167. A Letter To Rose

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I just gave birth to mine and my husband Shawn Mendes's first child, Rose Lucille Mendes three days ago.

"As soon as we get home, I want you to rest, okay darling?" Shawn asked as he slowly drove home. I nodded as I yawned.

"Okay. I love you guys so much." I said. Shawn held my hand and kissed it.

"Well we love you so much too." Shawn said. We got home and I laid down and fell asleep. Later on, I woke up and padded my feet down the hall to Rose's nursery. Shawn was sitting in the rocking chair as he held his daughter. I smiled at him and then walked over to him and sat down next to him. He smiled at me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hi." He said.

"I was just thinking, and tell me if you think that this is weird or not, but what if I wrote Rose a letter and gave it to her on her eighteenth birthday?" I asked in a whisper. Shawn smiled.

"I was thinking of doing the same thing, and I could write one to her every year on her birthday. That's not weird at all baby girl. I'm just going to hold our little princess." Shawn said as he looked at his daughter. Both him and I cried when we laid eyes on her for the first time. She's so beautiful. Shawn swears that she's a spitting image of me when I was a baby. I kissed Shawn's cheek.

"Do you mind if I use your office to write the letter?" I asked. Shawn shook his head.

"Nope not at all babe. Go ahead." Shawn said. I got up and went into Shawn's office. I sat down at the desk and got out some paper, and began to write my letter to my daughter.

"Dear Rose Lucille Mendes,

Happy eighteenth birthday sweetie! As I write this, your father is holding you as he sits in the rocking chair in your nursery. You were born three days ago, and your Daddy and I cried when we saw you for the first time. Ever since your Daddy and I found out that you were in my belly, we began to love you, and that will never change. Ever. You're the light of our lives, and that will never change either.

You may have been born only three days ago, and you were - sorry if this traumatizes you - made nine months ago, but you have been planned for a long time. When your father and I had been dating for about six months, we were cuddling on his couch in Toronto - this was before we moved in together - and we began talking about our future together. I had asked him what he meant when he said that he sees me in his future, and I still remember his exact words.

'When I think of my future, I see you. And I don't mean that I see us dating for a while. I mean that I see you walking down the aisle in a white wedding dress, or whatever color wedding dress you pick. I mean that I see us living together in a beautiful home. I mean that I see us having a few kids together. I mean that I see us being together forever. Y/n, you're not a temporary person in my life. I want you forever.' He said. I was so happy to hear him say all of that.

We laid there and discussed how many kids we want - three - and what we want for the names. So, if by the time you read this, you have a brother named Jacob Alexander Scott Mendes and a sister named Sarah Grace Mendes, just know that their names, and yours, were picked out a long time ago.

Rose, my sweet, lovely, beautiful Rosie girl, I hope you realize how wonderful you already are, and how wonderful I know that you're going to be. Please always know your worth, because you're worth so much, you're worth everything. Let me tell you a story or two.

I once dated a guy named Mike. He was a jerk and he treated me like crap. He would make me feel like I was nothing. He would make comments about my weight and my looks. He told me that I belong in the trash - and that was after we broke up, so can you imagine what he was like before I broke up with him? I was being drained emotionally and mentally by him, so I broke up with him. Now let me tell you another story.

On August fifteenth, 2019, I saw your father in concert. I was - and still am obviously - a HUGE fan of your father. The next day, I decided that I would go back into Boston. I brought a book with me and decided that I would stop at Dunkin Donuts to get a coffee, and then head to a bench that's dedicated to my Uncle Scottie and read there. The bench has a nice view of a beautiful river, but that's not the point of this story. The point of this story is that after I got my drink, I almost dropped it, because when I turned around, I saw your father, and we locked eyes.

I had already had a major crush on your father, but to see him in person? Oh gosh Rose, it was as if my heart went 'Oh there you are, I've been looking for you.' and I knew that he was the one that I wanted - and still want - to spend the rest of my life with. I asked him for a picture, and the first words that your Daddy ever said to me were 'I'm sorry what? You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.' and I blushed. He asked me out on a date right then and there and we sat and talked for two hours. We went on our second date the next day and that was when we had our first kiss.

Four months later, your dad asked me to be his girlfriend, and obviously I said yes. About five or six months into our relationship, he gave me a beautiful promise ring - when you read this, ask me to show it to you and I will, it's beautiful. Two years after we began dating, your father and I moved in together. By now you know that your father is from Canada, but he didn't want to disrupt my schooling or the chances of me getting my dream job, so he moved to Massachusetts for me. Three years into our relationship, he asked me to marry him, and we were married on May twenty third, 2024.

Your father treats me nothing like Mike did. In fact, when I told your dad about Mike, he was really upset and said that he wanted to find him and scream at him for treating me that way. I hope that you know that you can ALWAYS come to me for relationship advice. If you have a crush on someone or anything like that, please know that you can come to me. You can come to me for anything. Is your father still saying that you're not allowed to date until you're thirty, maybe even forty? He probably still says it.

You must know by now that your father is quite the legend. He's been nominated for Grammys. He's performed with singers like Miley Cyrus, John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Justin Timberlake, and Taylor Swift. He's accomplished a lot in his life, but not even a full day after you were born, he said to me 'Honey, I've accomplished a lot, but marrying you and having a daughter with you - those are my biggest accomplishments.' and that made my heart swell with joy.

I hope that you know that no matter what you do, I'm always going to love you, and I know that your Daddy feels the same way. We're always going to love you. I can hear you crying, so I'm going to go check on you. Happy eighteenth birthday my sweet girl. I love you.


Your Mommy." I wrote. I set the pen down and went into Rose's nursery.

"I think that she needs to be fed." Shawn said. I nodded.

"Okay. Hold on, let me just get ready." I said. Shawn nodded.

"Okay babe." Shawn said. I sat down in one of the rocking chairs, lifted up my shirt - Shawn's shirt actually - and bra, and held my arms out so I could take Rose.

"Come here my darling girl." I said. Shawn smiled and gently handed her over to me. He then sat down next to me.

"How did the letter writing go?" Shawn asked. I smiled at Rose.

"Good. While I'm doing this, do you want to go grab the letter and read it and see what you think?" I asked. Shawn nodded.

"Sure." He said and then got up, got the letter, and came back in. He then sat down and read it. After a little bit, he was done reading it.

"What did you think?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"I love it. I'm so proud of us honey. We've come so far since that day in Dunkin Donuts." Shawn said. I nodded, smiled at him, and then looked at Rose.

"Yeah, we have." I said, feeling nothing but love and pride. I'm one lucky girl.

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