133. He's Stressed*

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A/n: Smuttiness is ahead! Also, explicit language in this one. Anyways, please enjoy this imagine. Okay, let's begin.

Shawn's point of view

I sat in the meeting with my manager, Andrew Gertler, and a few other people on my team, including Ziggy Chareton, Teddy Geiger, Scott Harris, and a few others. I listened to them, knowing that I didn't agree with what they were saying, but I heard them out anyways.

"So Shawn, if you get in the studio by the end of this week, we'll set the deadline for this album as the end of the year. Then, you'll do promotions for it and then go on tour a bit after that. Does that sound good?" Andrew asked. I rubbed my face with the hand that has my wedding ring on it. I then looked at that hand and held it up for everyone to see.

"See this ring?" I asked. They nodded.

"Yes." They all said.

"Y/n put it on me just two months ago. All of you guys were at our wedding. Do you guys really think that I want to leave my newly wedded wife?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"No, obviously not. We know that you love her, but Shawn, this is for your career." Ziggy said.

"And so what does that mean? That my career is more important than spending time with my wife?" I asked, feeling agitated.

"No, Shawn, you know that that's not what we meant." Ziggy said. I stood up.

"If I want to take a break from music for a bit to focus on my wife, and when we have kids, I'll focus on them too obviously, then I will. I need to go home." I said, grabbed my car keys, and left, ignoring my team calling my name. I practically sped home. I usually call Y/n to tell her when I'm on my way home from wherever it is that I'm coming from, but I just needed to get home to her. When I walked in the door, she stood up to give me a hug like always. I practically rushed over to her and held her close to me as I sighed.

"Are you okay baby? I didn't even know that you were on your way home." She asked and said. I broke down crying. She pulled away from the hug a little and held my face in her hands. I felt so bad when I saw the concern in her eyes. "Shawn honey what's going on? Are you okay?"

"I need you. I need to be close to you. I'm so fucking stressed out right now." I said. Y/n pulled me in closer to her.

"Shhh baby, I've got you. I've got you honey. What's going on?" She asked as she sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her. I told her about the meeting.

"But I don't want to leave you. Darling we just got married, and I know that we want to be married for a year before we start trying to have kids, and I don't want to miss any of their milestones. I want to be there when our kids say their first word, and when they learn how to crawl and when they take their first steps." I said as I continued to cry. Y/n nodded and wiped my tears away but they kept coming.

"Shawn baby, listen to me, I will support you no matter what you decide to do. If you want to take a break, I'll support you. If you want to get back in the studio to make an album and then go on tour, I'll support you. I'm your wife, and I'm always going to be here for you my love." She said and I nodded.

"If I take a break from music, do you think that anyone will be mad at me?" I asked. Y/n shook her head.

"No. And do you want to know why they won't be mad at you?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I said and asked as I pulled her onto my lap so we was straddling me. I held her close to me, but it wasn't enough. We were both clothed, and I needed her skin against mine. I needed her.

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