76. Rose Throws A Party

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My husband is the singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes, and him and I decided to go away for the weekend. We have three kids, Rose's who's nineteen, Jake who's seventeen, and Sarah, who's fifteen. Shawn and I were having fun on little vacation, but we missed the kids and decided to go home early.

Rose's point of view

"Rose, I don't want to do this." Sarah, my little sister said. I sighed.

"Well Jake and I are going to throw this party. Just stay in your room." I said.

"And remember, Mom and Dad can never know." Jake said. Sarah sighed and walked away. Soon, guests started coming in. I just finished my first year at college, so I have an even bigger group of friends now. People that Jake knows from school started arriving, and then people I knew from high school, and then some people from my college. Soon, the place was packed.

"Hey, I brought some beer, is that okay?" One of my friends asked. I nodded. I had partied while I was away at school, and as long as the cops didn't show up and my parents didn't come home, Jake and I were golden. I'll be honest, Jake and I got a bit drunk, but we were having so much fun. The music was blaring and we were all singing and dancing. A boy from my college that's really cute came up to me.

"Hey Rose." He said. I smiled.

"Hey George." I said.

"It's a bit loud out here. Should we go on the back deck and talk?" He asked. I nodded and we went on the deck. He had to hold my arm because I was a bit wobbly.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"How beautiful you are." He said, and I blushed.

"Well thank you. You're very handsome." I said. He smiled.

"Thanks. You know, I've had a crush on you since freshman orientation." He said.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded and got closer to me.

"Yup." He said, and soon his lips were on mine, and we were kissing. The makeout session became heated. I was drunk out of my mind, and wasn't thinking straight when I pulled him inside.

"Where are you guys going?" Jake asked when he spotted me.

"Upstairs." I said with a smirk, and Jake's eyes widened.

Shawn's point of view

Y/n and I pulled onto our street. Cars were lined up.

"Well someone's throwing a party." I said. Y/n nodded.

"Yeah, definitely." She said. We then realized that the party was at our house.

"What the hell? I can't even park in the driveway." I asked and said.

"Oh my gosh." Y/n said. I parked on the other side of the street and we went inside. All of our kids were underage, but there was definitely drinking going on considering the fact that beer bottles were all over the place. I looked over at the living room.

"Woah, this is a cool picture." Some random drunk high school student said as he looked at a photo from Y/n and I's first dance. Before I could even process what was going on, the kid picked up the photo to look at it, and it slipped out of his hands and smashed on the floor. I went over to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I yelled because the music was so loud.

"I was just looking at the picture dude." He said.

"Don't dude me when you're in my house and I don't even know who you are. This is a picture from mine and my wife's wedding day, so it's a very special picture, and the frame for it just smashed because you dropped it. You need to leave." I said.

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