my fans are probably going to think that we're naming her after my song, but I'm guessing that you like the name because of your aunt?" Shawn asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. I just figure that Aunt Rose lived to be 102 and she was the living definition of class and elegance and grace. I want our daughter to be like that." I said. Shawn nodded.

"Well, my love, I think that we just picked out our future children's names." He said. I got up and hugged him and of course he hugged back.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too darling." He said. A couple weeks later, Shawn and I were engaged, and a little over a year after we got married, Rose Lucille Mendes was born.

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