10. The Dress

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A/n: Okay so see the dress in the picture? Let's pretend that Y/n goes to an award show while wearing this dress. Explicit language in this imagine! Okay, without further ado, let's begin!

Tonight I'm going to an award show with my fiancé, the singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes. I'm wearing a dress that has sequins at the top and is a plain white from the waist down and I love it. Typically when I go to an award show with Shawn, or just out with him, I wear something that at least slightly covers up my arms. You see, I have stretch marks on my arms, and I don't like that. But tonight, the dress that I'm wearing is strapless so it doesn't have sleeves. I had my makeup on and I let my hair stay down. I looked in the mirror, and I have to say, I was feeling a bit confident.

I walked downstairs to where Shawn was. His photographer, Josiah Van Dien was taking pictures of him as Shawn had his back to me. I held my finger to my lips so Josiah would know not to say anything about me coming up from behind Shawn. Once I reached Shawn, I took my newly manicured hands and covered Shawn's eyes. As Shawn turned around, Josiah quickly moved so he could capture on camera Shawn's first look at me. Shawn saw me and his eyes widened as his jaw fell. He clapped his hands together and jumped.

"WOO! Shit baby, you look gorgeous." Shawn said. I laughed and blushed.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome." I said. Shawn kept eyeing me up and down with a smile. He was wearing a blueish/grayish suit and he looked so handsome and so amazing.

"Thank you. Oh my gosh babe you look amazing." Shawn said. I smiled.

"Wow, you really like this dress, don't you?" I asked. Shawn nodded as his caramel eyes finally met mine.

"Fuck yeah. Oh my gosh I love it." Shawn said.

"Thank you. I like it a lot too." I said. Shawn smiled at me and then leaned in for a kiss. He put his lips on mine and I felt my heart race as if I had just run a marathon, I felt butterflies erupt and fly around in my tummy, and I felt sparks shoot through my body like fireworks. Shawn pulled away when he heard his manager calling for us.

"Y/n? Shawn? Are you two lovebirds ready to go?" Andrew called out. Shawn and I blushed and nodded. I put on my heels and we got in the car. Shawn helped me in first due to my dress and I thanked him. Soon, we were on the red carpet, and then we were being interviewed.

"Shawn, you have brought your lovely fiancé Y/n tonight. How are you guys feeling?" The interviewer asked.

"Good. I'm excited to be here." I said.

"I have to say, ever since I first saw her in this dress a little bit ago, I just, can we just talk about how gorgeous she looks?" Shawn asked. I blushed and smiled.

"She does look magnificent." The interviewer said.

"She does, doesn't she? I'm at a loss for words to be honest with you. She's just so gorgeous. But then again, she's always gorgeous." Shawn said while his arm was wrapped around my shoulders. I smiled.

"Awww. Y/n, how does it feel to have a man that hypes you up like this?" The interviewer asked.

"Very good! Shawn's absolutely amazing. I've had exes tell me to my face that I'm not pretty or gorgeous or whatever, and when I first told Shawn about that he asked if they were crazy. So, after hearing that stuff from past boyfriends, it's amazing to finally find a guy who truly thinks this wonderful stuff about me." I said. Shawn kissed the side of my head.

"I don't think this wonderful stuff about you, I know this wonderful stuff about you. Your exes are crazy if they didn't think that you're the most beautiful girl in the world." Shawn said, and I smiled at him and he smiled back.

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